Tree Test, know where and why users get lost – | Blog

The is a Usability test to evaluate the possibility of finding topics or content on a website. Thanks to this technique, we will be able to know where and why users get lost within a website.

A tree jack testhelps eliminate guesswork and proves whether the structure is valid before entering the .

Thanks to this type of test we can make sure:

  • If the content hierarchy within the site is well structured.
  • If the labeling or name of the links are appropriate.
  • If users can find what they are looking for.

Steps to perform a Tree Test with Optimal Workshop

perform a Tree test with Optimal Workshop is really easy. Comparing it with the traditional system, it helps to save a lot of time both in the preparation and in the subsequent analysis.

It makes it easy to get quantitative data with remote user tests and without moderation. It throws a lot of data to reinforce the qualitative results.

1. Enter the navigation tree

The navigation tree is the structure of the website, the information architecture. Sometimes it is easier to understand it as the sitemap.

2. Define the tasks

To check whether users are able to find what they were looking for on the web, it is necessary to define common tasks. It is important that the names of the links or any type of complementary help are not included in the narratives.

3. Find participants

This tool provides a test link that can be emailed to users and customers, posted on a website, or launched via social media.

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Analysis of the data that Optimal Workshop gives us

Users participating in the test must complete from their own computer remotely and without moderation. They will be asked to click on the link in the navigation menu where they would find the content they are asked to locate in the corresponding task using defined.

Breakdown by task

The statistics for each task show how many participating users found the correct answer, the path they took to reach the chosen answer, and how long it took them to do so.

Detailed analysis of the route

The detailed path analysis tool shows where test participants went at each junction and where they all selected their final answers.

destination table

The target table provides a quick overview of the navigation tree, highlighting correct answers and problem areas where quiz participants found the answer incorrectly.

This tool allows us to usability testing for free with certain limitations. If you want more advanced options you have to pass the subscription plan.


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