UX Check, extension for Heuristic Analysis in Chrome – | Blog

“Heuristic evaluation involves a small group of evaluators examining the interface and judging its compliance with recognized usability principles (the heuristics).” Jacob Nielsen.

Before launching to install this tool in our Chrome browser, it is advisable to know what a , how and when it should be done.

What is the UX Check Chrome Extension

UX Check is a Chrome extension that will help us when carrying out our heuristic analysis. It is a complement, not a substitute.

This tool perfectly complements a heuristic evaluation to identify usability problems without the participation of users.

UX Check is a Chrome browser extension that makes it easy to perform heuristic evaluation.

How UX Check works

When we have the website loaded to perform the test, if we activate the extension It will allow us to add notes, comments and recommendations in the parts or components of the page that we are viewing. that are critical to the user.

When we have finished the evaluation, the tool allows us to compile everything into an HTML document, generating the necessary screenshots along with the comments. It also allows you to export it in a DOCX or Word document and other formats.

As mentioned a little above, UX Check does not replace heuristic evaluation. Rather, the tool complements it since instead of having to describe where the element or component referred to in the report is after the , it includes the screenshot of the page with the element in question highlighted and with the comments .


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