The range of gazpachos and salmorejos from Belén Esteban has been one of the stars of the season for this recipe. Thus, not only , but the television collaborator is expanding . However, the latest analysis by the Organization of Consumers and Users has placed this gazpacho among the worst rated.
He has evaluated the recipe of the Sabores de la Esteban brand with 63 points out of 100, a note that places it in the lower middle part of a list that adds up to 41 references. This poor grade, despite the good reception, is in line with the OCU’s position regarding fresh gazpachos and salmorejos.
Specifically, the body collects in a press release the increase in the supply of fresh gazpachos, those that do not undergo any type of heat treatment, such as pasteurization. However, assume that they are not necessarily tastier or more nutritious. Of course, it highlights that they are on average 20% more expensive and are usually distinguished by being marketed in a pet plastic container, compared to the traditional brick.
Thus, the OCU analysis positioned the Santa Teresa Raf tomato version as the best of the 41 references analyzed. A premium option that is offset by the brands that appear in the following positions: the list is continued by own-brand gazpachos from Aldi, Lidl, Salvamás and Dia, all of them from brick.