A cell in Excel is an intersection between a row and a columnwhich allow the user to easily add any data to use, whether digits, codes, text, among others.
They are identified with the column letter and row number to which they belong. Taking this into account, below We will explain everything about the cells to you.
What are cell ranges
The ranges correspond to rectangular blocks made up of cells, and may include one or more. When they are selected, Excel will manipulate them as a single unit when performing a particular operation.
They are identified with numbers and letters, being necessary to use the first square in the upper left corner and, after two points, the last one in the lower right corner. An example of this is A1:D13.
Difference between cell and range
A cell corresponds to a single box in a worksheet, the product of the union between a column and a row. For its part, a range is a component that is formed through the selection of a group of cells.
How are they immobilized?
When using a lot of information in this program, there is the alternative of immobilizing a cell when applying panels, via tab “View”. In this way, it is possible to set a column or row individually.
How to place or remove borders
There is the option to place, modify or remove the borders of a cell, by choosing the box of your preference or selecting a range with the help of the mouse. This, to later enter the “Home” section, locate yourself in the cluster “Fountain” and press “Edge”, in order to choose between various types of lines.
How to hide them
To carry out this action, it is essential to choose the set of boxes to hide, right click, press “Cell format” and access the section “Protect”. Once done, it is recommended to block them for greater security so that other users will not be able to observe the formulas or mathematical operations used in the document.
How to freeze rows
There is a command to freeze more than one row, being necessary go to the top of the sheet and select the “View” tab, which has a special command to freeze panels.
How to immobilize columns
It is possible to freeze a column, as long as the user is located on the left side of the sheet. So, if you position yourself in the center of it, this action will not be carried out. Once this point is clear, a component of this type can be frozen when accessing “View”.
Why is it not possible to place a column or row
When it is not possible to insert an element of this class, it may be because the document was stored as “Only reading”, the worksheet is protected or Excel does not allow adding new rows and columns. So, to solve it, it will be essential to request a protection key or delete all its content.
How to change the size of a column and row
It should be considered that the cells have a width of 10.71 (80 pixels), while their height reaches 15.00 (20 pixels). To change the size of these aspects, just access the tab “Start” and press “Format”.
How to place or remove a row or column
If you need to add a new row or column, you must give click “Start”, locate the group “Cells” and press “Insert”. Otherwise, to delete an element of this class, you must select the sets, go to “Home” and choose “Delete”.
How to disable the feature
Sometimes Microsoft Excel may not allow inserting or deleting columns, rows, and cells, which tends to be blocked for security. To solve this problem, just access the section “Review” and press “Protect sheet”.
It should be noted that, in the 2003 version of said program, you must run the “Tools” section, press “Protect” and choose “Protect sheet.”
In general, cells stand out as being a very important element when using Microsoft Excel.