surely on more than one occasion you will have seen or heard the term trading desk. No doubt this is because it plays an essential role in the sales process. We know that they are important and that they are related to programmatic advertising, but what exactly do they do? What role do they play in the programmatic buying process? What tools do they use? In the following paragraphs we clarify these and other doubts about one of the star players of programmatic buying.
The role of the trading desk in programmatic buying
As IAB shows us in this graph, the programmatic buying ecosystem has two main actors: companies or advertisers (buyers) and media or publishers (sellers).
On the business side is where we find the trading desks. These are the teams that using the platforms DSP’s (Demand Side Platform) acquire advertising space in an optimized way through ad exchanges (where the programmatic purchase and sale is carried out).
If you remember, as we explained in , DSPs are the technologies used by advertisers to buy inventory through ad exchanges. For example, MediaMath or Google’s Bid manager.
Media and advertising networks (agencies that carry a number of media) use the SSPs (Supply Side Platform) to, among other things, sell your inventory on the ad exchange.
Trading desk: keys for its use in programmatic
What do trading desks do?
As we have mentioned before, the trading desks are on the side of the advertisers. Companies can work with these directly or through an agency that has them. Shall we give you an example? ONiUP, Amnet, Affiperf or .
Briefly we could say that trading desks help companies to maximize the results of the programmatic buying campaign. But what exactly do they do? According to , Display Manager of, “The main tasks of these are to manage the budget and carry out the optimizations of an advertiser in the programmatic environment”. The combination of the human and technical team (DSPs) in these functions allows the professionalization of programmatic purchasing.
The future of the trading desk in programmatic buying
The , it has evolved by leaps and bounds. In such a way that it is already present beyond traditional digital devices such as TV and outdoor advertising. In the coming years, programmatic advertising will be further developed both online and offline, and trading desks will play an essential role in the process.
What do you need to set up your Trading Desk team
If you want to establish your own independent trading desk, you have to keep these two fundamental requirements in mind:
1.Have licenses for several DSPs (Demand Side Platform)
DSPs can be defined as the technology used by trading desks to carry out the purchase of advertising space through ad exchanges. There are several options to choose from, and among the best known we have Doubleclick, Mediamath or AppNexus. These are used by the advertisers, since the media (media or publishers) work through the SSPs (Supply Side Platform) as
On the other hand, if you are already part of an agency or plan to do so, consider specializing in this field. As Sabela tells us, the most normal thing when starting out in this world is do it through one. This is because DSPs require a significant investment. In addition, it is a good way to gain knowledge and experience in programmatic buying.
2. Have a team trained in programmatic buying
It seems easy, but we have to keep in mind that like programmatic advertising, the demand for trading desks is growing and It still doesn’t have too many professionals.
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