What is ”ghosting” and how it is quite likely that it has been done to you at some time

The Internet and social networks have provided us with a series of tools that have given us the ability to be in constant communication with others all day long, regardless of where they or you are. However, this ease and constancy in relating can make everything the day talking goes to nothing.

In social networks, “ghosting” is an Anglo-Saxon term derived from the word “ghost” (ghost in Spanish) that refers to the action carried out by someone to cut off all types of communication with another person or in other words the action of disappear without warning, without giving explanations and from one day to the next from a person’s life.

This term has become increasingly popular in recent years, and the fact is that the ease that social networks have given us to communicate with others 24 hours a day, also has other negative effects that have led to more and more people do and in turn become victims of ghosting.

Ghosting can be harmful

Nobody likes to lose a person with whom they had a relationship, whether it was love or friendship, going from everything to nothing is a very hard process, and sadly increasingly common. In 2018, a study carried out by the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 1 in 5 people had suffered “ghosting” at some time, and without a doubt in these years the number will have increased.

This action usually has negative effects on the person who suffers it, since the rejection shown can affect self-esteem and makes this person question what they have done wrong, when it is really the person who does the “ghosting” who is the real culprit, he is unable to talk things out and decides to avoid things on the fast track.

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How do I know if I’m being “ghosted”?

The clues are quite clear, the other person stops answering your messages, your calls, stops following you on social networks or stops relating to you the way they did before. At first it may seem that something has happened to him, because nobody can explain why someone disappears from one day to the next, but if after a few days you have completely lost track of the other person, it is quite likely that he has taken the cowardly way to leave. to take with you.

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