Who is behind Hacendado’s sunflower oil, the most sought-after product these days in Mercadona

If a more than remarkable effect on the daily life of the Spanish consumer has had the war that has been going on for more than three weeks, this is the concern about the stock of sunflower oil. Due to the fact that 60% of the imports to make this product come from Ukrainian soil, it is in Mercadona where the most problems have arisen with the lack of bottles on many shelves, which the Valencian chain has applied to its few shipments.

The last days in retail have left the complaints carried out by different institutions for the prohibition to their clients to buy a certain number of bottles of sunflower oil. Explained as a measure to curb the fever for this product, from the chain directed by Juan Roig, in addition to even touching the limits of the abusive.

Despite this, sunflower oil continues to be one of the most sought-after items these days in Mercadona, where the company’s white label predominates. Cataloged by Hacendado, like the chain’s immense variety of private label products, the complexity these days of getting hold of a bottle is such that in Mercadona’s online store there is only the possibility of acquiring the 5-liter bottle.

This is Mercadona’s sunflower oil

Refined to 0.2 degrees, this product is sold these days at 12.40 euros (2.48 euros per liter), to be one of the products that has risen the most since the harshest part of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia was unleashed. .

Ideal for frying, which is why sunflower oil continues to lead sales over extra virgin olive oil (despite the fact that in this Spain it is the world leader in production), on Mercadona’s carafe, the company reports that it has a value energy of 822 kilocalories per 100 milliliters and 91.3 grams of fat, of which 91.1 are saturated.

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Who is behind Mercadona’s sunflower oil

With regard to its production, this Hacendado brand sunflower oil is noted by One of the companies with the longest oil tradition in Spain, it has three generations to its credit, specializing in olive oil but also in sunflower that is made for different firms in addition to Mercadona.

Based in Daimiel (Ciudad Real), where Faiges derived its factory in 2006 (), it is from this 30,000 square meter plant that the oil is manufactured and distributed to all the Mercadona supermarkets in Spain. In addition, the company also has other vegetable oils such as seeds, grape seed or all olive derivatives.

With regard to his direct influence on the conflict in Ukraine and Russia, F. Faiges has shown in recent days his concern about how the conflict is progressing due to his production on Ukrainian soil. Almost 1,000 kilos that the company itself and its employees have allocated as aid, including pharmaceutical products, baby food, prepared food, clothing or even 350 liters of extra virgin olive oil.

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