Why does my skin need collagen supplements after 30?

Collagen is an abundant protein, mainly in the skin and bones, and is responsible for the support of skin tissues. In the case of the skin, collagen provides elasticity and firmness and is therefore essential for its youth. From the age of 30, approximately, its production decreases. The consequences are the first wrinkles and symptoms of sagging.

The pharmacist Rocío Escalante, an expert in dermopharmacy and owner of Arbosana Farmacia, explains the benefits of taking supplements to deal with the lack of collagen, as well as of leading a healthy life. And it is that, although from the age of 30 the decrease in collagen production is natural, there are other factors that can also favor its destruction, such as excess sun, tobacco, alcohol, lack of rest or sugars . Thus, the expert indicates that “collagen improves the quality of the skin and helps us delay aging, it is also good for joints, bones, hair and nails.”

Do collagen supplements work?

To deal with this loss of collagen that, naturally, is no longer possible to recover, an external contribution can be made through supplements. “Although collagen is present in some foods (fish skin and bones, jellies, cartilage from meat), these are not usually part of our diet, and for that reason we recommend taking collagen from the age of 30, approximately,” he explains. the pharmacist Rocío Escalante.

But the expert warns that “taking collagen supplements helps as long as they are combined with a healthy lifestyle: a balanced and varied diet, avoiding tobacco and alcohol, resting enough hours each day, doing some physical activity on a daily basis (although walking), and taking care of the skin: cleansing, moisturizing and sun protection, essential. Supplements are useful if used as a set, otherwise it is difficult to see their benefits. Also, keep in mind that the effects do not they are seen in the short term. Collagen supplements are usually combined with other active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid or , etc. also interesting for skin care”.

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Is collagen used topically or orally more effective?

“Ideally, it would be a combination of both, without forgetting a healthy lifestyle. It has been shown that our skin is a reflection of our state of mind and our life, and that is why there is a growing consensus to advise 360º treatments: a good base that would be our lifestyle and diet, cosmetics and food supplements that help us from within, where topical products do not reach”, explains Rocío Escalante.

Which collagen to choose?

There is a wide variety of collagen products and supplements on the market, and to choose the most suitable, the pharmacist recommends “let yourself be advised by an expert who knows the formulation of these products well. It is important to assess the condition of the skin and the habits to find the most comfortable and effective formula. It is worth getting expert advice when it comes to choosing a product that helps you take care of the health and beauty of your skin”.

Regarding the types of collagen, according to the expert “hydrolyzed collagen is the form that our body can absorb better. When choosing the format, it is convenient to take into account personal tastes and look at the formula to know the concentration of ingredients. Collagen is usually mixed with other ingredients that are also important for the skin. Collagen powder or drink can include a greater number of ingredients than formulas in tablets. In the case of powdered collagen, it can be mixed with juices, soups, tea… Something to appreciate too.”

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