The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines against Covid-19 are starring in the current vaccination campaign because they are the only ones authorized for those under 30 years of age. A population group that can report more side effects than older groups and, above all, after the second dose.
The informative portal Voces Expertas, belonging to the Government of Spain, has echoed an article by the Sinc Agency that shows that side effects are usually more frequent after the second dose. The reason is that after administering the last injection, the body has already been in contact with the virus antigen contained in the vaccine and, therefore, may react somewhat more strongly than the first time.
“The response generated by the body is a kind of memory of the first. For this reason, greater immunity is also achieved,” says César Hernández, head of the department of medicines for human use at the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS). ).
In this sense, Matihie Molimard, head of the department of pharmacology at Bordeaux University Hospital, explained to France Inter that when the second dose is administered, the body’s memory cells start up and “the entire defense system tries to fight against to that vaccine,” hence the reactions to the injection.
Pfizer Vaccine Side Effects
1. The most frequent and common. The seventh pharmacovigilance report of the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS) revealed the following adverse reactions: feverish state (37%), headache (27%), muscle pain (2o%), pain in the vaccination (14%), malaise (12%), nausea (8%), arthralgia (8%), chills (8%), fatigue (8%), lymphadenopathy (7%).
2. New or suspected side effects: during the application of the Pfizer vaccine in the general population, new side effects have been detected, some are already listed in the vaccine package insert and others are suspected:
– Skin rash and pruritus: Pfizer’s vaccine information sheet and package insert already contain skin rash and pruritus (skin itching), as uncommon adverse reactions (occurring in less than 1 in 100 people). For their part, urticaria (raised, red, itchy skin rash) and angioedema (rapid swelling under the skin) have been updated as adverse reactions that occur rarely (in less than 1 in 1,000 people).
– Localized swelling with Pfizer in people who have previously received injections of dermal fillers in the face: the EMA has also concluded that this effect may be related to the vaccine, so it will be included as a possible adverse reaction in the data sheet and the prospect.
– Myocarditis and pericarditis: The EMA has concluded that myocarditis and/or pericarditis may very rarely occur after administration of BioNTech/Pfizer vaccines.
– Other symptoms that are under study: herpes zoster, asthenia, lethargy or nocturnal hyperhidrosis.
Moderna Vaccine Side Effects
1. The most common side effects. The seventh AEMPS pharmacovigilance report revealed the following: feverish state (50%), headache (30%), muscle aches (25%), pain in the vaccination area (19%), chills (11%) , malaise (13%), nausea (9%), arthralgia (8%), asthenia (6%).
2. New or suspected side effects. The latest AEMPS report also reveals a series of new adverse reactions such as: diarrhea and immune thrombocytopenia, which produces bruising and bleeding. Another side effect, which is also included in the latest update of the Spanish vaccination strategy, is a series of late skin reactions near the injection site that occur about 7 days (between 2 and 12 days) after receiving the vaccine. Likewise, the EMA has also collected myocarditis and pericarditis.