With this app you can recognize songs by humming

With the app which we are talking about today, you will be able to recognize songs humming or singingwithout the song needing to be playing.

The best application to recognize songs, without a doubt, is Shazam. This app has been present in iOS for a long time and finally, it was implementing it, almost completely, in the operating system of our iphone.

But, despite being the best in its field both for its functionality and its design, it fails in one point. He is not able to recognize hummed music. It is only able to recognize it when it is being played. But thanks to an alternative application to Shazamif we can recognize music just by humming.

Recognizing songs by humming is very simple thanks to SoundHound

The application is SoundHound and surely to many of you it will sound like one of the alternatives to Shazam. Its operation is very similar to Shazam in almost all aspects that this application presents.

When entering the application we will see, directly, the icon that allows us to recognize songs. Whether the app It is playing as if we want to hum it we will have to click on the icon and then start humming or singing the song.

After a while, if app detects that we are singing or humming, it will show us a warning so that we press the button with the icon again. In this way, the app It will stop listening and start analyzing the song.

If it finds it, it will show us its title on the screen. But not only that, but also the lyrics and relevant information of the song. It is that easy to recognize songs that are hummed, sung or intoned thanks to this app.

To recognize songs on a regular basis, you may need to Shazam be a better option, even more so taking into account its interaction with all the devices of Manzana. but of course SoundHound It is a very good option to take into account, especially to recognize the songs by humming.

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