{"id":7663,"date":"2022-10-19T21:27:55","date_gmt":"2022-10-20T04:27:55","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/wingdingstranslator.com\/4-ways-to-use-autofill-in-google-chrome-%f0%9f%a5%87%e3%80%90%e3%80%91\/"},"modified":"2022-10-19T21:27:55","modified_gmt":"2022-10-20T04:27:55","slug":"4-ways-to-use-autofill-in-google-chrome-%f0%9f%a5%87%e3%80%90%e3%80%91","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/wingdingstranslator.com\/4-ways-to-use-autofill-in-google-chrome-%f0%9f%a5%87%e3%80%90%e3%80%91\/","title":{"rendered":"4 Ways to Use AutoFill in Google Chrome \ud83e\udd47\u3010\u3011"},"content":{"rendered":"

Filling in details like passwords, addresses, emails, payment information and more can be time consuming when browsing the web. This is where autocomplete comes to the rescue. All your data can be saved and pasted with a single click when needed. Chrome comes with a built-in autocomplete along with other options like extensions. Let’s look at 4 ways to use AutoComplete in en <\/p>\n

Enable and use AutoComplete in Chrome<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\n

In Google Chrome, you can use the built-in autofill feature, which works on both phone and PC. In addition, you can also use Microsoft Autofill, password managers, and dedicated autofill extensions. keep reading<\/p>\n

4 Ways to Use AutoComplete in Google Chrome<\/p>\n

Method 1: built-in autofill option<\/span><\/h3>\n

Google Chrome integrates a way to enable autocomplete within the native settings. With this setup, you can store passwords, addresses, and payment methods. Here is a step-by-step procedure to configure and enable autocomplete in Google Chrome.<\/p>\n

In ChromeDesktop<\/strong> (Mac, Windows)<\/span><\/h4>\n

Step 1:<\/strong> Click on the three-dot menu icon in the top right corner of the screen. Click on Setting.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 2:<\/strong> click on Autocomplete.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 3:<\/strong> As mentioned above, Google Chrome provides autofill for three different fields: passwords, addresses, and payments. let’s explore first the passwords.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 4:<\/strong> now you will be shown the list of saved passwords, as you initiated it when Google Chrome asks to save passwords.<\/p>\n

Step 5:<\/strong> you can also edit, delete or copy the password. Click on the three points<\/strong> next to the password and you will find options for it<\/p>\n

Step 6:<\/strong> To enable autofill of checkout fields in Chrome, click Payment methods<\/strong> in the main AutoComplete menu (see Step 3).<\/p>\n

Step 7:<\/strong> If you want to add a payment method, click Add.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 8:<\/strong> Fill in all the details and click Save.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 9:<\/strong> To enable address autofill in Chrome, from the AutoComplete main menu, click directions and more<\/strong> (see Step 3).<\/p>\n

Step 10:<\/strong> To add a new address, click Add.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 11:<\/strong> Fill in all the fields of your address and click Save.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 12:<\/strong> The next time you try to fill in your login, payment, or address fields in Chrome, you’ll be prompted to autofill. Click on the appropriate option and your fields will be effectively auto-completed.<\/p>\n

In chrome mobile<\/strong> (Android-iOS)<\/span><\/h4>\n

This is how you can use autofill in Chrome Mobile.<\/p>\n

Step 1:<\/strong> open chrome settings<\/strong> .<\/p>\n

Step 2:<\/strong> you will find the autofill options for Passwords, Payments and Addresses.<\/p>\n

Step 3:<\/strong> in the section passwords<\/strong> you can see all the passwords that have been saved.<\/p>\n

Step 4:<\/strong> to manage a password, you can click on the password and find ways to edit and copy<\/strong> these passwords.<\/p>\n

Step 5:<\/strong> Similarly, you can add your address and payment information to autofill in the section Payment methods<\/strong> Y directions and more<\/strong><\/p>\n

IT MAY INTEREST YOU: <\/strong><\/p>\n

Method 2: Microsoft AutoFill in Chrome<\/span><\/h3>\n

Microsoft has a well-built extension that helps you enable autocomplete in Google Chrome. While it works similarly to Google’s built-in settings, you can autofill with data saved to your Microsoft account in Google Chrome.<\/p>\n

This can be useful for Edge users who want to autofill their data in Chrome without importing or transferring data between browsers. Here’s how to use Microsoft’s autocomplete extension in Google Chrome:<\/p>\n

Step 1:<\/strong> Visit the page of <\/strong>. Click on Add to Chrome -> Add extension.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 2:<\/strong> Click on the extension menu at the top right corner of the screen. Select Microsoft AutoComplete.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 3:<\/strong> Click on Sign in with Microsoft.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 4:<\/strong> enter your Microsoft account. Click on Following.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 5:<\/strong> you will be prompted to sign in with your Windows credentials. Select your preferred method and enter your details.<\/p>\n

Step 6:<\/strong> Again, click on the extension menu at the top right corner of the screen > Microsoft AutoComplete.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 7:<\/strong> the extension primarily allows you to automatically fill in three different fields: passwords<\/strong> , Methods of <\/strong>payment<\/strong> Y Addresses<\/strong> .<\/strong><\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 8:<\/strong> in the section Manage passwords<\/strong> you will be shown the list of all saved passwords linked to your Microsoft account. <\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 9:<\/strong> To manage a password, click the three dot icon<\/strong> next to the password. You can now copy, edit or delete<\/strong> the password.<\/p>\n

Step 10:<\/strong> in the section Manage payment information<\/strong> (see step 7), you can add your card information for faster payment. Click on Add card.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 11:<\/strong> Add your payment information and click Save.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 12:<\/strong> in the section Manage addresses<\/strong> (see step 7), <\/strong>you can save your addresses. Click on Add Address.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 13:<\/strong> Fill in the details and click Save.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 14:<\/strong> the next time you try to fill in any details on a website, the extension will prompt you with an autocomplete prompt and you can select the appropriate option for it.<\/p>\n

IT MAY INTEREST YOU: <\/strong><\/p>\n

Method 3- Extension Bitwarden<\/strong><\/span><\/h3>\n

The Bitwarden extension is one of my favorite extensions to enable autocomplete in Google Chrome. Once you fill in the details in the extension, the extension will allow you to automatically fill in all the relevant options on any website. The extension’s interface is also very easy to use and appears to be well-organized.<\/p>\n

Step 1:<\/strong> I visited the . <\/strong>Click on Add to Chrome -> Add extension.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 2:<\/strong> Click on the extensions menu in the top right corner of the screen. Select Bitwarden.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 3:<\/strong> Click on Create Account. <\/strong>This will help you create an account for Bitwarden.<\/p>\n

Step 4:<\/strong> Sign in with your newly created credentials.<\/p>\n

Step 5:<\/strong> After logging in, you will be taken to the section my vault<\/strong> . Click on the icon “+”<\/strong> .<\/p>\n

Step 6:<\/strong> you’ll be introduced to the different ways the extension can help you autocomplete.<\/p>\n

Step 7:<\/strong> Click on Log in. <\/strong>In this option, you can save your login details.<\/p>\n

Step 8:<\/strong> fill in all your login details for a particular website, click Save.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 9:<\/strong> When you try to visit the site you saved the login information for, click the extensions menu in the top right corner and click Bitwarden.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 10:<\/strong> It will provide you with the relevant login information. Select the same.<\/p>\n

Step 11:<\/strong> it will now automatically fill in the fields and successfully launch you into the website.<\/p>\n

Step 12:<\/strong> A notable feature of this extension is the ability to save identity information. In the section my vault<\/strong> (see Step 6), click Identity.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 13:<\/strong> Fill in all your details and click Save.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 14:<\/strong> Now, visit a site where you need to fill in all your details.<\/p>\n

Step 15:<\/strong> Open the extensions menu and touch Bitwarden.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 16:<\/strong> It will automatically show you the relevant option for autocomplete: select the option.<\/p>\n

Step 17:<\/strong> All of your fields, including those that don’t include text, will be automatically filled in with great accuracy.<\/p>\n

IT MAY INTEREST YOU: <\/strong><\/p>\n

Method 4- Autofill forms with Chrome Extension<\/span><\/h3>\n

In the previous methods, we dealt with autocomplete details that were mostly personal information, but we also often encountered simple forms that required basic and trivial details. With the AutoFill extension, you can quickly autofill forms and fields that can be quite repetitive in use.<\/p>\n

Here you can enable autofill in Google Chrome while filling these forms:<\/p>\n

Step 1:<\/strong> I visited the <\/strong> . Click on Add to Chrome -> Add extension.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 2:<\/strong> Open any form you need to fill in the details for and fill in the necessary information.<\/p>\n

Step 3: Right click on<\/strong> any part of the screen. Click on Autocomplete -> Add rules for this page.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 4:<\/strong> now you will be provided with an extension toolbar. Click the dropdown next to Choose a profile.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 5:<\/strong> add a relevant name to the profile and click To accept.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 6:<\/strong> Click on Generate autocomplete rules.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 7:<\/strong> The next time you open the same form to fill it out a second time, right click on<\/strong> any part of the screen. Click on Autocomplete -> Run Profile.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 8:<\/strong> click on the name of your profile<\/strong> (Basic details in our case).<\/p>\n

Step 9:<\/strong> now, all your data will be filled in automatically.<\/p>\n

Step 10:<\/strong> Remember that the extension fills this data for the same form. To enable autofill for similar forms everywhere, click the Extensions menu ><\/strong> touch the three dot icon<\/strong> next to autocomplete ><\/strong> Click on Options.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Step 11:<\/strong> on the toolbar in the bottom section, click the dropdown menu shown in the image. Click on the saved profile name<\/strong> (Basic details in our case).<\/p>\n

Step 12:<\/strong> select the URL displayed on the toolbar and delete it by clicking the key Recoil<\/strong> . You are now ensuring that this profile is used to autocomplete not only on the website corresponding to the URL, but you can also attempt to autocomplete on other similar forms.<\/p>\n

Please note that this extension works fine only on specific Chrome builds, and we faced many bugs in it. While this is an interesting extension, we hope there will be timely updates to fix the issue.<\/p>\n

IT MAY INTEREST YOU: <\/strong><\/p>\n

Opinion on 4 Ways to Use AutoComplete in Google Chrome<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\n

Autocomplete features in web browsers add a significant amount of convenience when filling in details online. We hope this article helped you to enable and use autocomplete in Google Chrome. In addition to these 4 ways to use AutoFill in Google Chrome, stay tuned for more articles on similar features.<\/p>\n

In addition to knowing 4 Ways to Use AutoComplete in Google Chrome<\/strong>below you can see more related topics of <\/strong> related to this article:<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

Filling in details like passwords, addresses, emails, payment information and more can be time consuming when browsing the web. This is where autocomplete comes to the rescue. All your data can be saved and pasted with a single click when needed. Chrome comes with a built-in autocomplete along with other options like extensions. Let’s look at 4 ways to use AutoComplete in en Enable and use AutoComplete in Chrome In Google Chrome, you can use the built-in autofill feature, which works on both phone and PC. In addition, you can also use Microsoft Autofill, password managers, and dedicated autofill extensions. <\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":2,"featured_media":0,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"categories":[120],"tags":[],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/wingdingstranslator.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/7663"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/wingdingstranslator.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/wingdingstranslator.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/wingdingstranslator.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/2"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/wingdingstranslator.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=7663"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"https:\/\/wingdingstranslator.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/7663\/revisions"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/wingdingstranslator.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=7663"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/wingdingstranslator.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=7663"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/wingdingstranslator.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=7663"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}