➤ How to Open JAR Files in Windows 10 | Tutorial 2023

JAR in Windows 10 is similar to how EXE files are opened, except they need a Java framework to run them. in fact, you can double click to start the program. On the other hand, if you run an EXE file, you use support for the Windows 10 operating system.

In the same way, when you run a JAR fileyou need the help of ““Java Framework” to open it. On the other hand, When we say open JAR file, we are not opening the file as an “archive file”, but rather we are executing it. In this tutorial, I will teach you how as open JAR files in Windows 10 with a few simple steps.

What is a Jar file?

“JAR” are the acronyms of Java Archive. A JAR file contains image files, audio files, directories or class files in compressed versions. That means that in just one of these files there can be many other files. These JAR files are similar to a Although they both look familiar, they are different in their own way.

On the other hand, they perform different functions. JAR files aggregate many Java class files, their metadata, and resource files into a single record for distribution. These manifest files are also Java specific and are based on the ZIP format.

In other words, ZIP files are compression files and have archiving functions. JAR files essentially have a manifest that tells the JAR how to retain and contain information and are designed to run specifically on “Java RuntIme Environment”.

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Simply put, the Java runtime environment is software designed to run other programs, including JAR files.

Steps to run a JAR file in Windows 10

Since Java files cannot run on Windows on their own, you must install Java Framework or what is popularly called “Java”. That said, Java files may depend on a particular version of Java. That’s why, Below I show you the steps you must follow to open JAR files in Windows 10.

Step 1. Download and install Java Framework

To open JAR files in Windows 10, you need to install java on your system. Go to the Java download page and install it. The default will install only the latest version. Unless your JAR file needs a different version of Java.

Sometimes an older version of existing Java can cause a problem. Therefore, if you face such a problem, make sure you remove the old version first. Use the official tool “Java Remover” to get rid of it. Then install the latest version.

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Step 2. Set the system path for Java

Next you need to set the route “JAVA_HOME”. Make sure that any JAVA file you run can find the libraries needed by the program. You can also use the command line to echo the Java paths to find out if they are correct.

How to run JAR from command line?

You must use the java command to run a JAR file. For it, Open the command prompt and type: “java -jar .jar”.

Note: If you don’t have Java installed, you can fix it by installing the “default-jrepackage”.

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Step 3. Run a Java or JAR file

Now, double click on the JAR file, it should run automatically. As is, how EXE files are executed. If there is a problem with the version, the file should inform you.

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On the other hand, if you have a JAR file that is not running on its own, you can use “java JDK” to execute it. Open the command prompt and type: “java -jar name_of_jar_file.jar”. This will run the JAR file automatically.

Step 4. Set Java or JAR file association

The last step is to establish a file association with the Java runtime. To make sure that every time you run it, it doesn’t ask you to select a program so you can run it. Below we will teach you how to do this.

  1. Right click on the file and select the option “To open with”.
  2. Choose “Choose another application”.
  3. If the binary “Java(TM) Platform SE”is not in your list, scroll to and then click “More applications”.
  4. and then choose “Select computer application”.

You should see “Java (TM) Platform SE binary”in this context menu, but do not select it yet.

  1. Find the file that can run the Java or JAR file that is available in the path I suggested above.
  2. Make sure you check the box that says “Always use this program”.

Once this is done, all future JAR files will be automatically opened with the Java runtime library. At this point you should see the Java icon for all of these files.

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I hope these tips help you understand in the easiest and simplest way how to open or run a JAR file in Windows 10.

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