

Write in ALL CAPS to translate into W D Gaster's language. You can also paste Wingdings symbols directly into the Wingdings box. Best viewed on laptop or desktop.

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How to translate Wingdings?

Wingdings Translator is a free Wingdings decoder tool that enables you to translate sentences and text to and from Wingdings. To translate Wingdings text into normal text, copy and paste your Wingdings text into the Wingdings text box. To translate normal text into Wingdings, paste or write any text and see how it is automatically translated into Wingdings font on the second box.

See also: Full List of Wingdings Characters and Wingdings Keyboard Map

How to read Wingdings?

To read Wingdings, use the Wingdings Translator tool on this page as a Wingdings decoder, and instantly translate it to English/Plain text. The English to Wingdings Converter is free to use and always available online. 

See also: Wingdings Guide: How to Speak Wingdings

What is Wingdings

Before we had Unicode typefaces we couldn’t fit printers ornaments (aka small type-based designs that are used for everything from dot points, tick boxes, nicer quotes marks etc.) into a standard font file. Instead these symbols were relegated to their own font. Today, you’ll find most typefaces include a collection of useful ornaments inside the expansive editions of Unicode fonts.

In 1978, Hermann Zapf designed an ornament typeface titled Zapf-dingbats. Microsoft have a history of making their own typefaces and created Wingdings, from a collection of other typefaces in the Lucida family. The name is a play on Windows and Dingbats.

You can use Wingdings to write encoded messages and keep them secret. Learn more about the History of Wingdings