➤ What to Do If Skype Shuts Down on Itself – Causes and Solutions

The problem is that It crashes on startup right after you enter your username and password. In this case, Skype spontaneously closes for no apparent reason, while playing the sound of logging out of the account, and returns to the window for entering credentials.

If you are experiencing this problem that skype closes by itselfthen you just have to follow our steps to solve this problem and you can continue enjoying your application without annoying problems.

Problem: Skype closes itself after launch

Sometimes Skype, when turned on, does not crash immediately, but after a while, regardless of what you are doing. At the same time, all interface elements are in place, there is a connection to the network and, as they say, nothing bodes well.

That is, if, for example, your Skype crashes during a call or during a conversation, perhaps the reason is the same. But most of the time, Skype crashes immediately after five or ten seconds from startup.

Try on the account on two different computers, one was Windows XP on the other Windows 10, Skype crashes on both.

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On Windows 10, I installed the latest version of Skype from scratch on a freshly installed system in a virtual machine. When you first start the program, it works stably for about fifteen minutes, and then Skype constantly crashes after each attempt. .

I think Skype probably, upon login, checked to see if the Microsoft account was logged into the browser and if not, kicked the user out. Although this is just my assumption and I could be wrong.

What happens if Skype crashes?

In the browser, you just need to go to your Skype account and unlink the Microsoft account:

  • If the method did not work, you can try unlinking your account. in the same place, if it suddenly turns out that it is also linked. Maybe this can help too, but these are already my guesses.
  • You surely often come across the situation where Skype crashes at startup, immediately after entering the username and password.
  • The application closes spontaneously, plays the logout sound, and automatically returns to the home window with empty fields for adding data.
  • Sometimes the running time may be a little longer and the program will crash at the time of a call or other action. At the same time, all interface elements remain in place, there is an Internet connection, and there are no obvious reasons for an error.

What is the reason for the incorrect operation of the software?

Below we will try to fix this problem and find several ways to fix it. Why Skype crashes and how to fix it. If the previous method did not help and the problem persists, you should:

  1. Close the program (not just minimizing to tray, but completing the process via the “Exit” button).
  2. Open C:\\Users\ProfileName\AppData\Roaming\Skype\.
  3. Find and delete the shared.xml file.
  4. Restart the application.
  1. If you couldn’t find the specified file, turn on hidden folder display.
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In the event that both options do not help you, you can apply an emergency measure, which consists of completely eliminating the program and all its components, as well as the files associated with it.

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To do this, after the standard installation, open the Skype folder located along the above path and move it to the Trash.

If you wish, you can clean the registry from software “traces” using specialized utilities.

Download the latest version of the app and you will no longer experience Skype crashes on startup.

Of all the programs used for conferencing and voice communications, Skype is the most popular. Not only ordinary people, but also many companies forced to do so, can no longer do without this program.

Every year this software becomes more perfect, but users still face the fact that Skype crashes. It is easy to guess that when this problem arises, important agreements, meetings and negotiations are often interrupted.

If Skype is missing, to quickly repair the program, you must find the cause of the error and perform a series of actions.

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Inappropriate program version or weak computer

Many people are too conservative, so they rarely update the software on their computer. If the program does not work, it means that some old and outdated version is being used.

Also, on a stationary computer, you should only run the “Windows desktop” version. There are program options for tablets and smartphones, and they also differ in the type of operating system.

Before installing a new version. Very often, the usual removal procedure is not enough, so the newly installed Skype crashes and finds the files preserved from the previous version.

To prevent this from happening, before installation, you must:

  • go to the folder located at C:\\Users\Your account name\AppData\Roaming\,
  • delete Skype folder from there.
  • If you can’t find the folder, use search.
  • After all that, it should work fine now.
  • If any conflict arises again, you can download the registry cleaning utility before installing and delete all lines with the name Skype.

When installing the new version, do not forget about the system requirements. For voice calls and correspondence, you will need a 1 GHz processor and 256 MB of RAM.

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If your computer is weaker, search the archive for previous versions. But it is better to do a complete computer upgrade. Don’t forget that for video calls, the program requires at least a 1.8 GHz Core 2 Duo processor, 512 MB of RAM and an Internet connection at a speed of 512 kbps.

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With weaker computer characteristics, the program can also close very unexpectedly.

Bad software environment

If Skype unexpectedly disappeared after launch, you should go:

  • to the folder C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers
  • rename the system file amdfix.sys to amdfix.sys.old.
  • After a reboot, as a rule, the program begins to work stably.

DirectX is a necessary component for Skype to work. If Skype crashes, the software environment may not meet the requirements set by the developer.

Often the window is minimized without even giving an error with the code description. He claims that the program does not work without Framework Qt 4.6, D-Bus 1.0.0 and Pulse Audio 4.0 for Linux and DirectX 9.0 for Windows.

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For corporate versions of Windows, you must also download and install the Media Feature Pack. These are all official requirements. Users often write that the latest Skype developments do not go without the Flash Player update installed. After installing the update, Skype stops crashing, oddly enough.

If Skype suddenly disappeared right after startup, you should check if all the drivers are installed correctly. To do this:

  • Go to “My Computer” – “Device Manager” and see if there are red checkmarks and question marks in the list of installed computers.
  • If the drivers are installed, but the program still does not work, you need to update them to the latest version.
  • More attention should be paid to the video card, sound card and webcam.
  • Also, you can try to turn off the computer one by one and try to run the program without it. This will allow you to establish with which party the conflict arises.
  • The problem with the drivers can also be indicated by the “blue screen of death”, which appears after trying to call or go to the “Settings” section.
  • If during the conference the images of the interlocutors disappeared or the program freezes, you should look for a program on your computer to split the SplitCam video stream.
  • If so, you need to delete the IP camera folder in the root directory of the program.
  • The same should be done if Skype disappeared after changing the keyboard to a different input language.

Note: If a program freezes or slows down during download, it may be blocked by antivirus or firewall software. For you must add Skype to the exceptions list.

When installing Skype on a freshly installed version of Windows, where there are newer versions of drivers, there should be no conflicts. The program usually freezes due to old hardware or due to outdated software environment.

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Let’s take a look at the main reasons why Skype closes on its own, and discover ways to fix the problem.

One of the most common problems that causes Skype to close on its own is overloading the computer’s operating system. This leads to the fact that Skype does not respond when performing relatively resource-intensive actions, for example, it freezes when making a call.

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Sometimes the sound disappears during a conversation. The root of the problem may be one of two things:

  • your computer or operating system does not meet the minimum requirements for Skype to work,
  • a large number of processes are running that consume RAM.

In the first case, only the use of a newer technique or operating system can be recommended. If you can’t work with Skype, it means they are significantly outdated. All more or less modern computers, if configured correctly, work with Skype without problems.

But the second problem is not so difficult to solve. To know if processes are consuming RAM, you must:

  • Start Task Manager. This can be done by pressing the key combination “Ctrl + Shift + Esc”.
  • Go to the “Processes” tab and see which processes load the processor the most and consume the computer’s RAM.
  • If these are not system processes, and you are not currently using the programs associated with them,
  • just select the unnecessary item and click the “End Process” button. But, here it is very important to understand which process you are disconnecting and what it is responsible for. And senseless actions can only do harm.
  • Better yet, it eliminates unnecessary processes from autorun. In this case, you do not need to use Task Manager every time to disable processes to work with Skype.

The fact is that during installation, many programs are registered for autorun and are loaded in the background along with the startup of the operating system. This way they work in the background even when you don’t need them.

If there are one or two such programs, that’s fine, but if their number approaches ten, this is already a serious problem.

Closes when starting the program

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Very often, you can encounter a situation where Skype freezes at startup, which does not…

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