➤How Can We Cheat The GPS Locator

Advances in geolocation have made it possible to integrate into different components such as smartphones, vehicles and other devices the ability to be located in real time, which is beneficial in many aspects such as emergencies or other situations. However, there are times where for some reason or another we do not want to meet, so today we will show you how we can trick the gps locator.

GPS is the acronym in English for Global Positioning System and consists of a series of satellites to which an electronic device can be linked. and after triangulation between said satellites and your equipment, the exact location of the device can be known with extreme precision, with a margin of error that can be between approximately 5 and 10 percent.

How can we trick the GPS locator

The accuracy of a GPS locator depends largely on the number of satellites to which it is connected and that allow it to perform geospatial triangulation. Therefore, to deceive the GPS locator, one of the most important elements is to understand how these systems work in order to be able to deceive them.

GPS tracking essentially works when a device, whether it’s your car’s GPS or your smartphone, sends a signal to a series of satellites which return said signal which is captured by your device through a series of built-in antennas.

After that, depending on the amount of signals that these antennas can capture, the location process is carried out by set the distance between different satellites and your devicethe most vital point in this process being the reception capacity that the antennas may have.

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With this, the key point to be able to deceive the GPS locator is to avoid, by natural means or through some software, that said antennas can receive the corresponding signals and thus prevent us from being located, with the warning that geolocation is vital for many Sometimes, it can even save our lives, so you should only do this procedure for very specific moments and purposes, knowing the risks that this entails.

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Deceive a car’s GPS tracker

GPS for vehicles are the most widespread devices in commercial use since they represent an enormous advantage not only to know our location in real time, but also They also help us navigate safely by different routes from one destination to another.

In turn, said geolocation helps us get the best routes in terms of distance and time traveled, in addition to being able to share our location at all times with whoever we want, thus being an essential device for many vehicle owners.

However, if you want to deceive your vehicle’s GPS locator, you can do one in a relatively simple way, which we will explain below. .

  • First step. You must find the receiving antenna of your GPS device, it can often be found hidden or camouflaged in the body of the vehicle. Therefore, it is recommended to consult the person responsible for the installation of said locator.
  • Step Two. After locating the antenna, you must wrap it with a thin layer of aluminum foil common. The aluminum foil serves as an effective blocker of the signal with which the GPS works, so with this you can prevent it from communicating with the satellites that perform geolocation.
  • Pass Three. Finally, to fool your vehicle’s GPS locator, just dYou need to secure the aluminum foil to the antenna with some adhesive tape or some other material and with this you are assured that you will not be able to be located in any way.

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Cheat the GPS locator of an Android smartphone

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Another of the great uses that has been given to GPS locators is to incorporate them into the latest generation smartphones, which allow us not only to know our location at all times but are integrated into a series of vital functions for the operation of our system. equipment.

The GPS of our smartphone determines from the access we can have to certain applications or services that are offered depending on the location and region, personalizes the content offers of different apps that are based on our location to interact with us.

Even after the gambling phenomenon Pokemon Go, GPS location demonstrated its enormous potential to establish a more organic interaction between virtual reality and the real world, since the game integrated both worlds thanks to the advantages and potential of GPS.

Thus, despite its enormous advantages, many smartphone users have tried to trick the GPS locator both so that they cannot be located in any way and to simulate different locations than where you are physically and thus be able to enjoy to be able to use your devices or to access services that are blocked in your location.

In cheating on the GPS locator is relatively simple, since in the store You have a series of applications that are focused precisely on this.

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Fake GPS

This application is one of the popular and most used to trick the GPS locator of your Android device since its operation is very simple and allows you to establish any location you want natively and without major inconveniences.

After downloading it to the Play, you just have to follow these steps to be able to use it effectively.

  • Go to Settingsthen go to the option About of the phone and press five times on the option Build number so that you have access to the section Developer Options. There you must enter the device’s PIN number to fully access it.
  • Go to Developer Options, there choose Depuration and then enter the alternative Choose app for location.
  • After this, choose Fake GPS as default application.
  • Open the application and in this choose the location on the map what you want to simulate. Confirm the option.
  • From that moment on, your phone and the services that connect to it will assume the real location that you chose, so you must always be sure that you do not need to use the real location and make responsible and legal use of said location. application.
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Pros and cons of cheating GPS location


  • You can avoid tracking by various applications and thus have a higher level of security when using your device.
  • You can access content that isn’t available in your actual location without the hassle or inconvenience of using a VPN.
  • You can trick an intruder or malware that wants to attack and access your phone.


  • In an emergency, not being able to be located has the corresponding consequences for both your physical integrity and the safety of the team.
  • Some applications can detect that said location is fake, so you may be blocked and prevented from using it.
  • You can be blocked from some Google services if you cannot verify that the established location is real.

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