【 +1001 Android Easter Eggs 】 *Updated* List ▷ 2022

Easter Eggs are little surprises that hides for us, each version brings with it a totally different easter eggsome are just to decorate and others hide a minigame that will make us spend different times.

In this post we will show you the different easter eggs that we will find in each version of Android. Knowing the existence of this, you will surely want to know and see all the existing Easter Eggs. In the third section of this post, you will see all the existing ones and which one your Android has.

We also leave you here an excellent application that you can download since to get all easter eggs no matter what version you are currently using.

What is an “Easter Eggs” or Easter egg of the Android operating system and what is it for?

Things are not always what we usually see, because mostly they hide something, in this case we are talking about Easter eggs (in Spanish “Huevos”). These are hidden messages that many programmers hide in their great creationsin most cases they are humorous and their only function is to surprise users.

That term it began to be used after 1978 when Warren Robinett added a surprise that was hidden in his Atari Adventure video game, giving it that name since eggs with surprises are hidden on Easter and children eagerly search until they find them, and since the acts are similar, it received that name.

Warren Robinett did such an action because previously the names of the creators of the games they did not appear anywhere in the game, and by hiding this, he made himself known as the game’s programmer, hiding his name inside the game.

His fact was very funny because it consisted of a key that carried one of the mazes of the game, which, when finding the key, could be used to enter a large room where the Robinett’s name.

He was so cunning and so perfect that no one realized his name was encoded, and Atari inadvertently sent to the whole world of the video game, and they discovered it was a few months later, when different children of the world found it and began to comment on it.

Easter Eggs can not only be found in the , they can also be found in many other things, as is the case with the topic that we will discuss today. On Android we can find a long list of these eggs, and the best thing is that they can be really fun for us.

Is it safe to install these vintage “easter eggs” on my smartphone?

Until now, no risk has been reported with respect to installing eggs from old Android versions, however it does not hurt to always be aware of what other people write about this.

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The best application to install all the Eaters Eggs on the same device regardless of the Android version we have, is Easter Eggs Collection which has so far received positive reviews regarding safety and risks.

If we talk about the performance of the phone, it works well in every way, although with a few details like one that stands out in the comments left by Google Play users, that not many people can play, because malfunctions have been reported when several people play the Android Easter Egg from Marshmallows.

List of all the easter eggs that Google has created for Android so far

As we have already mentioned, we can find Eaters Eggs in almost everything, in case we can currently find many and Google is no exception. Next, we will show you a small list of The most outstanding Easter eggs that the great Google has created for Android devices:

Android 2.3 Gingerbread

This is a surprise that we can find in our Android, although a little scary, because it is a story of Zombies, which they inserted in Android through a frameworkHckborn and his friends thought this story would be very funny.

Android 3.0 Honeycomb

This was the first and for now the only version that Android has created for tablets, created in February 2011, it brought a very different appearance to Android that caught a lot of attention and its easter egg cannot be left behind.

When pressing the little bee some bubbles came out of words with “REZZZZZ”, this being a reference to the term “Rezzing” which means to create an object in the Tron universe.

Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich

Ice Crean Sandwich was one of the best software experiences for tablets and phones, giving a great sense to the world of Holo, serving in turn a great meaning to the Nyan Cat meme, this being the boom of the moment.

The easter egg he was hiding was a cookie-shaped Bugdroid, which got bigger as we pressed it, until it completely filled the screen, there was a case where the Bugdroids were flying and when pressed they flew, referring to what Nyan Cat did.

Android 4.1 – 4.3 Jelly Bean

At this point, we know that it was quite a striking change from Androidsince this version showed a totally improved notification system and quite efficient screen lock options.

Being this one of the versions that began offering computers with Google Chrome as default browser. The easter egg that this version brought was a rather happy-looking Jelly Bean that when pressed would fill our screen with smiles, and more happy jelly beans would appear all over the screen, which we could move at will with our fingers.


In this version of Android it was where we could find the easter eggs even outside the menu, in other words they were easier to find, just by pressing the screen for a few seconds, we could already see one, for example in this version we were watching the Bean Flinger game, with Daydream special effects.

Android 4.4 KitKat

This was an operating system that Google created in 2013where it incorporated features such as Google Now, and Project Svelte, these tools being very useful that allowed this version of Android to function properly.

One of the Easter eggs that this version kept was that the letter K could rotate, and when touching it, the word Android appeared completely, with a font the same as the one on the package that says KitKat. Although it was not only this, it also took us to a mosaic when we pressed it again, being a kind of game that when organizing the logos they appeared more.

Android 5.0 Lollipop

in this version we were able to find an easter egg that when touching the version number of the Android, it didn’t send you to a screen with lollipop graphics with the word “Lollipop” on it, which would change colors if you touched it. I could also enter a mini gameafter pressing the figure for a few seconds, where the strategy of the game was to keep the Bugdroid in the air and prevent it from tripping over lollipop barriers.

Android 6.0 Marshmallow

in this version we found the fabulous mini game of Flappy Birdwhich was considered an Easter egg for that time, where we had to survive dodging the marshmallow sticksthat came to us, and the best thing is that it had the option of including more people in the game, and thus the challenge increased.

Android 7.0 Nougat

This version of Android, brought us two easter eggsone that came with a huge “N” with the words Namey McNameFace in the middle of it, whose objective was to be a reference to the Boaty that swept the Internet in 2016.

But despite the fact that it was very famous, it did not last long, because it had already stopped ringing, and for this reason Android with its Neko version, I create a mini game whose mission was to collect kittens from Japanwhom we know as Neko Atsume.

The way to access this game was to enable it pressing the letter “N” for a few seconds, which would later show us an emoji of a kitten, being the introduction of the game.

Android 8.0 Oreo

In this version of Android we can control a huge sea creatureand all thanks to its hidden easter egg touching the “O” that looked like an oreo, after pressing for a while a great oceanic scene with a small and adorable octopus appears on the screen and from there start our ocean adventure.

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Android 9.0 Pie

Android Pie was one of the versions released to attract more people to Android, since at that time this software was considered too complicated for its average users.

He brought with him an easter eggwith a Psychedelic animation, with moving rings and a flashing of different colorsalthough it was not so striking because this easter egg was like a kind of gif image.

Though it wasn’t the only easter eggwhich I was hiding, because by repeatedly touching the animations he sent us to another easter egg, which allowed us to draw pictures, but we could only find it on Google Pixel devices.

For many, this last egg was very entertaining, because it offered very striking characteristics, which allowed us to choose between different colors or sizes of the brush, all very similar to what we know today as Microsoft paint.

Android 10

Android 10 is the latest version of this operating system, including improvements that were strongly needed by its old version known as Android Pie. This new version does not have sweet food codes or anything like that, but still Google I don’t leave behind their easter eggs.

This egg consists of numbers that can be moved through the logo on the screen, if we can make the combination “10” a “Q” will appear” on grid background. This game is like a puzzle that can help us pass the time.

Easter Eggs Collection All the easter eggs in one app!

easter eggs they have the particularity that you can only have one at a time and when you update the previous one it is lost, with this App you can have them all in one place

Android Easter Egg Collection

With this wonderful application we can obtain and enjoy all the eggs of Easter that have existed from 2010 to the present. Next, We present you a list of the different eater eggs that we can obtain:

  • Gingerbread: Zombie Art
  • Honeycomb: Android Honeybee
  • IceCreamSandwich: Nyan Droid
  • JellyBean: BeanBag
  • Kitkat: DessertCase
  • Lollipop: Lollipop Land
  • Marshmallow: Marshmallow Land
  • Nougat: Neko
  • Oreo: Ocquarium

When installing we go to the App and open the navigation menu to select the type of egg we want to try and start enjoying it.

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