【 ACTIVATE Dark Mode on Android 】 ▷ Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

It has been in vogue for some time now. dark mode on smartphonespreviously applications were used to be able to develop this function in android teams. However, today it is already being included in the operating system of the new devices, in order to offer a much more comfortable and pleasant experience to each of its users, taking into account the advantages that this offers.

Devices like the Android 9 Pie and some earlier versions already have this feature, which has been very well accepted by each of its users. But, the next version of Google’s system, Android Q, will be the one with this tool currently most evolved dark mode, with the aim of providing the best possible service to users, thus improving the tool in all its senses compared to previous versions.

all this has been created by google who has been implementing it in the different dAndroid P devices. But, it is not yet available for all mobile equipment in the system. However, here we are going to show you how you can install this tool with which you can change the appearance of the mobile and obtain great benefits through it.

What are the benefits of turning on dark mode on Android?

this tool It has not only been created with the aim of improving the appearance of the mobileAlthough it is true, it helps to improve its aesthetics, making it look much more beautiful and thus allowing its appearance to vary, leaving it a bit out of the ordinary.

But, the truth to all this is that behind this creation there are many more reasons than simply improve the aesthetics of the mobileand it is that the objective of this function has been offer a better service to each of the users, thus avoiding the risk of injury.

when activating the dark mode on Smartphones we are reducing the risk of suffering visual fatigue, especially for all those people who suffer from eyesight, by decreasing the intensity of the brightness of the screen also will reduce the risk of suffering any type of visual injury, avoid headaches, among other annoyances.

However, it is important to mention that these changes will only be noticeable if you really spend a lot of time using the terminal. Another of the importance of this function is that it will allow you to be able to, Perhaps one of the most important things today, being able to extend the duration of it.

It has been proven that using this mode will help you increase up to 60% battery life of the mobile, This is ideal for all users. However, like everything, this application has its advantages and disadvantages which we present below:


Among the main advantages That we can find when changing the appearance of the terminal to darker, thus leaving a bit of the normal in terms of equipment customization are the following:

  • Avoid risk of visual injuries.
  • Avoid Headaches because of the brightness of the screen.
  • Increased the duration of mobile battery.
  • It allows you take readings without having to work so hard reading the screen.
  • offers a night light which is more beneficial to the user.
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Currently, dark mode, like its advantages and benefits, has its disadvantages and it is that like all programs or applications it is not perfect at all. The great drawback of all this tool, which is almost impossible to control or improve, is how difficult it becomes to be able to view the screen of the equipment outdoors.

This is because at the moment the screen receives light and the screen is dark, it becomes more difficult to read it, quite the opposite occurs when you have clear themes, as this allows the screen to be much more readable.

Another of its disadvantages is that this function it is not universal, Thus, not all applications take it into account, quite the contrary, it is independent for each of the applications.

This ends up becoming a problem for userssince there is no option to activate it in the entire operating system of the terminal, nor one that deactivates it every time we go out to avoid being affected by daylight.

Steps to enable and put the dark mode on Android (All versions)

It is important to mention that This is something that can vary depending on the model of the equipment.. However, it is a really simple process to perform. Today this has become a tool that most users prefer to use, since it is much more comfortable when they want to use the mobile, since it prevents everything from the brightness of the screen affects our eyesight.

In addition, many prefer them for the aesthetics of itsince it is considered that it is more beautiful, among many other reasons for which it is decided to enable it.

Therefore, here we will show you what are the steps you have to follow to be able to enable this both Android Pie, Oreo and using applications that allow this.

To do this, just follow these steps depending on the version:

Android Pie

In the case of Android Pie It is very easy to enable this. In addition, it is possible to activate it on many of the phones, although some of them do not allow this process to be carried out since they do not offer the option within their operating system.

However, the way to activate it in each of them is very similar. therefore here We explain step by step how to do this:

  • The first thing will be to access the menu “Settings” of the telephone.
  • Now you enter the section of “Screen”.
  • In the menu that appears, select the “Advanced Options”.
  • In the options that appear you must choose “Device theme”. Usually this is among the latter.
  • Finally, you just have to click on the option of “Dark”.
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Once all this is completed, the process will be finished, you can see that the notifications panel has a black background, as well as some other sections of the equipmentsuch as the application menu, notification windows, the home or lock screen.

But it is possible that other terminal windows continue to appear as beforeas the menu of “Settings” with its white background or some of the Smartphone applications.

As previously mentioned, dark mode is not a universal system. Therefore, there are some apps that take it while others don’t.

Android Oreo and previous versions

For all users who have mobile devices compatible with Android version 8.0 or earlier or those who have updated it, can find the option to “Night light” or “Night mode”.

It is important that you take into account that this option is available for mobile phones Android 7.1, but now stop version 8.0 comes improved and with new functions so that it works much better.

In order to activate this tool on Android Oreo or previous versions, you will need to follow the steps that we will show you below:

  • You must enter the menu “Settings” from your terminal
  • There you look for and select the option “Screen”.
  • Now you enter “Night Mode” or “Night Light”.
  • Once this is done, you will configure if you want this function to turn on automatic way or what is made of manually.

After this, the process will be finished, so configuring dark mode in android oreo It can be done in a very simple and fast way without any problem.

Using a dark mode APP

If it has been characterized by something the Android operating system has been for its great customization capacity, where it allows you to install any number of applications and modify almost all system tools.

Among the Apps that exist for this system we can find a large number that They will help you improve the visual appearance of the phonewith which you will have the opportunity to install a dark theme on your Android 8.0 device or higher versions in a very simple way.

Among the main requirements that will be needed to be able to carry out the installation of the dark theme on android will be to have a Windows, Linux or Mac computer. In it will be carried out the installation of program as substratum.

And it is that Andromeda developers have managed to establish compatibility with this platform and the new version of Google’s operating system. In such a way, it will not be necessary to use root or supe users to carry out this process.

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Once this program is installed on your computer, you will need to download it twice, the first of which corresponds to a theme called Sai, With this App you have the possibility to install a dark theme to the Google Play App, Twitter and text messages.

While the second download is done with the Black Theme App, with which you can also carry out this process on your Android device.

Once both apps have been downloaded, you can start installing the dark theme on Android 8.0 or higher devices. To do this, follow the steps that we will explain below:

  • To start you will need to start Andromeda so that the Substratum program can make use of the necessary permissions to manage themes.
  • Now you initiate Substratum and look for one of the two downloaded themes, either Sai’s or Black Theme.
  • Select one of them two to enter the package of App themes.
  • Click on the option “Select” so you can activate all the overlays.
  • Once this is done, it will select default theme colorsas well as navigation bar icons. If you want to modify this you just have to expand the dropdown menu AndroidSystem and select the color you want to set for the theme. You will do it the same way for him.The dropdown menu icons, for this you use System UI Navigation.
  • When you have configured all this, press the floating button with the roller icon paint to open the new menu.
  • In this menu we select the option “Build & Enable” (Create and enable).
  • There you will be charged for Substratum install and activate each of the overlay files in the terminal.
  • After a few seconds you will see a bar at the bottom where the status of the dark theme is indicated, this usually does not take long.
  • It is important that you take into account that any notification already existing before installing the theme will not apply the black color to it, it will only be for all new notifications.

Once all this is completed, the process will be finished, this dark theme will stay on the phone even if you restart it, the only way for it to be removed is for the terminal to be factory reset or simply deactivate it.

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