【 Create Reaction Videos on TikTok 】 Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

Right now, It is one of the most popular social networks in the world.. Reason why, it managed to surpass platforms like Facebook,Instagram Y Snapchat, regarding the number of downloads. This, thanks to its short video format that has been so innovative for different audiences and for whathas managed to capture more than 800 million users.

For its part, just as it opted for a different format that puts fun and entertainment first for tiktokers, this Chinese social media app has introduced different options and functionalities that make it very interesting. One of them refers to the possibility of reacting to other videos and not only through or comments, but with another clip.

In this sense, it consists of a utility that arose when TikTok was merged with the renowned social network musical.ly, during the year 2018. To learn more about what is it and what is it foras well as how to make a video with these characteristics and the best recommendations to get the most out of this function; We invite you to read this post.

What are TikTok reaction videos and what is this type of content for?

Basically, a reaction video is defined as a clip that is created for the purpose of respond or comment on other videos that have resulted in the social network of Chinese origin. Therefore, in a few words, reaction videos are all those that have an original video linked to another that presents the reaction from any user of and so, two video clips are displayed in one video at the same time.

In this way, reaction videos are characterized by posting the main video in a small box, while the reaction will be seen on the big screen in a PiP mode. Under these particularities, many reaction videos are much better than the original video, be it popular challenges, funny dances or practical jokes. Whereas, the format of a reaction video is based on recording an imitation or simply commenting on said clip.

Now, many people who enter TikTok, they usually confuse the “duets” or the platform with the so-called reaction videos. However, it is necessary to know that both present a difference that is worth taking into account.

Which, is that the following:

  • The TikTok duos present the main video and the other video in two equal parts by segmenting the screen. On the other hand, in reaction videos, the response is displayed on a big screen and original video appears small.
  • Indeed, its visibility is the most relevant distinction. Since, while the duets function as a collaborative video and one clip is not given more importance than another; in TikTok reactions response video is given more prominence (due to its larger size).

Learn step by step how to create reactions from other TikTok videos from scratch

If you want to capture the attention of your target audience and provide optimal entertainment, it is recommended to make use of the functionality based on the reaction videos. Since, it is a proposal that is interesting, especially for all those Internet users who are familiar with reaction videos on Youtube, where the people they record themselves giving their opinion or expressing their emotions about another video clip.

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Therefore, in this section of the post, we will show you how to use tiktok reactionsin order to create response and/or parody videos on clips from scratch.

Here, we show you each step to follow:

Find the video you want to add a reaction to

First of all, you have to search and select the video you are interested in to create your own content from it. This, you have to do it directly from your account TikTok, either through the feed, through the section “Trends” or from the specific tiktoker profile that contains the video you want to use.

Choose the “React” option

Once you specify the clip in question, you must open it to view it and locate yourself on the right side of the screen to see the available options. Among these options, it is necessary that click on the arrow that is there and which is mainly used for share the video to other apps.

Added to this, through that arrow, you will be able to see a series of actions available at the bottom that are: Report, Not Interested, Save Video, Use This Effect, Duet, Paste, React, Add to Favorites, Animated Photo, and Share as GIF. Therefore, in this case, you must click on “React” and with it, the video in question will be shown in a part of the screen.

Record your video reacting to the other clip

After the video to be used is displayed in a part of the panel, at the same time, The front camera will open which will allow you to create your new reaction video on TikTok. To record it, you need to hold down the red button and when you want it to end, it will only be enough to stop pressing said button.

It should be noted that, when making your reaction video, it will be recorded in parallel to the playback of the main video. So, it serves to guide you and say or do whatever you want. Whether it’s imitating it, giving your opinion or just coming up with something fun that you know your audience will like.

Prioritize the audio you prefer

Since, both videos are played at the same time, their audios will be heard merged simultaneously. This means that, at the same time, you will be able to hear what the original video says and also what you recorded in your reaction video. However, to get a good result, the social network allows you to choose which audio you prefer to prioritize so that they are not heard together and even distorted. Taking into account that, likewise, you can leave them as they are so they stay merged.

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In addition to this, in terms of audio, the social network allows you to improve your reaction videos. when managing or controlling the volume, just as you want. To do this, you simply have to tap on “Volume” and there, decide if you want to lower or increase the volume of your audio or that of the main audio, by means of a slider. Considering that, from said control, they allow you adjust volume from 0% to 200% on both audios.

Edit and customize the video in its entirety

Then it is possible apply filters to the image of the videos, effects of time, speed, flash, beautify and modify everything you wantthrough the settings provided TikTok through its video editor. That means, at this point, you can start to edit, modify, optimize and customize your reaction videojust as you do with common videos on the social network.

Even before publishing your new video, the platform also offers you the possibility of edit reaction box. Thanks to this, you will not have to settle for this box being displayed where TikTok It places it by default, that is, in the upper left corner. Therefore, if you wish, you can change its location just by moving the box so that it is displayed exactly in the area you want.

Learn the best tips to make the most of this TikTok functionality

Even though the reaction videos of TikTok have been cataloged as a useful social network tool, few people enjoy it as it really should. However, it is ideal to keep in mind that this feature to react and express yourself on the platform is an excellent option for grow your tiktok account starting from reactions that are much more attractive than the traditional ones (likes, emojis, comments, etc.).

As a consequence, it is relevant to make the most of this function of the social media app and that is why, below, we detail several recommendations, advice and tips that you can implement to be a benchmark tiktoker with regard to reaction videos. :

React to celebrity videos

If you want to increase your number of followers, an effective technique is based on react to celebrity videos using this TikTok tool. In that case, the best thing to do is to specify one of your favorite tiktokers and evaluate their amount of .

In addition, it is ideal that you choose to create a reaction video based on an original video that has some virality on the social network. Taking into account that the more viral it is and the more it has spread in the application, the greater the reach you will have for acquire new followers and ensure a better online presence on TikTok.

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Add hashtags to your post

So that your reaction clip on TikTok achieve a greater reach and be easier to discover by other people who are not on your list of followers, it is a great help make use of the power of hashtags.

In other words, it is advisable to add a few hashtags based on the content to be presented, within the description of the video to share. Through this tactic, it is possible that the different people who are browsing these labels, get your video and are interested in visiting your TikTok profile. Taking into account that this is an excellent initiative for reach your target audience organically. Above all, if you use between 5 and 7 elements of this type, in order not to exceed it to avoid being penalized.

Now, in order to add a hashtag to your post, the process to follow is very simple. Well, you just have to access the Publish screen of your video and tap on the “Hashtags” option within the description, in order to include the ones you want. There, you will see several suggestions and It is valuable that you use the ones that have the most views in total.

Make reaction videos constantly

While it is true, the algorithm TikTok takes into account numerous factors to optimize the user experience of each tiktoker and, at the same time, to provide relevance to users who really deserve it. In this case, it is worth noting that reaction videos are an incentive to achieve the latter.

Basically, that’s because TikTok tries to prioritize and promote this type of interactions that have video as the main protagonist, beyond taking into account the responses that the clip obtained in text format. Therefore, the more quality reaction videos you upload on your profile, the greater opportunities there will be for the app’s algorithm takes you into account and rates you as a benchmark. Even so, you can even expose yourself in the coveted section “Trends”.

Give your own stamp

Unfortunately, it’s not enough to consistently make reaction videos on TikTok nor with adding hashtag in the publication to gain visibility on the social network through this format. Which means, it’s essential create content that exhibits its own seal within the platformin order to be able to distinguish you from the rest.

Therefore, when creating your reaction videos, in addition to choosing a base video that will go viral, it is also important that record a clip that…

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