【 Gmail vs Outlook 】Which is Better? Detailed Comparison ▷ 2022

with 1.5 billion users and with 900 million usersare the most important free email services in the world, both have a platform of great capacity, which allows you to store large files and of all kinds.

However, These applications have very marked differences and characteristics such as, while gmail archive messages to save space, Outlook removes them, gmail apply labels to sort emails, Outlook it does it with folders.

In the following text we are going to show you a comparison between gmail Y Outlook, as well as analyze the various elements that compose them such as security, integrations, organization, attachments and personalizationamong others, and so you have a clearer idea of ​​what both platforms offer.

The definitive comparison between Outlook and Gmail What is the best Internet mail service?

In the comparison that we will see below, we take into account several factors that are very important so that these platforms can provide a service according to the needs of their users, These elements represent the preference of many organizations and you must choose which of the two to select.

It’s a “facing” with solid arguments that will allow you to have knowledge of all the elements that make up these platforms, and that it goes beyond just sending a message or transferring information at the moment.

Let’s go in depth and know everything related to this topic:


Security in emails is an element that is becoming increasingly important, since On many occasions, the information that circulates through these media is highly confidential.just imagining an account hack makes us sweat.

Let’s see:

  • Gmail: It has two ways to verify the emails, on the other hand, it provides the option for you to activate an icon through which you can confirm the emails of all senders, all this by the method “Transport Layer Security”. It should be noted that if an email is sent from Gmail to an account that is not concurrent, the emails cannot be encrypted or received during the process.
  • Outlook: It has two ways of verification, suspicious or unwanted emails usually appear in the security bars, which are usually red or yellow, this can be seen in the upper area of ​​the email. In general, Outlook emails have very safe sender icons.
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It is very important for the user that emails can integrate different tools at their service, since this makes it easier to manage them, without having to go to another application:

  • Gmail: It offers a wide variety of tools, resulting in a varied use within the platform, with plugins that increase its capacity, allowing the user to benefit greatly from these elements.
  • Outlook: offers to manage the tools directly, allowing the user to choose the factors that are going to be used, as well as the integration of the elements from the inbox itself, all with the aim that it is the same user who personalizes and has available what that you will need at that time.


Organization is a fundamental weapon, an orderly mailbox saves you a lot of work, especially if it is a company or organization:

  • Gmail: It has novel elements, such as putting stars on the most relevant emails, in addition this organization consists of labels and tabs that can be used according to the needs, the information is ordered by date, while the they are sent to a different folder.
  • Outlook: It has a section where the important messages are, while in another tab you can locate the rest of the emails, the information is synchronized by date, thus indicating the messages that have arrived during a given month, allowing you to see all the information in detail .

Attached files

They are the essential part of any email, since these are what allow the user to transfer all the information, either in the form of graphics, texts, documents, audio, among others:

  • Gmail: files can be easily attached through Gmail, from the pop-up window of the “Compose” button you can attach information from one or more files simultaneously, of any format, with a truly fast download speed.
  • Outlook: It allows you to send files with all kinds of formats, but their upload speed is a bit slower than its peer, so if you don’t have a good Internet connection, you’ll have to try sending it several times.
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The customization of the mail interface is nothing more than adapting it to your tastes in terms of visuals and usability, for this reason, both Gmail and Outlook show their letters very attractive in this regard:

  • Gmail: It offers very attractive themes, with a great variety of colors, which will allow you to have an inbox very much in the user’s style, you can also change certain aspects in the reading panel, as well as the appearance of the tabs.
  • Outlook: It has attractive and eye-catching themes, application relocation and integrations with other applications, as well as bold colors in the appearance and in the shapes of the letters in the inbox.

cross platform support

Having technical support is very important for mail and messaging services, since events can sometimes occur where the help of experts is necessary to show us a quick solution, and thus be more calm with the use of these:

  • Gmail: makes a help forum available to its users, where everyone can express their concerns in the event of a failure or simply clear up doubts about the service. On the other hand, it has a community support enabled, where the questions and cases that the user may present will be attended in a personalized way.
  • Outlook: It has a forum where all users can express their concerns, in addition to having personalized help in case of problems, whose solutions are usually resolved very quickly, likewise it offers its users tutorials or guides, in which each person can learn firsthand. hand to do in case of any eventuality.

Quick registration with other platforms

it’s possible carry out any type of operations from various locations without the need to have a computer nearby.

In the case of emails, the registration of new users from mobile devices is becoming more frequent, allowing this to be a fast and secure process and that it can be done in a matter of a few minutes:

  • Gmail: The procedure is very easy, especially if you have an Android device, as this will make the job easier. Otherwise, it is possible to download the app and from there you can register new accounts or check your mail several times.
  • Outlook: It has a mobile application, from which you can register and check the mail as many times as the user deems convenient, it can be managed from any platform without any type of problem, synchronizing the notifications to the device that is used at that moment.
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An aspect that should not be missed when deciding which platform is better is the storageWell, how do we know? In each email you receive very valuable informationwhich often has considerable weight.

On the other hand, storing long-term emails also creates a specific weight in the storage of this data:

  • Gmail: It has a 15 Gb storage with the possibility of expanding it by buying extra space, it allows you to save any kind of files, videos and images in a compressed way thanks to applications such as .
  • Outlook: It has a storage capacity of 5 Gb, on the other hand, it allows you to compress files thanks to its One Drive service where you can save all types of files. It should be noted that the more time you spend using the Outlook account, the ability to Storage will increase progressively.

Instant messaging

This service has gained popularity in recent times, especially among younger users, or for companies that want their users to be able to communicate internally with each other:

  • Gmail: It has instant messaging, allowing you to communicate with your contacts through Gmail chat, you can also use the Hangouts service, which is gradually being phased out, and hold conversations with people who use this application.
  • Outlook: has instant messaging thanks to which can be used from Outlook without having to download the application, allowing you to chat, send files and add or delete contacts.
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