【 Windows 8 File Explorer 】 What is it? + Utility ▷ 2022

If you’re windows user you are probably already familiar with file explorer or windows explorer as it is also known. In the case of this tool, it was one of the most outstanding of said version of the operating system, from there its users could carry out a large number of activities such as entering different folders stored on the computer.

It is worth mentioning that this tool was included in Microsoft’s operating system for the first time in the version of Windows 95 and since then it was being added to each one of later versions due to his excellent acceptance by the since without a doubt it provides much comfort when working in Windows.

Therefore, the file explorer has become the best option to be able to manage the teamThat is why here we are going to explain a little more about what this Windows tool is for and how you can start using it to find any file or document. To do this, follow everything that we will teach you in the post in detail.

What is the file browser and what is it for in Windows 8?

windows explorer has become the main component of Microsoft Operating System, he himself is in charge of power manage the computer and in turn create files and folders to store information on it, as well as launch applications. any computer you have the Microsoft OS going to have this tool which has been very comfortable for its users.

This browser is used mainly for the purpose of being able to organize different types of files and programs that are installed on the PC. As usual, any type of file that is downloaded from the Internet will end up being stored in a folder called “Downloads” which will be found within this browser. In the same way, it can be said that it is a folder that is made up of several sub folders that contain one or more files and documents in them.

It will allow you to search for any type of specific file in an easy and fast way. As well as classify all of them by categories. The of “Windows Explorer” is mostly located in the windows, but you can also access it by accessing through any folder that have on your desk. Finally, it should be mentioned that the file browser is the same in both Win 8 and Win 10 where both serve exactly the same function.

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Windows 8 File Explorer Tools and Features Which are the most useful?

It should be mentioned that windows explorer allows you to carry out great number of functions in itit can be said that a large part of the functions carried out in a computer are carried out from said toolsince with just access a folder on the PCautomatically you will be accessing the browser.

That is why we are going to show you which are the most useful functions that can be performed from there:

search function

To make your activity in it much easier, you will find the option to Searchit will allow you get any type of file or document that you have on your PC in an easier and faster way, this will prevent you from having to be accessing multiple folders to search for specific information.

To access the search function just enough for you access file browser and in the part top right of your screen you will find the search bar, you just have to click there and enter the name of the document you want to find and press the enter key. This way you can quickly access the content that really interests you.

Quick access

Another function that you can find there is quick accessas its name indicates its function is to allow the user to quickly access the folders they use most frequentlythis means that in said section the user will find all the folders you use the mostthis will allow you access them with just one click.

This team

This is another of the sections that you will find available in windows browser, Its function is very similar to that of quick accessonly this time the folders that appear there will always be fixed and they are the ones that come already created by default of Windowsin this case you will find the folders “Pictures, Music, Videos, Desktop, Documents, Download”, among other.


Via the home tab users will be able to carry out activities such as copy, paste, delete, select all, rename, new folder, among others in a more direct way. Here you just have to go to the folder you want and from the home tab perform any of those functions simply by accessing there.


In case you want share any of your folders stored there you simply have to access the tab “Share” and select the correct option, either to share it via FAX, email, compress it, lock some folder in Windows browser to restrict access to it, unlock folderamong other functions available there.

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Finally you will meet the View tabjust like your name indicates here you will find everything Regarding the aesthetics of the file explorer, here you can select how you want icons are displayedif in small, large or medium iconsYes in the form of a list, you can organize the panels, you can too hide important folders that cannot be available to anyone, among other functions that you will find there.

Network Dashboard

It also has a network panel that will allow you access everything related to your network Either for manage your internet connection in case it begins to present some type of inconvenience in terms of its operation.

Learn step by step how to use Windows 8 File Explorer

Taking into account what are the main functions What can you do from this microsoft toolthe next thing will be to teach you how to how to use it so you can start getting the most out of itremembering that since the windows browser you can carry out a large part of the functions available within the computer.

Therefore, follow each of the steps that we will teach you below:

open explorer

the one with windows is a tool that comes installed on all windows versions and also has easy access. This is how you can access it from Windows taskbaryou simply have to double click on said folder or simply by doing double click on any folder you have on your desktop. After this automatically this file browser will open on screen.

open a file

In case you want to open a file you can do it from the start menu, simply click on it Y select the program you want to open, In the event that it does not appear there, you can click on “All the programs” to make the list bigger.

For ease and convenience of users the most used programs have a shortcut on the taskbar or desktop. When you have found the file you want to open, you must double click on it, automatically said will be opened to you file with the program that has been created or modified.

Delete one of the files from Windows Explorer

I mostly know create files or documents with a purpose, but after several months these go losing their value so they cease to be importantA way of Not having so much information on the computer and avoiding affecting the performance of the computer is by deleting those files that are no longer used.

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When you are going to delete a document or file from your computer, there are three different ways to do it:

  • The first is to do Click on the icon of the document to be deleted and drag it to the Recycle Bin which is on the desktop.
  • Choose the file you want to delete and right click on it, in the dropdown menu that appears there select the item “Remove”.
  • And finally, select the folder to delete and press the key “Suppress” or “Delete”, if you want to delete several folders simultaneously you can select it by holding down the key “Control” while clicking on each of them and then pressing “del”.

Share a file

It may be that you have a file saved there that you need share them with your classroom, with your friends or with a family member. For this you simply must access the folder where the document to be shared is and select itonce selected you must go to the tab “Share” located at the top of the screen and there select the icon “Email” or “Send by Fax” If that’s the case. In this way you can share each of the content that you have stored there.

organize the library

you may have a lots of folders there and you want to organize it so that they can have a best lookin this case you can reduce the size of the icons or increase them, order them by name, modification date, type, size, group the content there among others.

The procedure to carry out this is very simple, you simply have to access the folder you want to organize and anywhere in the same do right click, in the dropdown menu that appears on the screen you will find the options of “View”, “Sort by”, “Group by”, Through them you can start to organize all the content in a different way.

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