【+10 Platforms to Make Online Presentations】List ▷ 2022

In general, to make presentations of any kind (proposals, ideas, projects, reports, etc.) users turn to tools because they are very complete and because of their great popularity. However, there are many people who do not have this Microsoft program installed.

For this reason, there are a large number of Internet users who choose to look for an online alternative, in order to not rely on PowerPoint to easily create your presentations. The best thing about this is that the tools of this type available on the Internet, They allow creativity to be further developed, guarantee the highest quality and have a good design..

Therefore, it is important to know what are the best web platforms to make online presentations with the help of powerful and optimal tools completely free. Thus, we proceed to specify each one below.

List of the best online platforms to make presentations like a professional

Nowadays, if you don’t have PowerPoint or any program installed on your computer to create presentations, you shouldn’t worry. As, via Internetyou will get various solutions with which you can make and design this type of document in a comfortable, easy and free way.

But, since the dilemma of many users is that they do not know where to go to do this, it is valuable to know The most recommended websites to make presentations like a professional and thus, avoid immersing yourself in a sea of ​​options that are not the most optimal.

Consequently, we proceed to present 10 alternatives of great interest:

Google Presentations

Also Known As “Google Presentations”this platform is presented as one of the most complete solutions to work on your presentations online and even, It is characterized by being much more complete than the same Microsoft software. Whereas, its design is a bit similar to the same PowerPoint and, therefore, works with the mechanism of said tool.

However, it presents the big difference that, from this platform, you will be able to create presentations online, from anywhere and regardless of the work device you have at hand. Highlighting that, it has the function of building team presentations (for its modality of cooperative work), we also distinguish that it offers options for add videos and animationshas a wide variety of themes and templates, in addition to allowing create presentations wirelessly using Chromecast or AirPlay.


Another of the most popular websites for online presentations is Emaze, which allows you to obtain slides with an original finish and professional level in a few minutes. Among its best advantages, we find that it has a great capacity for customization, so provides a wide range of colors to select from, as well as various templates and fonts.

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Added to this, it allows you to add voice commands to control the presentations to your liking and, in addition to that, you can use videos in , music and sound effects to enrich the content to display. Notably, It has ideal tools for translation, access to the cloud and is designed in HTML5, so it allows access from any browser and computer. Thus, it offers a free version and a premium version.


It consists of one of the first web pages that emerged to simplify the processes of creating slides of any kind and, thanks to its excellent track record, Prezi is considered the giant of online presentations. Considering that, this excellent alternative exhibits incredible functionality, provides great originality, supports team projects and is available for all operating systems.

In addition to that, through Prezi, you can add various elements to your slides, such as images, videos and animations. Among other details, we highlight that it has the option to zoom in on certain areas of your presentations and offers a free version (or public) that has a capacity of 100MB only and another paid with which you can make your private presentations.


It refers to an online platform that displays an intuitive interface with an excellent design, from which it provides a large number of functions to create high-quality presentations and, in addition, it is considered a tool with the ability to develop the creativity of its users. This mainly because It has a large bank of images. that you can use to enrich your slides.

Added to this, the website is also distinguished by providing complete minimalism in order not to include elements that greatly distract your audience and, therefore, His philosophy points to the saying “less is more”. In this sense, to create your presentations you simply have to add a background image, place a title and the indicated text, as well as distribute the text within the image. On the other hand, you can create graphics and edit posted images with Dropbox or Facebook.


This is a website that fully supports the creation of online content and, therefore, in addition to facilitating the creation of slides in a professional way, it also allows you to create and design all kinds of web elements. Among which are: infographics, cards, posters, collages, graphics and even ebooks.

Now, regarding the process that must be undertaken to create PowerPoint-type presentations with Canva, it is based on starting a document, registering on the platform and accessing with your credentials. Next, among the types of design that there are, you will have to click on “Presentation” and then you must create your slides from scratch or use one of the available templates (simple, creative, educational, advertising, professional, marketing, proposal, etc.).

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This is a free platform cloud based, through which you can make great designs for all those contents that you want to present. which stands out for its ease of use, its functionality and its attractive interface. Thus, it allows you to switch between the tabs “Contents” Y “Design”in a very simple way and depending on what you want to edit at any given time.

On the other hand, in case you do not like the distribution of the slide and have doubts about the organization of the exposed elements, you can rely on the option called “Accommodate with AI” and, automatically, the system will accommodate them in the best way with Artificial Intelligence. Among other characteristics, we highlight that it has functions to work collaboratively Y results can be shared via social media (Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn).


Another interesting solution is this cross platform tool with which you can create original online presentations in a short time and bidirectionally in real time. Taking into account that, free of charge, it only offers you the possibility of make a total of five presentations and if you want to exceed that amount, you will have to pay a monthly subscription on the platform.

For its part, Swipe stands out for being a resource that exhibits great interactivity, since it allows carry out surveys at the moment and share the contents carried out through web links; which is very useful. Added to that, it supports the possibility of including images, videos from any platform and even PDF documents on your devices. just by dragging the files to the workspace. You can even add surveys and forms there.


Basically, it refers to a website where you will need to register to create presentations online making use of the best available tools. Among its advantages, we find that it has the function of add audio and video to your presentations, in order to include a distinctive factor to them and that they look much more professional. Whereas, you can record the sound as each slide progresses or sync it with the video as well.

Added to that, it has the option of create presentations incorporating the computer’s webcamallows you to add slides from PowerPoint, it is also possible integrate interactive quizzes and downloadable materials. It also offers the ability to export content in HD to ensure the highest quality.


As another important option, we find this online platform that stands out for its completely intuitive interface that makes it easy for you to use its various functions, animations and templates in a very simple way. Additionally, it allows include content from external sources, interactive elements, animated text, images and videos to the slides without any complication.

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For his part, guarantees responsive results And this means that your finish will look perfect on both computers and mobile phones. It also presents the option to share the presentations directly through the Web either save them in JPEG format. It should be noted that it has free features and also payment plans (with discounts for students and teachers). In addition to presentations, also you can create infographics and banner ads.


To finish this list, we recommend this other online tool that is ideal for make dynamic presentationsgiven that it is a platform that focuses on making online videos and thus, you can create totally interesting, fun and original slides there. Therefore, there is the possibility of add text, cartoons, dialog boxes, preset sounds and even extra animated slides.

Apart from this, it is characterized by hosting a large number of templates that can be coupled to the requirements of all users, in addition to It displays a very intuitive and easy-to-use interface. Added to that, it should be noted that you will have to register with your email address or with your Facebook or LinkedIn account to make use of all its tools. However, if you use the free version, you must prepare your slides with a defined time limit.

Tips to make your presentations better and give them a more professional touch

Although, with the help of online tools to create your slides, you will be able to obtain high-quality presentations; the truth is that it is also very important that you have certain ideas when creating these presentations. Well, following some recommendations of interest, you will have the ability to give them a much more professional and original touch so that they easily stand out from the rest.

That is why we believe it is essential to point out Some tips of interest with which you will be able to build better presentations in order to impact your target audience:

Add lots of visuals

Today, beyond including the appropriate text on the slides, professionals they focus on use the…

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