【+101 Wallapop Tricks】How to earn +€1000 per month? ▷ 2022

It has been in the Spanish market for several months now and it is a mobile app that allows its users to be able buy and sell second-hand items at a very good price. In addition, it has the advantage of having a geolocation that will allow you to search for the merchandise according to your location in case you want to receive it personally.

Currently this app is going through his primethis is how most people have begun to use it, either for sell or buy any item they need. To be part of this community you will simply need to have a smartphone and internet So you can download the app and register in it.

Here you can find a large number of artifacts which will be divided by categories, you may search filtered by location and price, among many others. Taking into account the great growth of this mobile apphere we are going to teach you some tricks So you can get the most out of it at the time of making a buy or sell from this platform.

What are the advantages of buying in Wallapop in relation to other ecommerce?

These platforms are created mainly for the purpose of allowing users to get different ways to earn moneyin this case it is offer a second-hand product that is in good condition. All this has led to wallapop become one of the favorite applications for Spanish users, since thanks to it most users have achieved find a way out to all those objects that for some reason they no longer use.

Taking into account the importance that this mobile platform has taken today, Here we are going to show you what are the main advantages that you can obtain with this service to make your sales or purchases:

  • Allows you to get a new type of extra work with which you can earn money easily via the products you sell.
  • gives you the chance to get out of all those artifacts that you have at home and that for some reason you no longer use.
  • It is usually characterized by carrying out fast and safe negotiations for both parties.
  • In the case of the Spanish the big advantage is that they can sell and buy items faster, being something similar to what happens with Amazon in the United States.
  • The buyer can locate a seller near your location and perform negotiation in person.
  • You can get a number of unlimited items and of all kinds.
  • When it comes to products of second hand cost thereof usually not that high.
  • It is a dedicated app for everything type of publicfrom the youngest to old people.
  • Sellers have a rating systemwhich will allow you know the reputation of each one of them and thus be able to assure you that so reliable or will not be the purchase.
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List of the best 30 Wallapop tricks to get the most out of each purchase

Knowing a little what it is wallapop and all the advantages that this application offers, here we are going to teach some tricks so you can start get the most out of the platform and so power increase your sales or buy more economically and easily.

Therefore, if you are new to this community and you don’t really know how it works, then We will teach you the best 30 Wallapop tricks to do so, follow each of them in detail:

Select the best photographs of your articles

A good photograph will undoubtedly help you to your sales are higher, since this becomes the fundamental basis for sell online. This is because through the photograph customers can see the actual state of the product and this will make you gain buyer confidence. Therefore, it is important that take photos of the object from all anglesthus allowing interested persons to see the product in detail.

It is important that these photographs have a excellent qualityfor this it is recommended use neutral backgrounds, natural light and not many filters since this would cause the image to be nothing real for the buyer. In addition, it is essential that the image only shows the artifact or accessory that you want to sellthis will prevent the client from being distracted or confused when viewing the image.

Provides a complete and detailed description of the product

One of the things that most detail the buyers is the complete description of the product that interests them, since this will allow them to know item specifications, especially if it is a smartphone or any other technological device. It is important that in the description you specify all item details, either the time of useif you have some kind of deterioration, among many other details you may have. Telling the truth will help you make your sale much more transparent and sincere.

This is also usually very important for those cases where the customer does not know the function that the product does, that is, here you must also specify its operation, as well as the size, if you have been the only owner, among others. This description is not only that details your devicebut also you can take advantage of it to invite users to what access your profile and you can get one greater visibility for your entire catalog.

Learn to explore in your product catalog

On many occasions, the person is not looking for any item in particular, but they want to enter this type of virtual store to see what they offer and if they like to be able to buy something. In the case of wallapop was designed mainly for the user to access and go directly to the product they are looking for, but in the case that you do not want something in special you can explore in its entire catalog.

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On the main screen of the app just below the search engine you can get different category tabs that are available there, you can enter each one of them to see related products. Another way to get merchandise is by entering the left sidebar on your screen and selecting the option “Collections”, here you can get all featured merchandiseyou can click on the one that caught your attention and thus be able to see more products related to it.

Perform advanced searches by category

One of the main advantages of this app is that it allows you to do simple searches So you can find the item you need faster. For this, it has a search engine where you must write specifically what you are looking for.

But for higher customer benefitthis search can be configured to be more advanced and you can search directly by categoryin this case you must access the button located in the upper right corner of your screen, there you will find the categories you have available.

when you enter advanced search you must select “All Categories” and there choose the one you want. According to the category you choose will be the options that they will appear on the screenin the case that you choose automobiles, You must specify the brand of the vehicle, the kilometers, the type of car, among many others.

Offers the products with all their accessories and guarantees

Whenever you are going to sell something add all the accessories you havein the case of a laptop add its charger, box, and other corresponding accessories. This will certainly help you be chosen by customers to buy your products, keeping in mind that many sellers choose to offer this separately with the goal of earning more money.

If you start to sell your products In this way you will be able to realize that you are going to sell much more, which will allow you to earn more money in less time. Therefore, at the time of photograph your item be sure to to photograph also the other accessories and in the description mention them so that the public knows that they are included in the package.

And finally, it is a very good alternative that Do you offer any kind of guarantee? for your merchandise, this will make it much more attractive to the buyer who can have a kind of support in case something goes wrong. To do this, you must let the client know that they have a guarantee, either repairing the product or exchanging it.

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Apply generic filters

As already mentioned above, advanced search will help you get the item you want in a very simple and fast way, thanks to the different search filters it haswhich you should use whenever you can so that you can achieve the product with the correct specifications. One of the advantages of this app is that it allows you search for merchandise based on your locationwhich will greatly facilitate the negotiation of the same.

In this way, you can apply filters to specify what is the location of the artifact and its price. In this case you can specify in which area you want them to appear search resultsas well as apply extra condition filters to know if the seller do mailings, accept changes or search for offers published in the last 24 hours, 7 days or 30 days.

Once you have selected the filters corresponding to the searchyou simply have to click on the option “Search Filter” This will make the results appear as is you indicated in the searchthus allowing you save time and get the products closest to your location in a simpler way.

Turn your account into a PRO and get more sales

Every time you enter your app profile you are going to meet one option to turn your account into PRO, In this case, it consists of the user being able to have a kind of premium account where they must pay a monthly fee for it. However, this pro profile has different characteristics that will help you have a increased visibility in each of your products when you sell them. This option is ideal for those community members that have physical stores or sell a large number of items through this portal.

Therefore, when you turn your profile into PROyou will achieve that all your articles are positioned in the first positions of the search results, thus achieving that they are seen by a largest number of users. To offer greater reliability you can Add your contact number or web address in the case of having an online store. All this will make your profile find better designed and be more attractive to visitors.

Use an attractive headline without misspellings

Although this may seem unimportant, most users take it into account when making a buy onlinesince this will qualify the type of person with whom I know negotiate. Furthermore, if placing quite an attractive and eye-catching headline surely your merchandise will sell much faster. In this case you must be quite clear and concise already his…

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