【Gmail Full Mail Storage】Guide ▷ 2022

makes available to educational centers, organizations and companies a wide range of options to manage accounts. Before digitizing, files they were in tons of papertucked into physical folders and a giant closet that served as a protector.

Now, with the adaptation to new technologies, most of the things are stored in the cloud and for this we use companies that provide the service, with which we can manage an email with your own domain and save the information to export that data later.

This is where what is known as complete email storage, of which you will now know details as well as how to apply it. Finally, we are going to teach you how to delete content that takes up unnecessary space in the inbox of Gmail.

What is full mail storage and what is it for in Gmail?

Full mail storage is the copy that is kept of messages received or sent by users belonging to a domain in particular. This feature does not apply to individuals, but rather to companies, schools, organizations, and other groups that have an administrator who manages services through the console. Google.

this tool it also serves to control the storage of the people that are part of the domain. The time that the messages will be available is specified to then take temporary or definitive actions that keep the mail in order.

Why is it important to set up your email storage in Gmail?

To the configure storage in Gmailthe administrator ensures that all messages that have been received or sent, regardless of whether they are external, They are displayed inside the user’s inbox.

To complete this task you can use Vaultan application that among other things preserves, retains and exports the data of the users of different applications, such as Gmail. Vault can keep the files for as long as the organization deems appropriate, and they will remain there even if domain users delete them from their inboxes. For it to work properly it is necessary to carry out the relevant configurations.

What aspects to consider when configuring Gmail’s full email storage?

If your administrator has decided to apply full storage settings for a domain from Gmail, you need to consider the following circumstances:

  • If you have established routing rules that cause emails to be delivered with modifications, change the destination or go to different servers, it is best not to activate full mail storage.
  • You shouldn’t enable it either. if you do not want the original recipients to receive a copy back of the message.
  • In case of have the SMTP relay service activatedwhich once receives the emails, sends them to third parties making an almost immediate transfer, can lead to accounts exceeding their storage limits, especially if they have a pre-established quota.
  • Yes use Vault to archive Gmail emails and you only forward to your local server or to other providers, there if it is appropriate to activate full storage.
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Learn step by step how to configure Gmail’s full mail storage from any device

It is important to repeat that this option is not available for personal profiles and only domain administrators can perform the configurationin which all emails are stored even if they are not from Gmail.

The steps that must be followed are the following:

  • Enter the console of administration of Google admin.google.com and sign in.
  • To login you need an account administrator.
  • The administrator account does not end in “@gmail.com” and it is a session that has permissions to manage other users.
  • It is likely that request authentication of the registered user.
  • On the loaded page, enter the section “Applications”Then in Google Workspace” and finally in “Gmail”.
  • In the left side menu You are going to select your organization.
  • Navigate until you get “Full mail storage”.
  • There you will see the box with the theme “Save a copy of all mail sent and received in the mailboxes of associated users”.
  • After selecting the above, click on “Save”.

We teach you how to free up Google Gmail storage space to make better use of your email space

The total storage of the Google account is 15 GB, which is shared between Gmail, and . Although at one point it may seem enough, depending on the use you give to your email there are times when you might fall short. So the ideal is to make the most of every megabyte of space.

There are ways to save space in Gmailhere we are going to share five of them: delete very heavy emails and also the oldest ones, deactivate subscriptions, and the trash can.

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Go for it:

Delete heavy emails

It’s in the inbox emails that contain many photos and some heavy videos, that you have already downloaded them or gave them the utility they had at the time. But you don’t need them anymore and you’re running out of space.

The way to find them quickly is as follows:

  • .
  • In the search engine that is in the inboxclick on the bars on the right where the “Search options”.
  • A window is displayed in which several options are displayed, number six going down is called “Size”.
  • There you will indicate to look for the emails “Greater than” and in the second box we place the MB.
  • When you choose the criteria, you click on “Search”.
  • They will appear in the result all emails that have a weight greater than the indicatedregardless of how old they are.
  • What follows is to check the box “Select” next to each email you want to delete, then use the trash can symbol in the delete bar.

Delete old emails

If you pan through the inbox, it is likely that you will get messages that you did not even remember existed. If they do not have your attention and not even the slightest importance, it is best to take advantage of those extra MB that they are occupying.

So we are going to remove them as well in the following way:

  • In the inbox We go to the search engine and press where it says “Show search options”.
  • In the drop down menuwe select the box “date range” and in the arrow down we choose a period. These range from one day to one year.
  • After select the criterion, we mark “Search”.
  • will appear all the emails that have arrived in that span.
  • Brand with box “Select” each message you want to delete and click on the trash can symbol in the top bar.

Disable subscriptions you ignore

Many complain that they go to email and are the tray full of notifications of advertising, services, news and many other things that they are no longer interested.

The best thing you can do is disable those subscriptions and here’s how to do it:

  • Log in in your account Gmail.
  • In the inbox, Select any of the emails you no longer want to receive.
  • open the mail and right next to where the sender appears, it gives you the option to “Unsubscribe”.
  • By clicking on that optionit asks you for confirmation and you will stop receiving messages from that source.
  • So can do with everyone you don’t care about to keep your inbox clean.
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Empty SPAM folder

In this section You can also store many emails that automaticallyor by our configuration, have been cataloged as garbage.

They go to a different folder that takes up space and to delete them you must follow the following steps:

  • Opens your account Gmail.
  • In the left side menu you click on the option “Plus” until i get the folder “Spam”.
  • Open the function and the notification will appear at the top “Delete all spam messages now.”
  • Click there, it will ask you if you are sure and click on “To accept”.
  • At the end this message appears on the screen “Good time, you don’t have spam.”
  • with these steps you will have freed up a little more space from your email account.

Empty the trash

Emails that are deleted in any tray go to the trash, so that there is a second chance to get them back or in the other case they remain stored there, also taking up space. If they contain attachments, that weight adds to your storage. So the best thing you can do is remove them.

We show you the simple steps to achieve it:

  • in the left columnnavigate in the menu until you find “Plus” and then enter “Paper bin”.
  • Opens the section “Paper bin” and you will see all the messages that you have deleted recently.
  • press about notification “Empty the trash now.”
  • He will ask you if you want continue, click on “To accept” and all messages will be deleted.
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