【Release Google Drive Storage】Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

Cloud has become one of the main tools for people, and it is that these programs give their users the possibility of store a large amount of content and this way Free up space on your computer or mobile device.

However, these digital services they also have a space limit which can fill up over time. In the case of Google, offers us 15GB of memory in Google Driveit is not too much, but if we compare it with others cloud services What Dropbox where only offers 2GB vs.emo that is a lot.

But, all this storage capacity that this server offers ends up being shared with everyone. your Google serviceswhich also includes Gmail. According to this, you may need free memory in order to store new information.

Steps to Delete Google Drive Files and Folders to Free Up Google Cloud Space

Free up space on Google It is very simple, the first thing you have to do is start do a cleanup, deleted all those files that you no longer need to store Or simply deleting those documents or files that take up the most space.

To do this you must go to your account Google Drive and in the main window we select the option sort all files by their size, this will make those who weigh the most rank first on the list. In this case you must select those you want to delete and then delete them.

Always keep in mind to delete those that more space they take up, as long as you no longer need them or have them stored elsewhere. In the event that delete very light files you will have to get rid of a large number of them.

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We also recommend getting rid of all those Items that you have forgotten or that you do not use frequently. This will allow you to be able save new and more useful content for you.

What files can I delete to free up more space without losing important information in Drive?

Whenever some type of information is being removed from a email, social network, cloud service or any other platform it is essential not to reach delete some important datasince this could bring serious consequences. Therefore, it is important to note that file types can be removed to get a more storage space.

Bearing this in mind, here we teach you that types of items you can delete without losing important account information.

Images that you already have on your social networks

Most of the users usually do a backup of your photos in cloud services, this with the aim of preventing the same are deleted or lostTaking into account that the mobile can be damaged or stolen and lose all these images.

Usually most of these photos are taken posted on a social networkeither in Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or any other. This gives you a certain advantage since they are backed up in said application. therefore you can choose to delete it and this way to increase the free space of your account, which you can take advantage of adding new images or any other type of data.

Documentary information that you no longer need

The same happens with the majority of documents that are store in the cloud, where many of them They lose their validity very quickly.. That is to say, that these are stored to be used in some presentation or test and then they stop importing, but they are still there saved.

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Therefore, these documents become another option to start open up more space in Drive. In this case log in to your account and start reviewing each of your saved information and delete all that you no longer need. Even if there are few of them that you end up discarding, this will help you to expand storage capacity to a large degree.

Videos and movies you’ve already seen

If we take into account the size of the files we can notice that videos and movies are among the heaviest. In other words, these types of files will occupy a large part of the available memory in the application. a form of power free up a lot of space is eliminating all those videos and movies that you have already seen before.

Keep in mind that if you have already seen one movie several times and you still have it saved, you can delete it and thus give you the opportunity to add new titles in your cloud storage. In addition, this will help you improve the operation of the application, making it much faster and more manageable.

Old project folders

How often Have you saved a document or project from the university or work to be presented and after that you leave it there saved when it is no longer useful. And surely this has happened to you and not just once but on several occasions and when you realize you have memory full of old and unimportant projects.

The most recommended thing here is to start reviewing that documents or projects you have saved in Drive. This will let you know which of them are still working and which are not. a form of power get rid of that unimportant information and at the same time open space for new projects.

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Import information to a physical memory

Another of the solutions that we can find for free up space on your cloud storage is by passing much of the information contained there to a physical memoryit can be a flash drive or external hard drive. In this way you can continue to keep each of your elements safely and at the same time open space in your Google Drive account.

The most recommended thing here would be to pass those larger filesthat is, if you have movies or a lot of videosas well as those old pictures that you still want to keep This will allow you decrease your content in the cloud and at the same time improve the functioning of your account.

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