【View Speaker Notes in Presenter View in PowerPoint】Guide ▷ 2022

allows the of the exponent can be seen in private during the . This brings great benefits for the moderator, since seeing the elapsed time and decrease screen brightness without affecting the presentation.

Also, with the moderator view tool you can go from one to the other without having to include hyperlinks in the same. A pen or laser can also be used to guide the audience.

If you want to know how to include large icons of your notes to navigate safely and not make mistakes during the presentation, continue reading.

What is presenter view and what is it for in PowerPoint?

The moderator view is the graphical interface offered by Microsoft PowerPoint and that you use so that the person who has to present the work can include notes, thumbnails, animations and any other element that helps you in your task.

The advantage of this tool is that readers will not be able to see the annotations made by the moderator, they will only see the slides as they were originally created. To be able to execute this function it is necessary to use 2 screens. Also, this tool has the option to occupy the entire computer monitorso you can see details about hyperlinks, offsets in the images and any other type of action that can be corrected before the presentation.

Learn step by step how to use presenter view to view speaker notes in PowerPoint

The step by step that you will have to do to configure the moderator view is the following:

  • Go to the tab slide show.
  • Look for the group of tools monitors and click on the box Use Presenter View.
  • Then select the option main monitor.
  • Choose the monitor that participants will see.
  • Choose Extend Windows desktop onto this monitor.
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When you have to make the presentation, you will have to follow this guide:

  • Go to the tab slide show.
  • In the group Setting you will have to click on the function Slide show setup.
  • Make changes to the box set up presentation and when you finish click on To accept.
  • Click on slide show.
  • Click on From the beginning.

In case you do not have Windows configured with the screen partition, you must follow this process:

  • Click on the button Start.
  • Then click Settingchoose System and then click on the function Screen.
  • Choose Personalize your screen.
  • Check the box Make this screen the main one.
  • Choose multiple screens and finally select extend these screens.
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