4 old iPhone features that many miss

Apple fans want some old iPhone features back!

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Over the years, we have been seeing how each time the iPhone has been improving. Apple puts all its efforts into solving those errors and functions that are least liked in previous versions of their phones, in order to make better devices and thereby attract a larger audience, which equals more sales.

However, over the years some functions and features have also been left behind. Some of them have been replaced by new ones, which are better for some users and worse for others, while others have fallen completely into oblivion, and it seems that we will not see them again on Apple phones.

The evolution is not always so positive: 4 functions that the iPhone had before and that are now missing

As we mentioned, in order to focus on innovation, Apple has gradually dispensed with some features and functions of the iPhone. For this same reason, in this article we have tried to collect 4 features that are not available in the new iPhone and that surely more than one fan of the firm will miss on your device.

1. Touch ID to unlock iPhone

Around the year 2013, or what is the same 8 years ago, Apple surprised with the presentation of the fingerprint sensor of the iPhone 5s, baptized as Touch ID. By then, we had seen a multitude of fingerprint readers on devices such as computers, but they had little to do with the iPhone. In addition to being more precise and faster, it also guaranteed the security of the device, and it was very convenient due to its location on the start button itself.

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Over the years, Touch ID technology was renewed and updated, and was included in Apple phones until the arrival of the iPhone 8. However, all iPhones that include the new design incorporate Face ID but not Touch IDsomething that does not just convince all users.

And it is that, while Macs have the Touch ID sensor on the keyboard, and iPads on the home or power button, iPhones only offer face unlock to unlock. In addition, it can be somewhat annoying because, if your face is covered, it does not always work correctly. For this very reason, it seems that, according to , Apple could be working to reintroduce it, although nothing is entirely clear.

2. 3D Touch under the screen

Going a little further in time, back in 2015 the iPhone 6s was presented and, although it was physically very similar to the iPhone 6, it included some very interesting differences with respect to it. One of them was the Force Touch technology under the screen, baptized by Apple as 3D Touch..

Thanks to this, the iPhone was capable of measuring the force or intensity with which the elements of the screen were pressedallowing to display additional menus with quick actions or previews of the elements displayed on the screen by exerting more pressure than usual on them.

It was an exclusive feature of these phones, but with the arrival of the iPhone Xr from Apple they began to suppress it on their phones, which makes the screens somewhat cheaper. Little by little, features that were offered exclusively on models with 3D Touch were implemented by softwareto the point that any device running iOS 13 or higher can do the same if you hold down an item, whether or not you press further.

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3. Being able to connect headphones with jack cable at any time

With the arrival of the iPhone 7, back in 2016, there was an aspect that generated a lot of controversy. Was one of the first phones to not include the port mini Jack to be able to connect any type of wired headphones. Instead, the EarPods that came with the phone output from the Lightning port instead of the Jack, as well as a small adapter for the headphones.

At the time, there was a lot of controversy since it was not possible to charge the phone and listen to music with the headphones at the same timeAlthough with the arrival of AirPods and the rise of wireless headphones, it seems that little by little the habit has been lost. What’s more, although Apple started, many Android manufacturers soon stopped including such a port in their phones, allowing higher capacity batteries or other improvements at the hardware level instead.

4. The battery percentage on top of the phone

On iPhone models with the home button layout, it used to be common to permanently see the battery percentage at the top of it, inside the status bar. However, when Apple introduced the new design with the iPhone X in 2017, things changed.

Currently, on iPhone models with a notch there is no possibility to show the battery percentage at the top, since the shape of the screen does not allow it. For this reason, you will not even see the option in the phone settings, but to see it you always have to go to the control center or to other types of access (Siri, widgets, settings…), something that bothers some users.

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It would be expected that, with the passage of time, Apple slightly modified the design of the iPhoneallowing to include said percentage in the upper part, since today it is not contemplated to modify the software to add the possibility of it being displayed.

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