5 Methods to Deselect in Photoshop | Solution

Many new users who start using this program do not know how to get rid of selection lines in Photoshop. Curiously, it is a very easy trick to perform. Therefore in this article I will teach you several methods to Deselect in Photoshop on your Windows operating system and .

How to Deselect in Photoshop

Making a selection is essential for edit an image. Adobe Photoshop provides several tools designed to make selections in different ways. After you select part of an image, an animated black and white line indicates the border of the selection.

Which, the movement of the selection border is described as “ants on the march”. This movement can be distracting and make it desirable to temporarily hide the selection or deselect it to remove the selection entirely. Deselecting in Photoshop is very simple.

For that, below I will show you some methods to deselect in Photoshop and some ways to hide the selection lines.

Method 1. Hide the selection lines

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In this process, you will not deselect the selected part in the camera. Rather, this trick will allow you hide selection lines from view. Additionally, it will be useful if you want to show someone an unedited image without the selection lines visible.

Interestingly, there are a couple of ways to hide selection lines in Adobe Photoshop.

  1. If you are using a Windows PC, simply press the keys “CTRL + H” on the keyboard at the same time. When you do this, you will see that the selection lines have become invisible. On the other hand, if you are a macOS user, you must press “CMD + H” on your keyboard to perform the same task.

Otherwise, if you want to show the selection lines again, simply repeat the process and the selected area will be visible again. This way you don’t lose the selection and can show the project in the middle of work without hindering the selection.

  1. There is another way to hide a selection in Adobe Photoshop. In this circumstance, you must navigate to the top menu bar and click on the option “See” from there. That way, a drop-down menu will appear, you must select the option “Additional features”. Instantly, the selection lines will disappear from your view.
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Method 2. How to Get Rid of Selection Lines Using the Mouse Pointer

In this case, use the mouse pointer to delete the selection lines. This is a method to hide the selection line or deselect it in Photoshop. Below you will see the steps.

  • . On the left side toolbar, select any of the selection tools.
  • Step 2. Now, click anywhere on the “abroad” of the selected part of the image and the selection will be deselected.

Method 3. Deselect in Photoshop using the selection menu

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Soon I will show you another way to hide the selection line. However, this is different from the other methods. It is known that there are several types of selection tools in Photoshopsuch as the Magic Wand Tool, Quick Selection Tool, Lasso Tools, Markup Tools, and more.

This method only applies to the Mark or Lasso tool. So, if you have used the Mark or Lasso selection tools to select any part of an image, then this method will work. Below you will see the steps to follow.

  • Step 1. As usual, you first have to make a selection with the Lasso or Mark tool.
  • Step 2. Then right click on the selected area. Doing so will bring up a new overlay.
  • Step 3. Now just click “Deselect” of the options in the menu overlay. Doing so will allow you to Deselect in Photoshop.

This is another way to use the Deselect menu in Photoshop. This method should work every time. For this, I will show you the steps below.

  • Step 1. You have to select an area in the image. Now, navigate to the top menu bar in Adobe Photoshop and click on the option “Select”.
  • Step 2. That way a new overlay menu will appear. You will have to click on the option “Deselect” from the menu.
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By doing so, all selected lines will disappear as this option takes care of Deselect in Photoshop.

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Method 5. Deselect in Photoshop with Keyboard Shortcut

For this procedure, you will use keyboard shortcuts to get rid of selection lines in Adobe Photoshop. Below you will see the steps to follow.

First of all, you will have to make a selection in Adobe Photoshop. Then, if you want to deselect the selection on a Windows PC, simply press the keys “CTRL + D” on your keyboard simultaneously. When you do this, the selection lines will disappear.

On the other hand, if you are using a Mac, you must press the keyboard shortcut “CMD+D” to get a similar result on macOS.

If you have followed the steps above, the selected area in Photoshop will be instantly deselected. That means the selection lines will also disappear.

Unselect what was deselected in Photoshop

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So far, I’ve shown you how to deselect in Photoshop. And among the methods, we have shared several ways to remove selection lines. But, below I will teach you how to recover the selection or reselect an area. For this next.

Note: This method will work after you have deselected or hidden the selection lines.

  • Step 1. Navigate to the top menu bar and click on the option “Select”.
  • Step 2. Then a menu overlay will appear. Simply click on the “Re select” option.

In an instant, the selection lines will reappear and your selection will be re-selected. However, if you want to perform this same task using keyboard shortcuts, do the following.

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If you are using a Windows PC, simply press the keys “SHIFT+CTRL+D” at the same time on your keyboard. That way the selection you just deselected in Photoshop will reappear.

Alternatively, for macOS users, you’ll need to press the keyboard shortcut “SHIFT + CMD + D” to obtain the same result.


I have shared several valid methods to eliminate selection encumbrances in Photoshop. It is up to you which one you are going to use. All of these methods are very beginner friendly and easy to use. Once you use them, you’ll get used to them.

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