The images of the articles are not visible

hi johnny

– Capture 1: Main page of the Web. Featured articles do not appear on this page, but if the articles of the “latest” category appear in the BY Content Slider module (“latest” module), this extension recognizes the images that are in each article and miniaturizes them.

– Capture 2: Menu section “The latest”. It is a category in blog format. The space that the images of each article should occupy is blank.

– Capture 3: VBsta of an article after clicking on read more. The space that the image should occupy is blank.

– Capture 4: One of the articles in Toogle Editor (to check that it is correct)

I don’t think the problem is the path of the image, because although it is not visible, the space that the image would occupy remains blank. In addition, it is something that happens in all articles, whether the image is hosted in the folder that is hosted, even with images from external websites.

I hope these screenshots help to better understand the problem.

Thank you


Answered : 02/22/2013 9:05 am

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