Error trying to edit shop page with Element…

Hello Luis Manuel,

What happens is very rare, everything seems to indicate that there is an error directly related to the elementor pro plugin. Let’s try the following first make sure to deactivate the elementor pro plugin, after that delete the shop page and create it again from woocommercee options -> status -> tools -> Create WooCommerce default pages

What it will do is create the default Elementor page, after that install the following plugin and activate it ->

Once active go to Elements templates and create your store template

Keep in mind to select the template as page type

Configure your store page as you wish, for this you can use the widgets of the plugin that you installed

Once you have built the shop page as you want, go back to the desktop of your website and go to the section Woolentor -> Woocommere template and configure your page template that you created as the shop page on your website

Save the changes and check if it lets you add a template for the woocommerce shop page

A greeting


Answered : 02/24/2022 3:30 pm

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