Configuration of multisite sites

Hello Sergio.

You can set up a multisite, there is no problem with that, it is just a comment I make from experience in multisite installations that I have had to create.

To create a multisite with subdomain:

.- Access your cPanel account -> File Manager.

.- Edit the wp-config file and just below:

/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

.- Add the following:

/** Multisite */
define(‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true);

.- Access the WordPress Administration Tools -> Network Configuration

.- On the Network page, select the Subdomains option.

Once the configuration is saved, you will see that it offers you some codes that you have to add in the wp-config and .htaccess file

When you have added the codes, you only have to access the WordPress administration again (if you have the session open, you have to exit and access again to take the new configuration.

In the administrator you will see that you have a new element “My sites” to be able to manage what you have in the application.

Do you have any input to reverse the htacces multisite process?

Check out this forum post where the topic is discussed:


All the best


Answered : 05/31/2020 2:45 pm

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