
Firebase was born as a real-time database, through which you could develop entirely on the client side (the frontend), without the need to use a server. The real-time database concept indicates that the server, each time a query is updated, sends the data again with the current values. However, from that idea, a series of additional tools arose that today form one of the most complete cloud computing platforms.

So, we can define Firebase as a set of cloud computing services. Its specific approach would be “backend as a service”, whereby you can get more or less the same resources that you would get with server-side programming, only you don’t need to manage the server, it is offered as Google cloud service.

Among the services that would be included within the backend we have databases, authentication, security rules, storage of files of any size, “cloud functions”, etc. However, we cannot think of Firebase only as a backend, because it contains many extra things such as performance analysis (errors or performance), analytics, messaging, etc.

Firebase runs in most cases through frontend code. They offer some very powerful APIs for the web and iOS and Android devices, through which you can run the backend services, but with frontend code. Additionally, it also offers support for server-side programming, with libraries in various languages ​​such as Java or NodeJS.

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