Having an email address is already something almost mandatory for anyone who moves through the network of networks. E-mail has established itself above the traditional one thanks to the immediacy, versatility and comfort that it offers to users; but also because of the need it entails when filling out any registration form on an online platform. The vast majority requires you to use an email address to form your identity as a user on the internetso you need to have it without a doubt.

Fortunately, it is a service that is available for free thanks to many of the large companies in the computer industry. Anyone can get hold of an e-mail today through proposals such as those of Microsoft, Google or even Yahoo!. These three are the great references today and those who provide the higher number of benefits to those who have an account with them.

If you want to know how to create an email or email account, this is the most indicated place. Here we are going to give you a cable so that you know all the steps that must be carried out when registering a new e-mail in any of the platforms of the companies that we have explained to you, so that you can have their free services and you can start Enjoy the benefits of online mail on any device, both on computers and mobile phones and tablets.

How to open an email account in the main free services?

With this, We also solve the most common questions in connection with the opening of accounts, the importance of security in terms of passwords and other aspects also of interest in this whole environment of the post office. Everything so that you do not have the slightest doubt about how to proceed and what to do.

There are several free services that give you the possibility of having an email account without having to pay anything. Contrary to what many may think, Its functions are extensive and have sufficient tools to be fully useful in the professional field. In this section we will focus on how to register an email account in Outlook, in Yahoo and, of course, in Gmail.

Outlook (formerly Hotmail)

Outlook, better known as Hotmail, is one of the most used services when it comes to email. It is owned by the Microsoft groupbased in California, and has undergone variations in its names, which have ranged from MSN Hotmail, Hotmail, to Windows Live Hotmail up to its current name, outlook.com. Through it, the user can log in to social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedInand also includes the Office 365 web version applications, such as PowerPoint, Word and Excel.

Between the years of 2012 and 2013, Hotmail users received a message telling them that they could automatically switch to the Outlook domain if they wanted. Mainly, the difference was that Outlook had proprietary security via Ajaxa technological innovation.

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Today, is the second most popular mail server worldwidesecond only to Gmail and the next yahoo mail. Currently, its users exceed 300 million, and has around 30 different languages ​​in which to configure the account. In addition, like Gmail, it is one of the ways through which the NSA (American National Security Agency) captures messages suspected of being of a terrorist nature, and automatically cancels accounts that are suspected of engaging in spam techniques.

Microsoft mail system It is the one that has had the most names throughout his career. As we have commented, previously known as the famous and now with the name of outlook mail, Established in honor of the native email management platform that the company launched long ago, it seems that the path has been paved for it to remain.

If you want to open an Outlook email account, these are the steps you have to carry out:

  • Through your browsergo to the Outlook mail signup page using the following URL: https://signup.live.com.
  • Instead of advancing by entering data or anything like that, what you should do now is click on the option “Get a new email address” at the bottom of the menu that has appeared.
  • After this, it is time to establish a name for your new email, unique, and a password to limit access. Keep in mind that the first will be the one that is accompanied by:
    • “@outlook.es”
    • “@outlook.com”
    • “@hotmail.com”
  • Depending on what you choose and the key, in addition, it must meet certain requirements to be secure.
  • You must enter several personal data at this point. Begin by writing both your first and last names, if possible true. When you have written them, click on “Following”.
  • After, it is time to clarify your date of birth and the country or region in which you are These data are necessary for the team to finish building the mail user profile, so it is recommended that they be real.
  • The last point is as simple as fill in a field with the digits that appear in the image that appears to us Do it, and when you’re done, you’ll have achieved .


Yahoo is a company in the communication sector that, among other things, it has its own website and directory, and a series of applications, of which its email server stands out, yahoo mail. In Spanish, Yahoo has the following sites: Yahoo! Spain, Yahoo! Mexico and Yahoo! Argentina.

, and is, to this day, used by millions of people around the world. It was created in 1997, and although its main rivals are the Gmail and Outlook mail serversremains the most used in the United States and the third most used globally, second only to Gmail and Outlook, in that order. It maintains the same version since 2007, the year in which it was considered to have been fully completed.

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For security measures, for three years, the mail server controls the content of its users and if it finds any information that can be considered dangerous, it alerts intelligence agencies such as the FBI. In addition, a difference with respect to other mail servers is that, instead of allowing the sending of unwanted emails, it cancels said email accounts and causes their owners to not be able to access that or the rest of the Yahoo group services. .

Yahoo!in addition to as a search engine, It has been operating for many years as a platform for the e-mail of millions of users. If this is the candidate you choose to open your new email, follow the steps here:

  • Open your web browser and enter the following address to enter the main page of Yahoo in Spanish: https://es.yahoo.com.
  • When you are inside, go to the upper right area and click on “Mail”.
  • The system sends you to the user login area, however, if you go down you will find the option “Sign up”. Click on it to start the registration.
  • Now, It is time to write various personal data to form your identity as a user in Yahoo Mail. Type your first and last name in the fields that appear. After this, establish the name of the email address that you are going to use (it must be unique) together with a mobile number to recover access in case of problems. Finish by writing your date of birth and, if you wish, your gender.
  • After having done this, the registration platform will ask you send a security key to the smartphone to make sure it’s yours. Press the send code button and you will receive an SMS with a code, write it down or memorize it and fill in the new field that has appeared on the PC with it. After this, click on “Verify”.
  • With this, your yahoo email account is ready so you can start using it without problems. Send or receive emails easily through its platform and take advantage of the additional services it offers.


Gmail, also known as Google Mail Due to certain legal problems, it is the mail service of the world-renowned company Google Inc. (since April 2004). Its improvements in technology and the large storage capacity it has have made it one of the most used servers worldwide: Since 2012, it has been the mail server most used by Internet users.with approximately 400 million users, followed by Outlook. It is considered a service whose development has concluded since 2009.

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Currently, allows you to store 15 Gb of information for free. This was not the case from the beginning, but this expansion occurred as a result of the launch of the storage platform “Google Drive”, but soon after it was considered more practical to use the storage of both Google Mail, Google + and Drive together.

Although it is possible to check the mail from the phone, if it is not used through the mobile application, there are many functions that do not serve their purpose properly. Also, in itself it is not possible to read files that have OpenDocument formatalthough Google Docs opens them correctly.

In addition, it is possible to check the mail from browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Safari. As a security measure, Gmail deletes emails that the user marks as spam after 30 daysand take note of the type of mail it is, to reduce the possibility of it reaching other users.

The internet giant, , could not be left out of the email service. The company has a very interesting and versatile email platform. To register in it, follow these points:

  • You have to enter the Gmail registration website. To do this, take your preferred web browser and write this address in the corresponding field: https://mail.google.com/mail/.
  • The menu that appears on the screen is oriented to login, however, if you look a bit you will see an option called “Create Account”. Click on it.
  • First, email account opening form It will ask you for both a first name and last name. Write them in the first two fields that you have in front of you. Then, you must establish the name of your email, the one that will be accompanied by “@gmail.com”, and end with an access password of a minimum of 8 characters. It is important that you mix letters and numbers.
  • The next part of the registration process involves set both a date of birth and your gender on a mandatory basis. You also have the option of writing a telephone number and a very useful recovery email in case you forget the password or have problems with the login.
  • The last step that separates you from your Gmail profile is privacy policy and terms of use. Check the necessary boxes to accept everything and, then, click on the “Confirmation” to take the final step. With…
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