【SEND FREE SMS】From PC and Mobile ▷Step by Step Guide▷ 2022

Since many years, SMS was positioned as the main mechanism to communicate with your family, friends and acquaintances, since the great mobile boom began. However, with the appearance of Smartphones and the design of instant messaging apps, texting went largely out of use. Since now people choose to use WhatsApp, Skype or other platforms, instead of SMS.

However, while the media have innovated other tactics, In the same way, text messages continue to have considerable use.. Especially, for reasons in which some people do not have contacts that have smartphones or the famous instant messaging apps. It is even the case that they do not have a mega plan to be able to always be connected. It is because of that, it is necessary to send SMS.

But well, in many countries the cost of text messages is huge and because of that, people choose to look for alternatives that allow them to communicate through this channel without any cost. A) Yes, some tricks arose to achieve it free of charge and also, over time websites were implemented that allow you to do this from a computer, cell phone or tablet. Find out more details about it below.

Steps to send free text messages over the Internet from your PC, tablet or mobile phone

Although it is true, there are currently many web platforms that allow send text messages to anywhere in the world and at no cost. However, among so many options, users often do not know which one to choose, because They do not know the most optimal and opportune alternative for it.

Indeed, we have carried out a brief analysis of the best web pages of free text or SMS messaging services and among these, we point out one that is identified as “globfone”. Which, in addition to revealing excellent and fast performance, allows you to send SMS to all parts of the world and without even registering before on their website.

Being also an alternative safe and reliable; This is an extremely important aspect due to the large number of hackers that operate today in the cloud. In addition, it should be noted that Globfone issues good support that It is maintained from donations and announcements within its same web page.

Supporting in this way, a total of 90% of mobile networks and in sum, does not add any kind of advertising. Without further ado, let’s proceed to know the steps to take to be able to send text messages with the help of Globfone and from any device, that is, you can access the web from your PC, mobile phone or tablet.

Access the Globfone.com website

Through any web browser of your choice, you must proceed to search the official website of “Globfone.com” and once you locate it, click to enter. When you are inside, you will be able to observe that the website is completely in english and surely, it is possible to translate it. But, if you do not handle this language well, do not worry because in this step by step we will indicate in detail the fields to which you must access.

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Choose the receiving country and provide the phone number

Once you are inside the web page, make sure that find yourself in the “Send text” section What does it mean “send text”. Commonly, the same page redirects you to said section but in case it does not happen, look for the option and click on it.

Subsequently, you can see that on the right hand side there is a box with the title “SMS – FREE TEXT ONLINE” and this, of course, is about the medium in which you are going to start building your text message.

First of all, you must select destination country in the dropdown menu under “SELECT RECIPIENT COUNTRY” (this automatically provides the code of each country).

For later, copy the recipient’s phone number in “TYPE RECIPIENT PHONE NUMBER” without any type of error and so, click on the “NETX” button located at the bottom of the box.

Write and send your SMS

After the next section loads, a new screen will appear where you can start writing the message you want to send. You should bear in mind that this website only supports a maximum of 160 charactersso it is relevant to be quite precise when communicating.

In addition to this, we recommend put your name in this sectionsince in the sender it appears “globfone” by default and consequently the receiver won’t know who you are if you don’t.

In this sense, once you finish writing the SMS, You have to check the box “I am not a robot” When it finishes loading, click on the button “NEXT”. With this, the web page will show you a progress bar and if the text message is sent correctly, the following warning will appear “The message was successfully sent”.

List of the best websites and online tools to send free SMS

Just like Globfone, there are also other websites and online tools that give off a good performance when it comes to it. Which, in general, can be used from any device.

In this way, we will immediately let you know Five of the best alternative tools to send text messages online quickly:


It is one of the most recognized alternatives for sending text messages worldwidewhich offers a unique and magnificent service to compose and send SMS for free from your computer, mobile or tablet.

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This website, shows a similar operation to Globfone. Since, to start you have to select destination country, with which they provide you with the specific code in order to copy the recipient’s phone number. Next, on the same screen, you have to write the SMS with a 160 character limitation.


Another option indicated for send free text messages to any countryregardless of the operator or location, it is TwinSMS, which facilitates fast operation to all its users. Bearing in mind that as well as the other recommendations, you can also use it from any device.

However, to be able to compose and send SMS from there, It is mandatory that you create an account on the official website so you can access whenever you want. The best is that they provide guaranteed delivery and it is an unlimited service, so you can send all the messages you need and whenever. Added to it, It has a mobile app to download on Android.


This is another page that is dedicated to offer totally free messaging services in a large number of countries worldwide. One of its greatest advantages is that it ensures easy and fast handling, which is why it is the alternative used by many users. Besides that does not require prior registrationso it is also a reliable option.

To start sending free SMS, all you have to do is enter your websiteclick on the section “free text” and then click on “Create new message”. With this, you only have select country, enter destination phone number Y copy the text message into the form. Lastly, click on “Send” either “Join” and ready.

Send sms.free

It is a website that promises to send SMS to various mobile phone operators located in around 15 countries and among them is Spain. However, so far It only allows communication with Venezuelan mobiles.

Regarding its operation, once you are inside the website, you have to select the option “Send Free SMS” which is located in the upper right part of the window. In order to do so, proceed to click on the country you want to send the text message to.

By carrying out the above, you will be redirected to a new window where you have to write your SMS and proceed to send it. This website also has excellent options for Communicate with your customers in case you have a company and of course, everything is provided for free.


It is a native website from Argentina that makes it easy to send completely free SMS anywhere in the world and therefore, supports multiple mobile carriershe. Therefore, allows you to choose them from a drop-down menu located on the right hand side of the window where you build your SMS.

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In reference to the characters it accepts, It is one of the alternatives with fewer limitations because it has the great benefit of establishing the amount of them, up to a maximum of 900 characters. Which allows us to estimate this website as one of the best options on any list.

Now, how it works It’s very simple and it is based on the following steps: enter the web page, copy the destination phone number, choose the company, write your name or phone number as identification, compose the text message and click on “Send”.

Extra Trick: Send free SMS through Google Photos

Another existing tactic for without spending your balance or paying anything for it, is about make use of Google’s photo management serviceIt is known as google photos.

Being a trick that consists of create a text-based image to proceed to share it by said means to any phone number you want. One of the most striking details of this mechanism, it is that you can remain completely anonymous.

Before knowing the procedure to follow with the Google service, you have to make sure that create a text-based image from the app or online tool what seems best to you.

Luckily, there are many options and among them, it is necessary to distinguish: Photo – Text on Photos, Behappy and ImageChef.

To continue, you have to download the text image created with one of these services and proceed to send it through Google Photos. Thus, you must perform the following step by step:

  • Start by access the Google Photos app which commonly contains your Android mobile by default. But if not, just Enter Google Play Store and download it.
  • When you are inside said application, select the image or photo you created earlier (also supports sending videos). For this, open the menu by swiping from the left edge of the screen and now, click on “device folders”.
  • Then press the button “Share” which is identified with a V lying down in a certain way.
  • Finally, a field will appear for copy receiver’s phone number and so, you only have to click on “Send” and ready.
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