【Recover Samsung Account】Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

Samsung accounts have become an excellent alternative for all customers of this brand can get the most out of each of their teams belonging to this company as they are smartphones, televisions, tablets, among other devices. This allows users to control each one of them from the same place without the need for register separately.

Therefore, at register Samsung account the user has the possibility to sync and update all apps on your devices in a quick and easy way. In addition, it can perform functions such as “” in case of loss, configure reset lockuse the services of the cloud or download apps.

Therefore, being able to have access to this account is very important to be able to enjoy each of these tools. If for some reason you have forgotten your access credentials and you cannot enter this function again, then here we are going to teach you what are the steps you need to take to reset your login.

Steps to recover my Samsung account to use on my new smartphone

If for some reason you stopped using your your samsung accounteither because you did not have a device of this brand or you simply did not access it again and now you forgot your access credentials and you can’t get in.

Here we are going to show you what are the steps you must take to recover access:

  • To recover samsung credentials it is necessary for the user to access from his new smartphone the applications menu for this you must scroll the screen up.
  • There you must select the icon “Settings”.
  • Now you must scroll the options menu down until you get to the section of “Clouds and beads”.
  • Then click on “Accounts”.
  • Here you must select the option “Add Account”.
  • In the new window that appears, choose the section “Samsung Account”.
  • The next thing will be to click on “Find ID or reset password”.
  • in the window of restore password you must complete the information requested, in this case you must enter your first and last name, as well as your date of birth.
  • Once this information is complete, click on “Find my ID”.
  • Finally, the system will perform a search to try to find your credentialsin case they are found correctly, it can use your data to “Log in”, in that case you simply have to select the option “Sign in now”.
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Can I use my Samsung account on a mobile from another brand?

One of the most common questions asked by most users is whether this type of bill can be used in devices from other brands. However, this is not possible, as this is a function only exclusive to the devices developed by this brand. Therefore, you must be a client of the samsung in order to enjoy this service the samsung account that will allow you to have control over each of your devices from this company.

One of the advantages of being able to use this samsung service is that it opens up the opportunity for your customers to use a large number of exclusive tools and elements that will help improve their experience. This is how they can count on Samsung Health, Samsung Pay, Samsung Cloud, Samsung VR, find my mobile, among many other options available.

Can I lose my Samsung account if I don’t use it for a long time?

One of the advantages of using this account is that it will not be deleted if you spend a long time without using it. In general, there are many users who have a Samsung device and for some reason stop using it, either because it has been damaged or it has been sold.

If you are one of those users who for some reason have left their device of this brand and you have not opened your Samsung account for some time, you can rest assured that it will not be deleted due to inactivity. Which you can use at any time and on any device of this brand.

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