【 Rotate Table in Word 】 Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

Few people know that there is the possibility of turning one. But this work has a little trick so that you can do it successfullywhich we will teach you in this article.

This will allow you to adapt different needs of your document in a simple way, being able to offer the reader a variety of effects that will highlight your work.

When you have to present a report or any other work where you have to explain the table in a different way, you can count on the help of this post. This is because we will detail the steps for you to succeed.

What aspects should be considered before rotating a table in Word?

When you rotate a table, you must take into account that the orientation of the table will be completely different. So that, if you had your text horizontally, it will be in the opposite direction when the reader sees it.

Another point to keep in mind is that the margins, if you didn’t work with a square table, will be different. Therefore, you will have to rearrange the margins and the table so that it matches the rest of the document.

Every time you want to throw a board, you will have to work with an image, so you’ll have to delete the original table to include the photo. When working with an image, you will not be able to edit the content of the table. That is, if you need to change, add or remove any data, you will have to create a new table to change the data.

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Steps to rotate a table in a Microsoft Word document

The steps you must follow to rotate a table in Microsoft Word are the following:

  • Create a table as normal. That is, go to “Insert”tap on “Table” and then choose the number of columns and rows the chart will have.
  • Enter the values What will your table have?
  • Copy the table. For this you will have to select it, right click and click on “Copy”.
  • Paste the table into some image editing program. For example, you can use Photoshop or any other that is comfortable for you.
  • Edit the image and then save it.
  • When you are new to Word, you will have to go to the menu “Insert” and search the group “Illustrations”.
  • Click on “Images”.
  • Choose the destination where you have saved the table from the image editing program.
  • Select that image until you see a circle arrow in the top margin. Use the mouse to rotate it without releasing the left button until it is in the position you want.
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