【Set Text Direction in Word】Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

Microsoft Word is one of the most widely used word processors in the world.. One of the reasons for its success is due to the great variety of tools that it offers the user. as well as the compatibility with other programs, both within and outside the family office.

One of these utilities may be more related to power point what with word. This is the text box. This tool allows create separate boxes of the body of . Allowing to vary theorientation and other characteristics.

If you want to learn more about this, so you can make great presentations without leaving Microsoft WordWe recommend this post.

What should we take into consideration when modifying the direction of the text in a text box?

A text box can be very functional in a document. word. Among its applications we can mention synoptic tables, written presentations, among many others.

Due to the variety of positions and dimensions of text, which these constructions require, many times a more dynamic element is necessary. It is because of that the text boxes have the option of rotating their content.

But before carrying out this process, it is necessary to know some features and issues. To begin with, we can mention that you have to consider that this element will behave like an object. That is will not share the general properties of the rest of the text.

In this sense, you will also have to take into account that the global modifications you make typography, color, size, alignment, etc. It will not be applied to the content of the box of text. In order to change the features mentioned to the words in the box, you must select it separately.

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Likewise, at rotate text directionparagraph properties, such as “Align to the left”, “Center”, “Vignettes” and the others within this section, will also change their angle. In this way it will correspond to the turn you made in the box.

Regarding the tool revision of , you shouldn’t worry. The same will include the content of the box.

As we mentioned at the beginning, this element behaves like an objectwhich entails some features. Among which we can find, place before and after text, transparency, rotation, scale and all those related to this category.

Steps to set the text direction in a Word text box

Since the recommended uses for this tool are found intended for synoptic tables and other diagramsit is necessary to have the possibility of rotate text direction.

To achieve this, you need to follow these steps:

set text direction

Before starting, it is important that you know that this method is different from rotating the text box. What we will actually do is change the orientation of the content within this.

For it:

  • Start Microsoft word.
  • on the button “New” create a blank document. You can also open another one that you have already worked on.
  • go to the menu “Insert”.
  • Inside it, choose “Text Box” which is in the section “Text”.
  • press on “Simple Text Box”This will make it easier for you to understand the method.
  • write inside of the box that was just created. It can be any content and It does not matter that you exceed limits.
  • Then press with the secondary button mouse over the border of the box.
  • Within this menu, click on “shape format”.
  • a will appear side options bar.
  • By default, the “shape options”change it to “Text Options”.
  • Under this you will find three icons, choose the third one, “Design and properties”.
  • Inside the dropdown “Text Direction” changes from horizontal to “Rotate text” at 90 or 270 degrees, as appropriate.
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Choose text position

Before closing the options sidebarIt is possible that change the position of the text with respect to the painting. Similar to what can happen in a Excel table or of word.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Within the same section, find the option “Vertical Alignment”.
  • Change the alignment within the dropdown menu of the same. Can be “Left”, “Center” either “Right”.
  • If you want to change the alignment of the content with respect to its own vertical axis, you must go to the tab “Start” and do it with the section buttons “Paragraph”.

Auto fit shape based on text volume

Remember in one of the previous paragraphs we mentioned that it didn’t matter if you went beyond the bounds of the frame? It was because inside the side panel there is an option that allows you to reset the box dimensions depending on the size of the content.

To perform this action you only have to deactivate the option “Fit text in shape”. This will make change its extension according to the length and width of the text it contains. But you must bear in mind that, if it is about one or more long sentencesthe shape of the box could not be the desired.

However, there is a simple solution to this. Insert line breaks between sentences using the button “Enter” of the keyboard.

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