【 Twitch Course 】Online and 100% FREE! ▷ 2022

Video has become the main form of content consumption on the Internet for some time now. Among its various versions Direct or live videos stand out in which an influencer or brand can interact in real time with its audience. Among the many platforms that exist for this, Twitch is one of the ones with the best reputation, especially in the gamer world. If you want to learn how to use this platform at IPAP we have created a twitch course ideal to become an expert.

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Twitch Ebooks

Twitch Basic Level

The first level of our course teaches you the essentials of the platform; from its operation to its various subscriptions, as well as Fundamental aspects about the copyright of the content that you can and cannot upload on your channel, and a slight comparison with other alternative platforms. In addition, we teach you take your first steps on Twitch guiding you to create your first account, do your first live and upload videos that your followers can see whenever they like.

Module 1 – Twitch Basics:

Module 2 – Basic Twitch Actions:

Intermediate Level Twitch

In this second level we focus on more technical aspects. One of them is the management of your channel, something extremely important to be successful. We will teach you how to customize it from scratchuse bots, broadcast from your favorite consoles and other interesting features that will help you better manage your channel. In the same way we show you how to configure the privacy of your account, and we end with the best tips to earn money on Twitchwhich we are sure is what you most want to do.

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Module 3 – Manage my Twitch Channel:

Module 4 – Privacy and Security on Twitch:

Module 5 – Earn Money on Twitch:

Twitch Advanced Level

We close our course by teaching you hard-nosed marketing tips that will help you create a brand on your Twitch channel and also to carry out winning campaigns. Another thing that we teach you is to improve the quality of the content of your profile, something that will help you stand out from the millions of channels created on the platform, as well as solving the most common errors that you can find when broadcasting live.

Module 6 – Create a Brand on Twitch:

Module 7 – Create Content for Twitch:

Module 8 – Troubleshooting and Twitch Tricks:

FAQ: Frequently asked questions about the Twitch Online course

Requirements Who is the free Twitch Online course for?

The possibility of generate income with content creation Related to video games is something that fills everyone with enthusiasm today. That is why our course is aimed at those young people and adults who wish to live off their passion, creating quality content for one of the fastest growing platforms in the last decade. Our training goes from 0 to 100 so you will not need previous knowledge other than knowing how to use a computer and a smartphone to start.

Objectives What are you going to learn with the 100% free Twitch course?

Our goal is for you to become an expert in managing this platform, so that you can make a living from uploading content to it. In our course you will learn from how to create a new account and a channel, to how to manage it and make it grow so that you become an influencer recognized by the Twitch user communityas well as you will also learn to execute marketing campaigns from scratch to expand your brand to all corners of the world.

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Methodology How to do the Twitch course for free and through the Internet?

Our course is made up of dozens of articles that we have created based on our experience on Twitch, so that with them we can transmit all this knowledge to you. To facilitate your training, we have organized everything into various modules that deal with a essential aspect of the platformIn turn, these are arranged in different levels of learning according to the difficulty of the knowledge in them.

To complete our course you only have to read each of the articles that make up the different modules, and progress until you complete all those that make up the complete training. This gives you the freedom to organize your learning time without pressure, learning little by little and at your own pace until you assimilate and master each of the aspects that we teach you about Twitch, so that you do not feel this as an obligation but rather as a privilege.

We recommend that you put this entry in your bookmarks since the entire agenda will always be online so you can enter to continue your training without problem.

Agenda What are you going to study in the Twitch Online course?

In our agenda you will study everything about the Twitch platformstarting with the creation of your first channel or profile, and ending with marketing knowledge that will allow you to create a personal or business brand without problem. All this will be easy for you thanks to the way in which we have organized the course with levels ranging from the most basic to the most complex.keeping you from getting frustrated and giving you easy-to-learn, scalable learning.

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