【 PASS EVERYTHING between Android phones 】▷ Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

You have acquired a new Smartphone, everything seems great until you realize that it is necessary to configure it, since you want all the information that you had stored on your old mobile. Despite seeming at first glance a tedious procedure, today we have a great advantage, technological evolution, which is increasing. There is a wide variety of applications that allow you to transfer files from one device to another without much inconvenience, quickly and easily saving us time and effort.

But it happens that you investigate about it and you get so many options that you don’t know which one to choose. So, It is advisable to take into account the different attributes and characteristics that define each of these, whether or not it is compatible with our mobile, the transmission speed, the number of files, if it is free or not, how much space in our memory it will occupy when downloading it, and as if that were not enough, a new inconvenience arises for users (the advertising contained in these applications that generates discomfort).

That is why we present a guide that describes step by step the different options to carry out this task without dying in the attempt.

Steps to migrate and transfer all data from your old phone to your new Android without losing anything

In cases of device migration Backup rules the roost, You can create this from your old computer manually. It will contain all the information stored in your mobile as (photos, videos, contacts, applications, WiFi passwords, calendar). To create it you must do it from your old mobile by following these steps.

  • Go to Settings > General > Backup, finally click on To accept. This way you can restore your data on your new device.

Another way to migrate data is through the short range wireless connection (NFC). This is a limiting option, because not all mobiles have this alternative. To carry out this procedure it is necessary that both devices have it.

It consists of activating the NFC, approach both teams from behind until they almost touch and proceed with the information transfer. It is that simple to migrate using this method.

Using apps

There is currently a wide range of applications on the market that allow the transfer of data from one computer to another. The appropriate selection is given according to the user’s needs and the means available to carry out the migration between them, since these have as a primary requirement to have an internet connection, or have some connectivity such as the short-range wireless connection (NFC).

An excellent alternative to carry out the migration is CLONEit, This application is an Android phone cloner that allows you to transfer the information contained in your old device to your new Smartphone. It must be installed on both, since one works as a Receiver and the other as a Sender. To carry out the data transfer it is essential to have an internet connection.

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The procedure works as follows:

Once the tool is open on both phonesselect the button Receiver on the new computer and the Sender in the old one, in this way the devices begin to be searched for (acts like bluetooth, but with a high file transfer capacity).

The old phone will be displayed on the new phone, you select it. A connection request message will appear on the sender by the first, press To accept to start importing the information you want.

The app is fast and friendly. It allows perform block file transfer as desired or make the selection of certain information and transfer in parts.

As a point against, You need an internet connection to be able to perform the migrationNotably It is not recommended to use the phone’s data service. Regarding game backups, it does not ensure that the bookmarks and progress are maintained.

Using a cable and the computer

This type of migration It is very useful when you do not have internet access, when it is done through a non-smartphone, or when the user wants to back up or restore locally because they don’t trust cloud storage.

  • The process is done by connecting the Android phone to the PC via a USB cable. In case you have connection problems with either of the two, check all the USB ports.
  • Once the PC recognizes the device, it proceeds to back up the information contained in it. Choose Use as USB device on android phone option and then explore the files until you find the one you want to copy to the PC.

You can also access all the information stored in the cloud (iCloud, Google Drive), opening these storage managers on the computer and transferring the information stored in these applications to the phone. It is a slow procedure but equally feasible.

From a “normal” phone to your smartphone

Transferring information from a non-smart device to a Smartphone is not impossible 🙁 although it is true that data transfer can become cumbersome, since it is done slowly, it is also true that This type of mobile does not have a large amount of information and applications to transfer.

To back up contacts, we just have to go to our old device at Notebook, select contacts that you want to back up and choose the option Copy to SIM card.

We must ensure that the contact information has been stored on the SIM card, and as regards media information has been saved on a memory card or transferred from phone to PC via USB cable, In this way we will have the desired information available.

Once we have all this information we will proceed to install the SIM card in our new Smartphone, and we will export the information contained therein.

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In LG’s case You just have to open the application that contains the contacts, select the three points located on the upper right side of the page, there a drop-down menu will be displayed, choose the option “Manage Contacts”, and then choose “To import”indicating the origin (SIM card) and the destination (Phone), then “To accept”.

It is recommended to carry out this transfer to the telephone, since once this information is contained in the Smartphone it can be manipulated, optimized and later uploaded to the cloud to achieve a better backup.

For multimedia content it is only necessary to import from the memory card or PC. Let’s not forget that it is possible that we should have a program on hand on the computer to read this type of file.

Both photo and video files as well as contacts can also be transferred via Bluetooth, This is a valid option but very tedious since it is done one file at a time.

Automatically with your Google account

A reliable way to get the data from our old phone is by means of the Backup. For this It is necessary to have an internet connection and to have made said copy beforehand.

This will be stored in Google and will be associated with our . For support we have the Google Drive app, an excellent manager, easy to use on both Android and iOS devices.

This method consists of activating on the new device the latest Backup that has been carried out, so that the information is synchronized (applications with your data, Wi-Fi passwords, among others).

It’s always good to have one Backup stored in the cloud in case of theft, breakdown or loss of the phone. No matter how much storage your device has, it will always be an excellent option to carry it out, since this frees you from so much information and if something happens, the data will not be lost.

open it here.

From Android to iOS

If you want to change your data from an Android operating system to iOS, you must download the appMove to iOS” in this. Once you establish this in your terminal, establish the connection with iPhone as follows.

  • When configuring you must go to “Apps & data > Transfer data from Android”.
  • From the device open the application and click on “Continue”. Accept the terms and conditions and click on “Following”.
  • At the top right select “Find the code.”
  • From the iOS Smartphone click on “Continue”, on the screen press “Transfer from Android”.
  • a code will appear that you must enter in the Android device.
  • Once you select the data you want, click on “To accept” on the Android device and “Continue” on the iOS. Follow the steps displayed on the screen to complete the process. It should be noted that the duration of this will depend on the number of files and their weight.
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You should keep in mind that Android and iOS do not share the same system and therefore do not have compatibility with certain applications, so if even selecting it does not appear on the destination computer, it is because it is not compatible. Check this out in the App Store.

From iPhone to Android

Like the previous one, it is possible to do it in reverse, in this case it is done with .

  • The first thing to do is Download the Google Drive app on both devices, and we will open it on the iPhone mobile with a Google account. If you do not have it, it is essential that you create one.
  • Then go to Menu > Settings > Backup and select all the files you want to transfer.
  • You have to keep in mind that you must sign in with the same Google account, but now on your Android device. Once you have done this, you will have your information available in the cloud and you will be able to use it.

From Android or iOS to Windows 10 Mobile

To migrate from a Android Smartphone to a Windows Phone Smartphone it is recommended to go to:

  • Settings > Emails and accounts > Google account and then transfer each of the pictures and videos to the PC and from there back to the phone.
  • It can also be transferred via an SD card.

In the case of iOS to Windows 10 Mobile, the procedure is done like this:

  • With the iPhone connected to the PC and using iTunes
  • We synchronize all contacts by Outlook with Exchange.

It is currently not recommended to perform such a migration, as the device Windows 10 Mobile will stop operating by the end of the year, therefore it is considered obsolete.

Now, by using the application “Smart Switch Mobile”you can easily transfer all data from Windows 10 Mobile to Android. This can be done by wireless connection or via USB cable. Both methods require that the same app has been downloaded on both devices.

  • For the first option, both devices are required to be close to each other. Old equipment is selected android device and it is touched in Connect.
  • Later select the files that…
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