【Wireless Waves and Frequencies】What are they? + Types ▷ 2022

It is no secret to anyone that, currently, they have become a necessity, so they are widely used and humans basically depend on them. Especially thanks to the fact that, at this moment everything around us is connected to a network and, in many cases, without the need for cables.

In this sense, despite the fact that different types of networks can be achieved, the truth is that most of them are being replaced by wireless systems at an outstanding rate. Which are known as “ (or wireless)” and are characterized by their easy configuration. This, because they are composed of waves and frequencies Wireless.

Therefore, it is really important to know What is a wireless network wave, like a Wireless wave frequency?. Therefore, in this post, we will detail said information and we will let you know as much the types of waves and wireless frequencies as well the main cycles of frequencies and waves.

What is a wireless network wave and what is it for in computing?

Although it is true, in the wireless networks there is no physical connection via cable between the receiver and the sender of the data. Since, it is kept connected by radio waves or microwaves to facilitate communications. In this sense, the wireless network waves are responsible for transmitting a radio signal at a certain frequency to carry out the communication process that must be carried out between the sender and receiver of the information.

So, these elements serve to simplify communication between them through space. So, in summary, the basic component of type communications Wireless is a radio wave. Now, with respect to its operation, we emphasize that, they are carried out thanks to an antenna that allows a transmitter to send energy into space and the receiver to pick up or detect it. Thus, transmitters and receivers are designed to work in a limited frequency range.

What is a wireless wave frequency and what is it for in networks?

Basically, the entire pattern of a wave before it repeats itself, It is known as a “cycle”while, the number of cycles that a wave repeats itself in a second, It’s called “frequency”. So, a wireless wave frequency is defined as the number of times the latter is renewed in a certain time. Generally, the wave frequency is measured in the unit Hz (or Hertz) and this way, refers to several cycles per second.

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Whereas, thousand hertz are identified as 1Khz (or Kilohertz), one million hertz is 1MHz (or Megahertz) and billion hertz is 1GHz (or Gigahertz). In this sense, the wave frequency is an indication that It is used to express the number of vibrations (or waves) of a sound source per unit of time.. Taking into account that this concept is inverse to what the wavelength refers to; given that, the longer the wavelength, the lower the wave frequency and vice versa.

That is, the longer the wireless network wave, the will be repeated less. Even if a wave moves from one medium to a different one, the frequency will be constantbut the length and speed will fluctuate.

Types of waves and wireless frequencies What are all that exist so far?

Since the transmitters and receivers that carry wireless network waves are designed to operate in a limited frequency range, there is a classification that depends on the range of frequencies used to transmit said waves.

So, three types of wireless waves are distinguished based on the frequency range used to transfer them, which are:

satellite microwave

In this case, certain links are made between two or more ground stations that are called base stations. Thus, by means of it, the satellite receives the upstream signal in a frequency band, proceeds to amplify it and then retransmit it on another band which is the descending signal.

Due, each satellite operates in a specific band. Added to that, the frequency boundaries of microwaves mix with each other with infrared and high frequency radio waves. Reason why, there may be some interference with communications on specific wireless frequencies.

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terrestrial microwaves

For this, satellite dishes with an approximate diameter of about three meters are used. which, mainly, They are characterized by providing coverage of kilometers and for that, both the receiver and the sender they have to be perfectly aligned. Otherwise, the operation will be constantly truncated.

Therefore, point-to-point links are often used over short distances. In addition to this, it is a wireless system that covers frequencies from 1 to 300 GHz. However, it is possible that attenuation occurs due to rain, this being the most relevant because it operates at a much higher frequency.


It is defined as a system in which transmitters and receivers that modulate non-coherent infrared light are linked and for its optimal operation, they have to be aligned with a reflection on a surface or directly. In this way, infrared covers a range from 300GHz until 384thz.

However, it is worth noting that these they can’t get through walls at all. On the other hand, it should also be noted that depending on the frequencies they usethere are two types of signals Wifi or, failing that, networks Wireless They transmit data using electromagnetic waves.

Next, we highlight what they are:

  • 4GHz: This is the frequency of wireless signals most used, because they have the ability to pass through walls and windows in a completely optimal way. Thus, there are numerous devices that use this lower transmission frequency and, therefore, they are more crowded and can interfere with each other.
  • 5GHz: By its very identification, it can be intuited that it is a higher frequency technology and thanks to that, It is characterized by its capacity to reach higher speeds. Thanks to the fact that they are used by fewer devices and are clearer. However, it cannot pass through walls or windows and its range is generally shorter.

Frequency cycles and waves What are Hz, MHz and GHz?

While it is true, the cycle of a wave it is the smallest part of a repeating wave, since, it is defined as the complete pattern of it. Consequently, They consist of a positive and a negative cycle., thanks to the fact that they all start at zero and end at zero, even, the center also passes through zero. Now, specifically when it comes to the cycles of frequencies and waves, Hz, MHz and GHz come into play. Reason why it is opportune to discern What are each of them about?

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Next, we detail it:

Hz or Hertz

Basically a Hertz It represents one cycle for every second, so it determines the frequency of a specific event. Being this, the main measure of a cycle of frequencies and waves Wireless. Taking into account that it refers to the unit of measurement of frequency in the International System of Units.

MHz or Megahertz

This consists of one of the principal multiples of the Hertz and is based on a unit of measure of frequency that equals 106 hertz (ie one million Hz). Thus, it is considered a unit that it is used very frequently to measure network waves and the working frequency of a device, for example.

GHz or Gigahertz

It is another multiple of the unit of measurement of frequency hertz or Hertz and basically one GHz equals 109 Hz (or one billion Hertz). Thus, they have an oscillation period of 1 nanosecond and they are very used in communication by satellite dish, so they also have the ability to compute the waves of wireless networks. Considering that radio waves with frequencies close to the GHz are known as “microwaves”.

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