【+5 Websites to Calculate your Pension and Retirement】List ▷ 2022

A concern that afflicts everyone at some point in our lives, As the years go by in our work environment, it is the pension, which is the payment that we will have after we retire.

This information is very important in the future, since after years of working and contributing, it is essential to know at least an estimate of the pension that we will have when we retire permanently, and although the exact amount will not be known until then, it is possible to find web simulators that will allow you to calculate your retirement pension in an approximate way

For this purpose, we present you the best simulator pages to be able to calculate your pension and the method to do it manually. It should be noted that these sites work based on the data provided by the userTherefore, their results have no weight in the field of social security.

How to calculate your pension manually?

Not everything should be based on internet searches, so Calculating your pension is one of the things that you should learn to do manually.

To do this, you must follow this procedure:

Quotation bases

To find out how much money goes into your account at retirement, The first thing you should know are the contribution bases, which can be described as the gross monthly remuneration, including the extra payments that you receive as a worker. These bases will vary many times in your careerthe maximum and minimum requirements change, and on these bases the calculation of your retirement by social security will be established.

Reference period

Knowing our contribution bases, The next variable to be determined is the reference period that will be taken into account to calculate the variable known as the regulatory base., based on the quotation bases. Currently, the reference period used is 25 years, counting backwards from the date on which the retirement request was made, or the date on which the worker finished his working career in the company. Both situations are known as “causal event”.

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sum of the bases

Now, once the reference period and the contribution bases are known, The next step is to make a sum of all the bases throughout the 25-year period that has been taken. Since 25 years add up to a total of 300 monthsyou must add the contribution bases for each of these months, bearing in mind the date of the “Causing Event”.

Calculate regulatory base

When performing the sum of the 300 contribution bases, The result will be a fairly high figure, depending on the value of each of the monthly salaries you have received. This result is divided by 350, which will give us our regulatory base as a result and will be the maximum amount that you can receive for your retirement, if you meet the requirements.

Determine the applicable percentage

Once you have calculated the regulatory base, the last step is to determine what percentage of this amount corresponds to you by law. If you meet the requirements established in the social security law of your region100% of the regulatory base will correspond to you.

Otherwise, you will be a creditor of a different percentage. These percentages are established by law, based only on 15 years of contributions, for which you could only charge 50% of the regulatory base. However, there are many circumstances that can cause these percentages to vary, all depending on each particular case.

Best simulator websites to calculate your pension

Although it is possible to obtain an approximate result of your pension manually, the use of web pages and simulators will allow you to do it much faster and more accuratelyjust by entering a few data.

The most recommended pages for this are described below:


The website of the OCU (Organization of Consumers and Users) gives you access to a calculator that you can use to make an approximate calculation of the pension that you will enjoy at the end of your working life. In this case, You will not need to enter too much data, you just have to enter the age, the gross annual salary and the years of contribution. With this information, all you have to do is press “Calculate” to get the results.

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It is one of the most popular and well-known insurance agencies, and Its website also has a calculator through which you can calculate your retirement pension in a very simple way. The MAPFRE online simulator will request a certain number of data, which you must enter in order to carry out the calculation. These data are your date of birth, your annual income expressed in euros, the number of years of work contributed, and specify whether you are a self-employed worker.


This website is entirely dedicated to information and assistance for social security. Among its content, you can find news, videos and infographics from various sources and a simulator that will allow you to calculate your pension. The pension simulator itself is quite simple. All you have to do is enter the specified data (date of birth, annual gross salary and years of contribution)and click the button “Calculate”.


You can find pension calculation simulators on the web pages of a variety of banking entities, through which their users can make an approximate calculation of the retirement pension they will receive upon retirement. In most cases, You will need to be a customer of the bank and you must identify yourself as such by logging in on its platform. Subsequently, you only have to enter the requested data to obtain the approximate calculation of your future pension.

Tips for planning your pension and preparing your retirement

Retirement will be the last stage of your working life and It is when you will receive the payment with which you will have to subsist from now onso it is not prudent to let the time arrive without having made preparations. While there are only a handful of things you can do to prepare for your retirementall of them have their own value when it comes to improving the prospect of your retirement years.

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So now we will give you some tips that you can follow to be prepared when the time comes to receive your pension:

  • Keep your retirement bases updated: For both employees and self-employed workers, keeping the contribution base updated and increased when possible will allow you to have a greater retirement income. This process must be carried out at 49 years of age or before, since it is not possible to do it after 50 years.
  • Supplement retirement with savings products: The financial institutions to which you are subscribed offer a large number of products that allow you to supplement your pension income, providing more economic peace of mind. Among these products, pension plans, life annuities, fixed-term deposits and, with a little more risk, investment funds stand out.
  • Have secondary sources of income: If you are one of the people who does not like leisure, you can have secondary sources of income that will allow you greater ease in your economy.
  • Evaluate all the options you have: the alternatives provided by your financial institution, your job and the law may be more or less beneficial depending on your situation, so you must carefully determine which options will give you the best results to receive a more substantial pension.
  • Choose your financial institution carefully: each financial entity offers different plans and products covered by different types of guarantees. It is convenient that you find out adequately about each of these to select the financial institution with the guarantees that best suit your needs.
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