Income 2018 | Who has the obligation to make the declaration and who is exempt?

There are only a few days left until April 2nd and the Renta 2018 campaign will finally start, which will last until July 1st. At the moment, although until next month they will not be able to catch up with the Treasury. .

It is time to collect documentation, soak up and review our data to benefit from and not make mistakes that may lead us to some.

Who is not required to testify?

At this point… who is required to file and who would be exempt from doing so this year? Well, taxpayers who are not in these three general situations are obliged to declare.

1. All taxpayers residing in Spain are obliged to declare, except those who have received, exclusively, income from income from personal work, equal to or less than 22,000 euros per year: provided that they come from a single payer, when there are several payers (provided that the sum of the second and subsequent ones in order of amount do not exceed the amount of 1,500 euros as a whole) and when the only income from work consists of passive benefits (Social Security pensions and passive classes, plan benefits of pensions, collective insurance, mutual social security, corporate social security plans, insured pension plans and dependency insurance benefits), provided that the determination of the applicable withholding rate had been made in accordance with the special procedure established by regulation ( at the request of the taxpayer by submitting form 146) .

The limit is set at 12,643 euros per year, except for taxpayers who died before July 5, 2018, which remains at the limit of 12,000 euros, in the following cases:

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* When the income from work comes from more than one payer and the sum of the amounts received from the second and remaining in order of amount exceeds the amount of 1,500 euros per year.

* When compensatory pensions are received from the spouse or annuities for non-exempt food.

* When the payer of work income is not required to withhold.

* When full income from work is received subject to a fixed rate of withholding. In 2018, the withholding rate of 35% or 19% (when the returns come from entities with a net turnover of less than 100,000 euros) applicable to the remuneration received for the status of directors and members of the Boards of Directors, of the Boards that take their place and other members of other representative bodies, as well as the 15% withholding rate applicable to income derived from teaching courses, conferences and the like, or derived from the preparation of literary works , artistic or scientific, provided that the right to its exploitation is transferred.

2. All taxpayers residing in Spain are obliged to declare, except those who have received, exclusively, income from income from movable capital and capital gains subject to withholding or payment on account, with the joint limit of 1,600 euros per year.

Capital gains from transfers or redemptions of shares or participations in collective investment institutions in which the withholding base is not determined by the amount to be included in the tax base are excluded from the joint limit of 1,600 euros per year. When the withholding base has not been determined based on the amount to be included in the tax base, the capital gain obtained from transfers or redemptions of shares or participations in collective investment institutions may not be computed as capital gain subject to withholding or deposit. account for the purposes of the exclusionary limits of the obligation to declare.

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3. And lastly, all taxpayers residing in Spain are obliged to declare, except those who have received, exclusively, imputed real estate income, yields from treasury bills and subsidies for the purchase of officially protected or appraised price housing, and other capital gains derived from public aid, with a joint limit of 1,000 euros per year.

Those who obtain full income from work, capital or economic activities, or capital gains that together do not exceed 1,000 euros, or those who have exclusively had capital losses of less than 500 euros, will not have to present a declaration in any case.

General considerations

However, even if they are not obliged to declare, all taxpayers who exercise the right to apply certain reductions or deductions or to receive a refund must confirm the draft or present the return.

Tax-exempt income will not be taken into consideration.

The above limits are applicable both in individual and joint taxation.

Taxpayers who receive any other type of income other than the above or exceed the maximum amounts indicated are obliged to declare in any case.

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