Unicaja Banco will close 143 branches on March 18 after the merger with Liberbank

Unicaja Banco will close 143 branches throughout the national territory on March 18, due to the fact that the entity is carrying out an employment regulation file (ERE) and a branch reorganization process after its merger with Liberbank.

The bank, which will lay off 1,513 employees and close 395 branches, is beginning to move files and will close 72 branches that belong to the Unicaja network and 71 that belong to the Liberbank branch network in a month, according to Efe sources. unions.

Unicaja Banco carries out a branch reorganization process, as planned, within the framework of the Liberbank integration process, the efficiency objectives like other entities in the sector and its 2022-2024 Strategic Plan.

Castilla y León and Extremadura will be the most affected

The autonomous communities in which the most offices will be closed are Castilla y León, where 56 will close (25 in the northern area -León, Palencia and Zamora- and 31 in the southern area -Ávila, Segovia, Salamanca, Soria and Valladolid-) and Castilla-La Mancha, with 38 (6 in Albacete, 7 in Ciudad Real, 12 in Cuenca and 13 in Toledo).

Extremadura will be next on the list, since 26 offices will be closed in this region, while 16 branches will be closed in Andalusia, 2 in Campo de Gibraltar, 3 in Eastern Andalusia -2 in Jaén and 1 in Almería- and this is significant. the case of the province of Malaga, with 11 closures.

In addition, 4 offices in Asturias and 3 in Cantabria will be closed, always according to these sources, which have assured EFE that the employees of these offices will be assigned to others and a period for requesting voluntary transfers has been opened until March 7.

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This number of branch closures is known after the negotiation of the ERE that has been carried out after the merger of Unicaja Banco and Liberbank, which led to the creation of the fifth bank in the country, with a current volume of assets close to 110,000 million, more than 4.5 million customers and approximately 1,400 branches.

Unicaja, reference entity in six communities

Unicaja Banco maintains a significant presence in its regions of origin, being a benchmark entity in six autonomous communities (Andalusia, Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León and Extremadura), as well as being present in other markets such as Madrid, Ceuta and Melilla.

The entity closed the 2021 financial year with a network of more than 1,300 branches, more than 2,500 ATMs and 400 financial agents that provide services through 480 agencies.

Unicaja will lay off 2,700 employees

On the other hand, Unicaja will lay off almost 2,700 employees, given that to the 1,513 dismissals contemplated in the ERE there are some 1,200 early retirements, 730 who were on leave at Liberbank and 437 from the former Unicaja Banco with whom an agreement has been reached. agreement.

Despite the fact that the entity contemplated 1,513 exits in the ERE, 2,085 workers joined, so the bank has had to leave 572 people out of the process, a large majority belonging to provinces such as Madrid, Barcelona or Asturias, according to sources unions.

On the opposite side are communities such as Castilla-La Mancha, in which the request to leave has been granted to the majority of people who have asked to leave through the ERE, mainly in the provinces of Cuenca, Toledo and Ciudad Real; or the province of León, where there have been more surpluses than requests to leave.

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