LIVE | Reactions to the results of the Catalan elections of 21D

The PP remains as the last force with three deputies and will share a mixed group with the CUP

The Catalan PP, led by Xavier García Albiol, has lost eight deputies in the elections this Thursday, going from the 11 it obtained in 2015 to three, which places it as the last force in Parliament, behind the CUP, which has won four seats.

With 98.71% counted, the popular ones have obtained 181,769 votes, 4.23% of the total (more than four points lower than two years ago) and they have not obtained the five seats necessary to be able to form their own group, thus which will share the mixed group with the CUP, which has won four seats with 191,354 votes, 4.45%.

In the 2015 elections, the PP was placed as the penultimate political force in the Catalan Chamber with 11 seats, after obtaining 349,143 votes, 8.49% of the total, the worst results of the popular in Catalan elections up to then, obtaining the same seats than CatSíQueEsPot and closely followed by the CUP with 10.

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