How to Open CRYPT12 Files on Your PC | Step by Step Tutorial

One of the reasons why becomes one of the most popular messaging services is because of the strong security feature. This, thanks to the implementation of encrypted files such as CRYPT12.

In this way, sometimes even the phone owner cannot access his own backup content. But there are methods to open it. Therefore, in this article I will teach you as CRYPT12 on your PC .

What is a CRYPT12 file?

A CRYPT12 file is a encrypted database created by WhatsApp a messaging application . This contains an encrypted database type “256-bit AES” of messages sent and received through the application.

On the other hand, the extension “.crypt12” is added to a file “.DB” to create a file “.DB.CRYPT12”which is an encrypted database that WhatsApp uses to backup a user’s messages.

Throughout WhatsApp’s existence, the application has used different algorithms to encrypt user messages. Users of this messaging can “.CRYPT7, .CRYPT8, .CRYPT10 or .CRYPT12all of which are backup copies of encrypted messages.

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General characteristics of the CRYPT12 file

  • File names: “msgstore.db.crypt12”, “msgstore-YYYY-MM-DD.db.crypt12”.
  • Developer: WhatsApp.
  • Usage popularity: 3.8 | 1331
  • Category: Database Files.
  • Format: N/A, AES 256-bit.


If you want to open CRYPT12 files and view the message history contained within, you must first locate the WhatsApp key file that stores the encryption key of the CRYPT12 file. Such key information is stored in the following location: “/data/data/com.whatsapp/files/key”.

Additionally, the CRYPT12 database files are located in the of Android devices with WhatsApp Messenger installed. You can find your CRYPT12 file (or other WhatsApp encrypted database file) in the following directory: “/sdcard/WhatsApp/Databases”.

Here, you can find several CRYPT12 database files in the folder “Databases”with dates “YYYY-MM-DD” included in their file names. WhatsApp creates new backup files periodically, the dates in the file names of these represent when they were created.

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On the other hand, most of these dated backup files can be deleted to free up space on your SD card, without affecting your WhatsApp messages. However, you should always keep one or two CRYPT12 files with the most recent date, in case you need to restore your WhatsApp message history.

Note: Only the Android version of WhatsApp Messenger creates CRYPT12 files. The iOS and desktop versions of WhatsApp Messenger do not create these types of files.

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How to open CRYPT12 files?

After recovering both your WhatsApp encryption key and CRYPT12 file, you can decrypt and download your message history using “WhatCrypt or WhatsApp Viewer”, a free online WhatsApp database decryption tool.

To open the file, first you need the file i.e. the key. “WhatsApp crypt12 Key /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/key” which is located in the directory. If you are using a Rootusz device, you cannot access this file. Therefore, below I will teach you some methods to open CRYPT12 files.

Method 1. (For Rooted Devices) Decrypt CRYPT12 Database on PC

To open crypt12 files find your key file that contains the decryption key: “/data/data/com.whatsapp/files/key”. After that next.

  • . Connect your phone to your PC and copy the database file with the name “msgstore.db.cryptX”. and key file on your computer.
  • Step 2. Download and install “WhatsApp Viewer” on your computer. Then open it and go to “Archive” after “Decrypt .crypt12”. Now you have to upload your database file and your key file.
  • Step 3. Click the button “three points (…)” next to the database file box to import it and do the same with the key file. After that click “Accept” to decrypt the database file.
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When you see the message “Decrypted database in msgstore.decrypted.db file”, the decryption will be finished. You will find a file called “msgstore.decrypted.db” in the folder where you stored the database file and key file.

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  • Step 4. Run WhatsApp viewer again and click “Archive” then, “Open”. Again, Click the button “three points (…)” to import your file “msgstore.decrypted.db” and click “Accept”.

Now you can select the mobile number in the right panel and see the chats of the same in the left panel. You can export the in format “.txt / .html / .json” if you wish.

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Method 2. (For non-rooted devices) Read CRYPT12 database on PC

To open crypt12 files and encrypt them into something understandable, you can take the help of one of the decryption applications available on “Google Play Store”. The recommended app that you can use is “Omni-crypt”.

With it, you can easily decrypt WhatsApp database without root. Please note that to decrypt the database above version “crypt6”you will need to “WhatsApp-Key-DB-Extractor” to extract the encryption key. With this in mind follow the steps below for decryption.

  • Step 1. Download and install “Omni-crypt” in you . Then download “WhatsApp-Key-DB-Extractor” to your computer and connect your Android phone to it.
  • Step 2. Open the folder “WhatsApp-Key-DB-Extractor” on your PC and look for the file called “” Right click on it and select “Properties”.
  • Step 3. In the tab “Permissions”check the box before “Allow file to be run as a program”.
  • Step 4. After that, run the file “” in “Terminal on Mac”.
  • Step 5. When it asks you to unlock your device and confirm the backup operation, open your Android phone and click “MAKE A BACKUP OF MY DATA”. “Waiting for WhatsAppKeyDBExtract to restore WhatsApp”.
  • Step 6. Once the operation is complete, press “Enter” to exit the terminal.
  • Step 7. Now open “Omni-crypt” on your Android phone. Touch “ENABLE CRYPT 6-12 BACKUPS” and then tap on “DECRYPT WHATSAPP DATABASE”.
  • Step 8. Now open the folder “WhatsApp-Key-DB-Extractor” and go to the extracted folder. Here you can see the files “msgstore.db” and “wa.db”.
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Note: the file “msgstore.db” stores all messages along with attachments and “wa.db” stores all information related to contacts.

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Now you have learned to open CRYPT12 files, WhatsApp database on Android phone. Although the original databases are not being touched, there is always the possibility that the actions implemented could corrupt the original database. That’s why it’s always best to back up your data first.

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