How to Set Up Ark Graphics on Your PC

Ark: Survival Evolved is one of the most exciting, fast-paced and entertaining survival games that have been released in the last decade, which guarantees that you can enjoy its great adventures for hours. But to do it, you must first know configure ark graphics for your pc.

Despite its great display of emotion and its ability to give us adventure and adrenaline from the first moment, Ark also suffers from being one of the games that suffers the most from the optimization of its resources since its development, so in order to get everything out of it You must necessarily optimize its potential according to the dispositions of your team.

Setting up Ark graphics

In order to configure the graphics of Ark, you must first be clear if your computer meets the minimum requirements mentioned to be able to run said game optimally and reliably, so that you do not run the risk of not having the necessary software and hardware tools to the same.

However, the complaint has been public and notable by many users of the game who claim that this It consumes excessive resources, both CPU and GPU, and still encounter problems in the fps count or other graphical obstacles that greatly impair the user experience.

These errors in the optimization of the game are due, to a large extent, to a problem with the programming code with which the game was created, which makes it extremely heavy even on the best machines available today. In this sense, the option left to players is to adapt their configuration to resolve some of these errors.

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Therefore, before explaining how to configure Ark graphics, we will first show you the minimum requirements that your computer must have. These are the following:

  • a processor Dual Core with a minimum of 2.0 ghz, although the most recommended is a 4.0 ghz Quad Core i5 processor.
  • a memory Minimum RAM of 4GB8GB being recommended.
  • Space in your 60gb hard drive
  • DX 12
  • A DX12 compatible graphics card and with an availability of 4gb VRAM
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If you do not have these recommended requirements for running Ark: Survival Evolved on your computer, the most useful thing would be for you to make an economic effort to update and optimize said equipment. If, otherwise, you meet the requirements, continue reading to explain how to improve its performance.

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Set the screen resolution

One of the first elements we must do to configure Ark’s graphics is to establish the screen parameters so that you have better optimization in terms of the resolution and quality of the images displayed by the game, since their quality is one of the most recurring complaints from users.

To do this, always keep in mind which resolution is best supported by your screen, since the recommendation is that you place the game with the same resolution and thus avoid delay, latency or other problems related to this section. In order to configure Ark graphics in terms of the screen, you only have to do the following:

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  • Right click on an empty space on your screen and choose Set Screen
  • Go to the section Screen resolution.
  • There you must choose the option of Recommended

Then, although the graphics may look clearer and sharper, you may have some performance problems in the game, so you should go to the game’s settings and change the settings there. Resolution Scale, always placing a lower one to guarantee that your screen can withstand the graphical demands of the game.

Set the graphics quality

The game Ark: Survival Evolved has several graphic quality modes according to the tastes of players who want to see more or less details when playing. Obviously, depending on the graphic quality that is chosen, it will be the demand to which you subject the computer and that can affect its performance.

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Therefore, when configuring Ark’s graphics you must take into account not only what you want, but what your computer can offer. In this sense, Ark presents 4 quality modes that you can choose from. They are the following:

  • Low quality: It is the one that you can use if your computer does not have a GPU that is sufficiently optimized for the game, since it presents few details in the graphics and many of the settings and characters look pixelated.
  • Medium quality: In this graphic quality the scenarios present greater definition and quality of details, although the characters and their movements are still not completely defined and clear. This option will allow you to play without demanding too much on your computer’s resources.
  • High quality: Here you already have a much more precise and detailed definition of both the settings and the characters and you can see all the elements of the game in great detail. Of course, you must have a powerful computer to avoid any optimization problems.
  • Epic quality: with this graphic mode the game deploys all its potential in terms of image quality and fluidity in the movements of the characters, being, obviously, the most demanding in terms of performance for your team and the one that has presented the most complaints from users. players.

Although the graphic quality greatly influences the immersion you have with the game, the recommendation is that you try the graphic modes from lowest to highest to test the capacity and performance that your computer can support and thus configure the Ark graphics of the better way.

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Improve the overall performance of your computer

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If, despite configuring Ark’s graphics, you still have some problems with it, it may be that the problem comes from a general computer performance problem.

To do this, you can check the Task Manager to verify which processes are consuming the greatest amount of CPU and GPU or if you have any other problem such as overheating. Read this article for more information

At the same time, you can also use an external program like , which allows you to carry out a series of processes such as cleaning useless temporary files, cleaning your PC’s registry and optimizing processes so that you use all the resources. in the application you require.

Define game parameters

To configure Ark’s graphics, you can change several of its parameters so that you do not have problems running and so that you can obtain greater performance and fps when playing. Change these parameters as follows within the game settings:

  • put in Low Mode the General Shadows
  • Reduces to a minimum the Soil Quality
  • It exclusively uses the mode
  • Also eliminate the Shadows of the Ground
  • Defines the Textures in Medium or Low Mode
  • Decreases the Ground Clutter
  • Turn off the option Motion blur.

With this way of configuring Ark’s graphics we assure you that you will be able to enjoy your game without problems.

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