6 Information About Advanced Tools In Minecraft To Improve Your Game – Premium Tuto

When you’re new to Minecraft, you’re more concerned with day one survival and building shelters. High-level players rely on different and advanced tricks, to give them an advantage, especially when playing in Hardcore mode.

Minecraft has an often overlooked tooltip feature that displays additional information about in-game items. The tooltip shows specific IDs for each item, but also shows more critical details: the durability of the remaining tools, weapons, and armor, as well as other important details.

How to enable advanced tooltips

The easiest way to enable advanced tooltips in Minecraft is to press F3+H at once. A message will appear on the screen stating:

When you see this, you will know that the command was successful. Some users report problems enabling tooltips this way due to hardcoded commands on their keyboard that set F3+H to another shortcut key. If your keyboard doesn’t allow it you will have to find another way to enable advanced tooltips.

There are mods that allow you to enable the feature and access other debugging commands through the options menu.

Tooltips show the remaining durability of weapons and tools.

In Vanilla Minecraft, it can be difficult to measure the number of shots left in your weapons. You may have found or caught an amazing item with powerful enchantments, but your durability gauge has been reduced to almost nothing.

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Advanced tooltips in Minecraft don’t just show an indicator. They show the exact numerical durability remaining on a given item. Take a look at the image above for an example. Using these tips also allows you to pay attention to the weapon’s damage rate.

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This could mean the difference between using your new item right away or saving it for later repairs. Although a good rule of thumb is that any damaged item you fish is usually a break use.

Tooltip shows remaining armor durability

Just as advanced tooltips in Minecraft demonstrate the remaining durability of weapons and tools, it can also show how much your armor may still suffer. Different enemies and damage types cause your armor to decrease at certain rates. The previous damage was done after a point-blank Creeper explosion.

For example, a fall might damage a pair of boots, but probably won’t damage the chest plate. Burning will damage all your armor. The armor worn by enemies will not take damage except when worn by the undead, and their helmets will take damage when they begin to burn in the sun.

Tooltips can also be used to indicate additional information about items, such as whether a hive contains bees or not. Also, the tooltip does not provide additional information, but there are other ways to use the debug menu.

F3+B activates visible hitboxes and line of sight

The F3 key in combination with another key serves not only to activate the tooltip, but also to manipulate the game’s debug menu, allowing you to display a large amount of information that you would not otherwise have access to. For example, if you press F3+BYou can see the hitboxes of different entities and their line of sight.

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This can be especially useful if you’re unsure of an enemy’s actual size. You can measure how far you need to get close to hit, as well as which direction the enemy is facing. When dealing with Endermen, you should avoid direct eye contact, and this command can help.

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F3+T reloads resource packs

Minecraft is an old game with many modifications over the years. While it generally works without problems, there are times when resource packs fail. You may experience graphical glitches or strange errors that interfere with gameplay.

When this happens, press F3+T to reload texture packs. This is especially useful if you are playing a modified version of Minecraft or have downloaded additional texture packs to improve the look of the game.

The game will pause and a loading screen will appear. Once the bar fills, the screen flashes and the game starts over with all the textures reloaded.

Alt+F3 shows the frame time graph

No one would define Minecraft as a resource-heavy game, but specific mods can certainly affect performance. If you are concerned about your in-game frame rate and want to monitor it while doing specific activities, tap Alt+F3. This opens the debug menu, with the frame timing graph added to the bottom.

You can play while this menu is on screen (although it is quite distracting) and control how your frame rate behaves during gameplay. It’s a good way to assess exactly which activities may affect your performance.

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F3+G shows the edges of the block

The world of Minecraft is divided into different sections called “chunks”, each with an area of ​​256 blocks high, 16×16, which affect gameplay throughout the world.

For example, your spawn trail (the section where you spawn in the game) is always loaded. If you have set too many redstone clocks to be delayed in this fragment, all fragments in the game will also be delayed.

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However, most of the songs are not uploaded. If you want to make sure you’re building things in different parts to avoid overlaps and potential errors, it’s important to be able to see the edges of the parts. Hurry F3+G to display them on the screen.

Once you know where the block boundaries are, you’ll be able to better plan machines, mods, and more.

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