How to Fit a Table on a Microsoft Word Page

One of the options you have Microsoft Word is inserting tables which allows you the opportunity to present the data in a much more organized and structured way by segments, to facilitate the understanding of the data but in many cases you do not know how to fit a table on a microsoft word page.

It is for this reason that in this case it will be useful to change the horizontal alignment on the page, or also adjust the document indentation settings if it is aligned to the left of the page, and below we will explain how you can do it without having a hard time.

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is designed to help you in document creation of professional quality, in addition to helping you organize and write documents more effectively.

When you create a document in Word, you can choose to start with a blank document or let a template automatically do most of the work.

From there, the steps are simple and basic so you can create and share documents, having effective tools for review and modification of Word which helps you work with other users to make the document perfect.

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Microsoft Word can be used to produce many types of documents due to its multiple features and toolsthat is, it is a word processor, being an application that you use to process, format, manipulate, save, print, share a document text based.

On the other hand, Microsoft Word also includes options such as grammar checker, and fonts, HTML support, image support, advanced page layout and more.

You can also check the grammar and spelling, as well as the complexity of your writing, using linguistic tests such as the test Flesch Reading Easewhich calculates a score on a 100-point scale.

Microsoft Word Features

The package of Microsoft Word It is the software that installs quickly, and its main functions of the program are the following:

  1. Allows the editing, text creationand be able to save a document as a file with the required extension.
  2. Find the necessary file in a information supportin addition to reading it from the disk.
  3. Manage to find the spelling errors in the existing text and review the vocabulary.
  4. Has the capacity to page the text.
  5. With the user you can format to the texts at their own discretion.
  6. Achieve the ability to create a table of contents for the document.
  7. It has the mode multi-window integrated.
  8. Allows the impression of files of various formats.
  9. achieve remove the objects from a file and embed them in it.
  10. It allows insert and create images in the file, and you can insert ready-made photos, as well as using a library called CLIPARTwhich has ready-to-use drawings stored in any format and can be inserted into a file.
  11. Look for the formula insertion scientific information and diagrams on file.
  12. In it you can resize and the type of font used in the text.
  13. Manages to highlight the necessary sections of text or blockin addition to transferring them to a new location, and can be removed if necessary.
  14. Allows the creating and inserting into a spreadsheet fileand be able to change the number of the rows and columns at your own discretion.
  15. Look into creating spreadsheet databases and perform calculations simple or complex mathematicians.
  16. It has the ability to program in a language called Word Basicas well as creating macros.
  17. They can be create letter envelopes, label and emblems.
  18. They can be insert video clips, special text effects, multimedia files and sound in the file.
  19. Has Preview before printing in the text, with the possibility of enlarging it for better viewing.
  20. This program text editor It includes a help system, where the user can get help quite quickly.
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Uses of Microsoft Word

Word offers many odds to create personal and professional documents that go beyond the simple text that has been created from 0since you can use templates designed by professionals to give it a better appearance.

In this way, with these templates you can create reports, proposals, newsletters, brochures, catalogs, flyers, CVs, business cards, invoices, receipts, product packages, labels, invitations, gift cardsamong others.

Likewise, Word is compatible with many other programs, the most common being the other components of the office suiteand had the ability to evolve over the years with online subscriptions that offer access on multiple devices, as well as a free cloud-based version of Word.

How to Fit a Table on a Word Page

In order to adjust a table in a word page It can be done following several methods, depending on the version of this office programbelow learn the different ways:

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1. Adjust a table in Word 2016

In Microsoft Word 2016 allows you to align a table to the left, center, or right of the page in the document you created, but the table cannot be set to fill the entire width of the page in the case of using these alignment options, since full width is the default state when creating a new table within Word 2016.

In this case it can be done this way:

First option

In this case you have to click anywhere in the selected table, and be able to focus it and from there, you can change the size in the bottom right of the tableand when the pointer is placed in the corner, it transforms into a double arrow. Once there, you just have to drag the arrow to the size you want.

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Second option

In this case you have to follow these steps:

You have to right click anywhere within the table.

Then you select the option Properties table in the displayed context menu.

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In the displayed window you have to go to the tab Board and in the section Alignmentand there you can define the desired level of adjustment of the table if it is to the left, right or center.

Third option

In this case you have to activate the Width box preferred and define, in the centimeters optionand the desired width for the table, that also works in the case of aligning the table towards the left side of the page, and in adjusting the indentation space from the left margin using the indentation box on the left.

Fourth Option

In this option it is available in the tab called Around which allows the main body of the document to fit into the table, and so you can avoid white spaces in the word pagein this case :

You have to select the option Around.

Then click on the button Positioning and from there define the necessary adjustment values.

Finally click on Accept to save the changes.

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2. Adjust a table in Word 2019

In word 2019you can use the reset arrow located in the lower right corner.
And you can also right click somewhere in the table and select Table Properties and from there you can define the following:

  • Do the alignment of the table whether left, right or center.
  • Achieve text wrapping where the option is Around.
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3. Adjust a table automatically with AutoFit

Among the options that Microsoft Word has is the Automatically adjust table or columns to fit the size of the content with the AutoFit button, following these steps:

You have to select the table.

Then in the tab Designin the group of Cell sizeyou click on Autotune.

Then you hit adjust the column width automatically by clicking AutoFit Contents.

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In the case of adjusting the table width automatically, click on Autotune window.

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As could be seen in Microsoft Word It allows you to enjoy a variety of options that help you keep your files better organized. To do this, we invite you to follow the steps presented in this article and know how to adjust a table in this text program.

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