How to make a high quality video teaser? Follow these steps

It’s time to find out how to make a video teaser to grab the attention of your viewers!

You may not know it, but the first sentence of this text is a teaser. This type of content is capable of attracting the attention of the public, generating expectations and even increasing views and clicks.

Do you want to know more about the teaser and its benefits for your brand? So, keep reading this text. In it, you will learn:

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One of the biggest challenges video producers face is getting content reach more people. With so many videos being posted at all times, it can be difficult to grab the attention of the public and stand out from the competition.

Fortunately, there are many ways to stream video content efficiently and reach many people. And among them is make a teaser.

Very popular, this type of medium is an alternative easy and cheap to gain relevance in the digital world. With some video editing knowledge and a bit of planning, it helps you reach a much larger audience.

Without further ado, we’ll learn what a teaser is and how to include that content in your video marketing strategy.

What is a teaser?

Before showing how to produce this type of content in practice, we have to answer an essential question: what is a teaser?

This term comes from English and means, in translation into Spanish, to provoke. And that is precisely one of the main objectives of this type of content.

Within marketing, the teaser is a technique used to attract the public with a sample of the product final. In other words, it is as if it were a “decoy”, which leads more people to be interested in what the brand is producing.

This medium is widely used in strategies of and offline. So we can find various types of teasers such as outddors, posters, brochures and, our main interest, videos!

But in all cases, the intention is the same: attract more people and spark curiosity.

Why make a video teaser?

Now that you know the main concept, you must be wondering the reasons to make a video teaser.

The truth is that the production of video teasers is very important and brings several advantages to your video marketing strategy.

Currently, we have access to a multitude of information and content on the Internet. You just have to open a website or access a social network to be bombarded with texts, images and videos of various kinds.

In such a dynamic scenario, arouse the attention of users for your content is quite a challenge. At the end of the day, you need to leave a good impression and impress the user in the first few seconds, or you will be abandoned at the expense of other content.

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In this sense, betting on the creation of teasers can make a difference when disseminating a product or service.

If your content is well planned and executed, you will be able to:

  • Increase interest in a product or service;
  • Encourage audience engagement, leading them to share your content;
  • Attract visitors and users to the brand’s website or services;
  • Generate more leads and consequently increase sales.

How to use teaser in video marketing strategy?

Although it is a powerful and quite versatile tool, how to include this type of content in a video marketing strategy?

Actually, it is easier than it seems. There are several ways to use a video teaser. Check out:

1. Presentation of a company or channel

One of the applications of a teaser is in the presentation of a brand or channel. In these cases, a short video is produced to explain, in a few seconds, your background and motivation.

The objective is make the user interested in the brand andconsequently, wants to buy your products and content. The important thing is that the teasers are able to convey the personality of the brand.

Once ready, they can be pinned to your website and spread across social media. This way, they can be played every time new visitors access your channels.

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2. Product and service launches

If your company is about to or service, you can create teasers to get the audience excited for the launch. This is one of the most common uses of this video format and it is very efficient.

Each teaser usually highlight some feature or detail of the product or servicemaking the public want to know more about him.

They are usually released a few weeks or days before the official launch on the brand’s main channels, such as the website, blogs and social networks.

This strategy can also be used to advertise events, courses or any other type of service offered by the brand.

3. Dissemination of new content

Many content producers, especially youtubersthey usually create a teaser for promote the release of unreleased videos.

In general, they usually present highlights of the content in a few seconds and that can attract the attention of the viewer.

These teasers are posted on social media a few days before the full video is released. Thus, the followers are in expectation for new contentgenerating more engagement and reach for him.

How to make a high quality video teaser?

There is no rule when making a teaser. According to the purpose of your brand, you can choose various paths.

Some producers simply decide cut the most attractive snippets from the video major. Others, in turn, create new content right from the start.

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Both options are valid and allow you to create impressive and efficient teasers. Regardless of that, the ideal is to understand the needs of the company and what it hopes to achieve.

But whatever production model you choose, it’s important plan the content well of your teaser.

In this sense, it is very important to develop a , outlining and structuring the main ideas of the video. In general, we can say that a good teaser has four main parts:

1. Provocation

It must be shocking enough to grab the attention of the audience;

2. Introduction

After the first part, it is necessary to introduce the product, explaining what it is and showing a little of what the viewer can expect;

3. Expectation

At this time, it is necessary to create expectations about the launch, presenting the best aspects of the product or service;

4. Conclusion

In the final part of the teaser, we wrap up the mystery and reveal what was being hidden from the public.

By following the four steps above, you will gain the attention of the public more easily. Just make sure you create a link to main contentsuch as a link or a .

Where to post your teaser?

After coming up with an amazing teaser, it’s time to spread it on the right platforms. At the end of the day, your content should affect the widest possible audience.

In this sense, the first step to choose where the video will be published is to consider the objectives of your brand with the production of the teaser.

If the goal is to have more reach and engagementFor example, the most popular social networks, like Facebook, are more interesting.

On these channels, video content, especially native videos, have great potential to share. Thus, your campaign can reach more people.

And because they’re short, teasers are also great for spreading on Instagram. You can do it through a normal post or share the content on the .

Also, your teasers can be posted on video-specific platformsas in a and shared on the .

And if you have a good email base, you can also send the teaser to some of your contacts. You only have to shoot a with a sexy call and that makes the user access your content.

But no matter the channel chosen, the important thing is reach and impact large numbers of people. Thus, your launch will gain maximum visibility and the number of people interested in the final product will be greater.

4 teaser examples to inspire you

If even after everything we have explained to you so far, you still have doubts about how your brand can use a teaser, don’t worry.

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We have separated below some examples of teasers that will help you plan successful content.


Mercedes Benz through this teaser managed to generate curiosity and expectation about its new vehicle. For this, they sought to show the model of the car, but they did it in a different way, leaving much to the user’s imagination and creating expectations about its launch.

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The American clothing brand H&M launched a Summer Teaser, in which it sought to show that the spirit of Coachella was everywhere.

For this, they gathered a squad and prepared it to spend fun and relaxed moments in the middle of the desert, the outfits that H&M sought to use on this occasion sought to give a fresh image.

Because, it wouldn’t matter if you were planning to enjoy a concert or just let your “inner self” out in the desert. Whatever you do, remember to spend an incomparable summer with the entire H&M collection.

VIDEO | H&M teaser example

3. Red Bull

Red Bull has always accustomed us to showing us the best images and scenarios accompanied by music that leaves us with a dose of adrenaline, and this is one more case where the energizer brand presents us with one of its exhibitions applying a teaser video where in a short time we It opens our eyes and leaves us without blinking with the long-awaited return of one of the most recognized snowboarders in the world, Travis Rice.

VIDEO | Red Bull Teaser Example

4. Apple

Apple is known for the quality and status of its products. During the launch of one of its most recent smartphones, the brand invested in a cinematic teaser, which seeks highlight the main features of the new phone.

The content, in addition to entertaining and capturing the viewer’s attention, presents only some details of the design and the main functions of the new iPhone, but without giving all the information.

In this way, the content can instigate the audience, who are left wanting to know more details. Notice!

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Now that you know how to make a high-quality teaser, it’s time to get down to business.

With the tips and examples that we have gathered in this text, you will be able to produce amazing videos and pique the curiosity of your audience.

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