Digital nomads: work and travel at the same time

More and more people are betting on alternative lifestyles and these changes do not refer only to personal aspects, but mainly to professional ones.

Among the various options of , digital nomads are one that attracts the attention of those who want to work, but who do not give up the option of traveling and learning about new cultures.

Have you thought about taking a plane, carrying only the basics to survive, and seeing another country?

We are not talking about going on vacation, but about staying for months or even years between one place and another.

Working while traveling was the way that digital nomads found to be able to support themselves economically and even more, to do what they love, travel.

As it is a lifestyle that has recently become popular, there are still many doubts on the subject. Therefore, here we offer you a complete guide explaining in detail:

After reading this post you will understand better how you can become a digital nomad and work traveling the world.

What are digital nomads?

By definition, digital nomads are people who take advantage of technology to.

They live without a fixed address and they are showing the world not only that this is possible, but that it is worth leaving everything to carry out personal projects.

Digital nomads do not depend on a fixed base to carry out their activities, so it is possible to combine work with travel.

As the origin of the word that classifies them already says: nomad is the person who does not have a fixed home, who lives permanently changing places. This is how the nomads of past centuries understood their lifestyle, freedom and flexibility are part of the essence of their essence.

Contrary to common sense, digital nomads are not on sabbatical, nor do they use that lifestyle to “find themselves”.

In reality, they saw remote work as a possibility to have more time to carry out other life projects.

Most of them are entrepreneurs and liberal professionals who got tired of the routine imposed by the traditional work model and decided to establish their own routine and priorities.

It is clear that in order to have this lifestyle, it is necessary to prepare before letting go of everything and starting to travel.

Therefore, if you are thinking of being a digital nomad, remember to prepare yourself financially for initial and unforeseen expenses.

What is life like as a digital nomad?

There are several important aspects in the lives of people who decide to work while traveling. Among them, we select the 3 main ones:

1. Technology is your great ally

The use of technology is one of the key elements in the life of digital nomads. They are always connected, sharing content and working.

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That’s right, these people have adapted their entire working life so that activities can be carried out from anywhere and at any time.

For their work, they only need access to the Internet, a computer or any other mobile device.

2. Minimalist routine

Like almost all human activity, living traveling has its costs.

Although digital nomads are not backpackers or looking for a completely cost-free lifestyle, many try to save as much as possible and are adept at the minimalist lifestyle.

But we can’t confuse minimalism with a lack of desire to be financially successful.

People who choose this lifestyle are quite aware of the need to earn money. Even most of them are entrepreneurs and freelancers who use to offer and sell their services.

However, as these people are likely to travel to different parts of the world, it is not always possible to have a luxurious environment for eating and sleeping. After all, there are several countries with precarious accommodation situations, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need to stop knowing them.

Therefore, when making the decision to work while traveling, keep in mind that, at times, you will have a fairly minimalist routine.

3. Several action options

Despite being a recent lifestyle, as we mentioned at the beginning of the text, the number of people who decide to stop working in conventional work environments to become more and more.

Digital business is at the top of the most attractive activities in the modern world for providing flexibility, convenience and great professional freedom.

Also, the quality of life for self-employed people tends to be much higher.

For starters, they have more flexible hours, which gives you more free time to have fun, and invest in your own health.

But what seems to attract more attention from those who want to be a digital nomad is the possibility of working as they see fit.

The action options are varied and range from digital entrepreneurs to professions considered more traditional, such as a teacher (we will address this topic further throughout the text).

How do digital nomads make money?

When talking about digital nomads, one of the first questions that comes up is about how they can earn money to support that lifestyle.

In the end, having a source of income is essential for these people to be able to stay on the road for so long, without a fixed address.

The truth is that digital nomads don’t quit work and wander the world just spending what they’ve saved up over the years.

Rather, they carry their work with them, all the time, anywhere.

This is how they stay, offering their services online while they travel.

There are several online platforms that allow you to negotiate with employers, such as Workana, 99 freelance and In addition, the professional who already had an established career before traveling can continue to provide services to former clients and thus escape the fees charged by brokers.

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So if you’re thinking of becoming a digital nomad, we recommend that you start now to ensure that people continue to search for your services, even when you’re no longer at a physical address.

In addition, there is always the possibility of undertaking digitally. You can, for example, own an e-commerce, create an online course or sell third-party products in exchange for a commission.

The ways to earn money as a digital nomad vary. You just have to understand what you like to do the most and specialize in it.

Where do digital nomads work?

Most of the digital nomads make a living working exclusively on the Internet, be it selling conferences, developing websites, etc.

Generally, they are specialists in their areas of activity and that is why they manage to offer their quality services to their clients and consumers.

Being in constant movement, they depend on technology to carry out their activities. That is why it is possible to work at home or in public environments such as libraries, cafes and coworking spaces, which are becoming more common, especially in large urban centers.

Coworking spaces are minimalist, prioritize interaction between people and allow access to the Internet, with the obvious advantage that everyone is there to work. Therefore, do not compromise your .

They are also a good alternative to take away the loneliness that can be recurrent in the life of those who work while traveling.

Advantages and disadvantages of that lifestyle

There are several advantages and disadvantages to living a flexible life, without a fixed address and working remotely.

The secret of digital nomads is the ability to avoid negative aspects and take advantage of all the business opportunities that arise.

Let us now see the main changes that occur in the life of those who work while traveling.


Possibility of knowing several places in the world

Digital nomads are constantly on the move, which allows them to get to know different parts of the world, come into contact with new cultures, markets and, above all, with new people.

Traveling is actually one of the main pleasures shared by digital nomads. They love to walk the roads and do not take root anywhere.

Own your own business

To earn money, people in this lifestyle are investing more and more in the spirit.

This is the best path for those who want to have professional and financial freedom.

Being your own boss expands the horizon of possibilities for these professionals.

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flex work

One of the advantages of working while traveling is the great flexibility of schedules.

Digital nomads can work on weekends, late at night, or any time they feel most productive.

They decide when and where they want to work, so as not to lose any experience on their journey.

It is important to be careful when it comes to negotiating with employers from countries whose time zone is very different from yours, as these people may demand work at different hours than the one you are available.

Quality of life

Not surprisingly, doing what we love gives us a better quality of life.

Being tied to an exhausting job that impedes flexibility or does not encourage professional creativity is physically and psychologically exhausting.

Digital nomads believe that taking advantage of the journey is much more important than reaching the final destination.


Greater personal risk

Arriving in a different country is often a bit strange, especially when we are not used to the local language and customs.

There is also a financial risk involved, as the professional freelancer does not have a guaranteed source of income and needs to save an amount before traveling.

Distance from loved ones and friends

Although digital nomads do not have fixed roots, they end up creating bonds wherever they go. Not to mention the family and friends who remain in their homeland.

Contact can always be made through social media, video and phone calls, but some sadness is inevitable.

Therefore, it is very important to prepare emotionally before traveling.

Whenever possible, invite friends or family on a trip together, because this way you can better manage the distance over a period of time.

difficulty working

Whoever chooses to earn money working online needs to always be connected.

However, not all places are prepared to offer quality access to the Internet.

Digital nomads can find it difficult to carry out their work, especially when they are in more isolated and less developed regions.

no vacation

As work is part of the routine of digital nomads, they are unaware of concepts such as vacations, holidays and weekends.

They are always working, even when they are not actually sitting at the computer, as they work according to demand.

Digital nomads need frequent access to the phone to answer customer emails, resolve issues related to their digital business, and much more.

How to become a nomad…

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