All Vodafone mobile rates: unlimited Vodafone data



  • Data unlimited

  • Unlimited calls

  • High speed

  • without permanence


  • Data unlimited

  • Unlimited calls

  • High speed

  • without permanence


  • Data: Data 30GB cumulative*

  • Unlimited calls

  • 5G speed

  • without permanence


  • Data: Data 60GB cumulative*

  • Unlimited calls

  • 5G speed

  • without permanence

Vodafone mobile rates

Vodafone is one of the companies that offer the most options in its mobile rates, so you can choose, depending on your needs, the Vodafone mobile offer that best suits you:

Vodafone unlimited data: how are they different?

The red company presents several options in its Vodafone unlimited mobile rates. The main difference between them is the browsing speed they offer: 2 Mbps, 10 Mbps and maximum speed (300 Mbps), although all of them have 5G speed.



In the following sections, you will be able to see each of the Unlimited Vodafone rates in more detail.

Advanced Unlimited Vodafone Rate

With Vodafone’s unlimited data rate called Unlimited Advanced Mobile Rate an average speed of 10 Mbps can be reached. It allows browsing at a higher speed than the previous one.

You won’t have to worry about having your location activated constantly or uploading too many photos on your social networks like Instagram. It is also more than enough to play streaming content in HD. The use of free Roaming in European countries, the United Kingdom or the USA with this rate is limited to 22 GB.


with any of the Vodafone mobile rates you can hire a television package to enjoy the or .

Unlimited Vodafone Plus rate

The Vodafone Plus unlimited rate with unlimited Vodafone calls and data It is the one that offers the best benefits. It allows browsing at maximum speed reaching up to 300 Mbps when uploading and downloading files from the Internet.

It is aimed at those who use applications that require greater data transfer such as online video games, map applications, high-quality video conferencing or streaming videos in Ultra HD and 4K. Roaming in this rate is limited to 24 GB.


Vodafone contract mobile rate

Vodafone has a mobile offer for those who don’t need unlimited gigs. This Vodafone mobile rate It has cumulative gigabytes so you can accumulate the megabytes that you don’t spend.


Do you want cheap deals? If these offers do not interest you, we advise you to consult our specialized article on those on the market.

Mobile offers Vodafone Yu

Vodafone Yu is the section of the red company aimed at a younger audience. Among all the offers it offers, we highlight the Vodafone Yu mobile rateswith two different options:

Vodafone additional lines

With the Vodafone mobile rates it is possible to add up to four additional lines to our invoice. In addition, additional Vodafone lines have a €5 discount during the first 12 months of contracting. Different mobile deals offered by Vodafone in their additional lines are:

Vodafone additional lines Rates for additional lines Discounted price 15 GB and 200min €10.79/month GB and unlimited calls(High speed) €16.20/month GB and unlimited calls(Maximum speed) €21.60/month

How to hire a mobile rate with Vodafone?

You have several ways to contract one of its Vodafone unlimited data offers. Perhaps the fastest way is to do it through the company’s website or by calling: 22123. In addition, you can also go to any of its physical stores.

You will only need to notify the company of the rate you want and you must provide the personal data of the line holder (ID, postal address, bank account, etc.) in order to formalize the contract. Once you have the card, all you have to do is insert it into your mobile to .

In the event that you contract a rate of , you can only use unlimited data for social media and messaging apps.

If in addition to the mobile lines, you also need the , with the free, you can contract one of the convergent rates that also include the Free Vodafone TV Series Fans TV Pack.

In the event that you hire one of these unlimited data ratesyou can check your accessing your private area .

Other unlimited data rates

Frequently asked questions about Vodafone mobile rates

If you have contracted one Vodafone basic mobile rate and you want to make it unlimited, you must contact the company to carry out this process.

Vodafone offers three types of unlimited rates. These offers are differentiated by the speed it offers. this speed Vodafone unlimited it can vary between 2Mbps and 300Mbps. Therefore, you can contract from an average speed to the maximum 5G speed.

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